Question for Oregon hunters

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Sep 23, 2004
I just moved to Oregon last year, and this will be my first time hunting in Oregon this season. I have read all the rules, regs, tips, etc I have been able to get my hands on, from the internet, magazines, and from the Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife regulation manuals, but there is 1 thing still that I cant find mentioned anywhere.Can you legally hunt with a centerfire rifle from a tree stand in Oregon? I can only find a handfull of references to tree stands at all, and they all are online articles talking about bow hunting.Oregon DFW booklets and websites dont even mention stands anywhere except once, and thats a safety reminder on thier website to inspect your tree stand before getting in it to be safe.I gather stands are legal for bow hunting, since I see lots of online articles about it, but I cant find anything anywhere that actually says stands are legal to use, even for bow hunting.I cant find ANY references to rifles and stands at all. Not a single article or warning, or anything.The lack law/regulation on this in the ODFW booket strikes me as very odd.So, does anyone know what the law/regulation is with regards to centerfire rifle hunting from a stand in Oregon? (For blacktails and black bear, if it makes a difference....)
Thanks in advnce.
AFAIK it is perfectly legal. If it's not specifically verboten in the general regulations, there's no reason for me to think it may be against the law. Why might it be illegal?
Why might it be illegal?

I know that some states only allow bow hunting from tree stands, rifle hunting from a stand is illegal (this was the case in Michigan when when I was growing up there, but I see they have changed that law now).Just wasnt sure what the deal was here, since this will be my first hunting season in Oregon, and stands aren't mentioned anywhere AT ALL, which Just seemed odd to me, but I guess it shouldn't. Not mentioned probly means it's legal and I'm just paranoid.....:uhoh::)
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