question for target shooters...

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Feb 14, 2003
Last nite I shot really bad for me. The scenario is .22 with red dot 50 ft which i generally shoot at least in the 270's and over 280 on the good days. I shot a 253 last nite and it's enough to make this guy wanna sell off the gun and take up ohh, tiddly winks or something. So In my warmup of 2 slow fire and 1 rapid fire everything was looking fairly good, or no worse than usual and the rounds were centered around the bull with even a few in on all targets. Now for the match I shoot my slow. Everything feels good but I'm not spotting it, trying to avoid match jitters and frustration. I even felt a few that HAD to be in or very close. When i pull the target in everything is off to the right and I'm looking at what turned out to be a 79. I never shoot that bad. :banghead:

So, anyone want to give me a hint as to whats going wrong. I shoot very well in practice but always seem to mess up when it's match time. I know about jitters and match pressure but don't feel I was affected by this last night, I felt very relaxed and at ease, at least on the slow fire, but after seeing that target you know i was uhhh, a little frustrated. I did get 7 bulls 2-nines and one off in the netherlands on the rapid. which we all laughed about pretty good. Imagine, one round the difference between a 98 and an 88... :cuss:

thanx archie, could be....


later,,,yup, youre right. ive been told that you can't aim incorrectly with a red dot but i see now, that if i'd spotted the target (lesser of 2 evils here) i'd have seen i was shooting to the right and could have shifted my rear foot a little farther back and would probably have corrected the position of the dot in the scope.

there was no other indications i was shooting so bad as it all felt relaxed and normal.

thanx a heap!

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Your references to jitters say more than the technical aspects of your post. Read "With winning in mind" by Lanny Basham.

Oh, as for the technical aspect, check your NPA often and scope your target.
Sounds like you're trying to snatch a ten. This is a psychological issue. You know it can't be done (so you don't try during practice) but you try during a match 'cause it's so important to get the 10 ring.

Something that has helped me was breaking down my process into its various stages. Then, I can actually work on any one stage and examine the effects on my score. When you do this, it's easier to experiment with "snatching a 10", and easier to see how a nice smooth release during minimal arc is much better. This helped me convince myself to stop trying to snatch the ten.

If you don't have it already, get the Army Marksmanship Training Guide. It describes the various stages of a making a shot.
We used to keep a piece a chalk in our pistole box.Get your body postion set mark where your feet are believe it or not it works.
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