Question about Zombies

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Not to mention the Vorpal Bunny. This requires the Holy Hand Grenade of Antioch. Zombies generally need only a 12 gauge with extended magazine.
zombies; unthinking, unfeeling, following blindly, lead totally by emotion, gut reaction, first feeling. Unquestioning, seeking out only to fulfill , that which is their pleasure, that gives them nothing of hardship or pain, but seeking ease,
looking to prey upon, those who cannot arm or defend themselves, preferably.
Following only their own desires, unless controlled or acted upon, by a more central, leading entity. yeah, the UN-dead, is what i'm talking about.
That is why in Texas, there is a call that goes out, 'round midnight, an unfamiliar call to the mindless, an unknown shout, that is mistaken by the UN-dead, and any central entities, often for wild animals,or the wind, or sounds of the night, or maybe in their own minds. But it is us , honing, harmonizing, practicing our calls, being able to call out across whole towns and cities, in mere minutes, giving the messages, the Clarion call.
If you here this call, and you are not sure what it is, If you are still one of the alive and free, able to defend yourself and others, listen to the call, let it get into your mind, and you will start to feel the rythyms and the messages of the calls; It will be then you , and the other De-animators of your town, your city, your county, or State, communicating.... warning of when the Zombies come.
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