question about action movies

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Jun 13, 2009
Excuse me, if this is off topic: but sometimes shotgun-myth's from actionmovies are disscussed here. My question is about movies that have cool shotgun-action, I miss cool shotgun' in the latest actionmovies. Any recommend's ?
Forget the movies. Try the Half-Life saga. Shotgun and crowbar all the way. Though I've never quite understood how the pump action alt fire is a double burst.
I've always liked the end of Way of the Gun, quite a bit of shotguns involved. The 2nd half is up on youtube but I won't post it, would ruin the ending for those that haven't seen it. It's a great movie and as far as I can remember doesn't do anything stupid gun-wise.
The Ugly Truth starring Katherine Heigl and Queen Leonidas Spas 12 and Atchisson action. Leonidas actually hits Katherine Heigl with a load of copper plated 4's out of a Pistol Gripped Saiga as well.
I think the most badass shotgun scene was Arnold's use of the sawed off lever action in Terminator 2.
I love the part in Open Range when Duvall's character wastes that dude with both barrels of his side by side through the wall of the building he's holed up in. It's a little dramatized, but pretty awesome nonetheless. The whole gunfight is one of the best in my opinion.
About 4:10 is where this part is if you haven't seen it.
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another favorite would be the time in Mrs. Doubtfire when Robin Williams character goes over the edge and attacks his ex wife with a NEF break barrel .410. He misses though.
Don't go callin' Clint effete, now y'hear?

(I admit that Unforgiven isn't exactly a "recent" or "action" movie, but by god, it's one of the must-sees)
My favorite Hollywood shotgun action is the end of LA Confidential. Russell Crowe and his pump get after it, uh-huh.
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