Question about V15

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Jun 20, 2007
Pensacola, FL
There is a V15 I am looking at and I have a question or two about them. First, this is the California neutered one, so it has a blind pin installed to hold the mag in. Can this pin be taken out and have the mag release swapped with a Bullet Button, or is this mechanically not possible?

Also, if anybody here has one, how do you like it. I am trying to get some feedback on what they are like.


The V15 is made by Vulcan Armament and as such is not renowned for its quality. Most people feel that Vulcan is one of the worst AR manufacturers. They use substandard parts and materials, and their builds have been known to have many problems. There are people who do own Vulcans that have gotten good ones that run fine, however, but I would place them in the minority.

You should be able to remove the pin holding the magazine in, but from what I understand it is not the easiest thing to do. Honestly, for the amount of work it would take I would just buy a stripped lower and install the bullet button from the get go. If you want to get an AR on the cheap, then buy a stripped lower and get a kit from Del-Ton. Del-Ton's quality is a lot better than Vulcan's.
Vulcan Quality
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