Question for the Mods and Oleg

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Oct 11, 2007
Plus it distracted from the main mission of THR

In another thread Scout 26 said what is quoted above. It dovetails nicely into what I was thinking about when I was routing some trim for my cabin.

I have been on here since October, when I went on medical leave. Actually I have been on here too much since October. I'm sure some of you could do without me altogether. I am wondering if any of the mods or Oleg would answer one simple question.


I won't venture my guess since I would like it straight from the horse's mouth.
Think its something about "Furthering the image of gun owners as reasonable individuals"

can`t be too far off i hope :p

The answer to your question can be found in the "Forum Rules" link at the top right corner of the screen.
The fact that people don't know this, and haven't read it, probably leads to most of the problems. It's pretty clear to me.....

won't venture my guess since I would like it straight from the horse's mouth.

Don't have to guess, he wrote it down:
(understand that TFL closed and THR opened as a result of that, TFL came back later)

Welcome to The High Road, an online discussion board dedicated to the discussion and advancement of responsible firearms ownership. It is the declared mission of this board to achieve and provide the highest quality of firearms discussion on the Internet, a standard set by the discussion board The Firing Line from 1998-2002.

Everyone is welcome to participate, regardless of political affiliation, gender, religion, nationality, or stance on gun ownership. We aim to respect every point of view, as long as it is presented in a polite and factual manner. You only need to provide a name and a valid email address to participate. We do not sell that information to anyone.
Welcome to The High Road, an online discussion board dedicated to the discussion and advancement of responsible firearms ownership. It is the declared mission of this board to achieve and provide the highest quality of firearms discussion on the Internet, a standard set by the discussion board The Firing Line from 1998-2002.

Everyone is welcome to participate, regardless of political affiliation, gender, religion, nationality, or stance on gun ownership. We aim to respect every point of view, as long as it is presented in a polite and factual manner. You only need to provide a name and a valid email address to participate. We do not sell that information to anyone

I have seen that and read it. It does not appear that that mission statement is strictly adhered to in practice. Sounds good on paper but I am not certain as to what the Mods or Oleg actually believe that means. That is why I posted it as a question for the them.
Try going to some of the other boards where people throw around racial slurs and childish insults all day. I find THR refreshing because that sort of silliness is not a pervasive theme here.
Try going to some of the other boards where people throw around racial slurs and childish insults all day. I find THR refreshing because that sort of silliness is not a pervasive theme here.
Exactly why I choose THR after reading on a few forums. It was a breath of fresh air and I knew I had found a home. Been having a good time here ever since, sharing a little knowledge, while learning a lot. AC
I'm intersted in what a mod has to say. I find myself doing 75%-90% of my posting here due to the mature way most of the posters and the Mods conduct themselves. I feel it's the finest gun site on the planet.
Using great restraint to avoid quoting the mission statement of Zardoz...
But yes, this is one of the best-moderated boards I've ever come across... despite its high activity, rules are followed and civil discourse remains.
It is the declared mission of this board to achieve and provide the highest quality of firearms discussion on the Internet
I think that says it all. It's a pretty high standard, and we all strive to achieve it. Doesn't mean we always succeed, but we do try. And I think we've done an admirable job so far. And by we, I mean all of us, members and staff alike.

I haven't been on staff all that long (less than two years), but I am proud to count myself as a member in good standing here.
"I have seen that and read it. It does not appear that that mission statement is strictly adhered to in practice. Sounds good on paper but I am not certain as to what the Mods or Oleg actually believe that means. That is why I posted it as a question for the them."

GrandpaShooter - can you elaborate on the "It does not appear...." part?
It is the declared mission of this board to achieve and provide the highest quality of firearms discussion on the Internet, a standard set by the discussion board The Firing Line from 1998-2002.

As a retired DoD civilian, I'm pretty familiar with mission statements. That one seems pretty clear and straightforward to me.

You say: I have seen that and read it. It does not appear that that mission statement is strictly adhered to in practice. Sounds good on paper but I am not certain as to what the Mods or Oleg actually believe that means. That is why I posted it as a question for the them.

As to believing it, I can assure you I most certainly do- and though of course I cannot speak for Oleg or the other staff members here, I sincerely believe if they did not feel the same way they wouldn't be here doing what they do. It's for sure no one does it for money... and though I'm among the newest of the staff here, I haven't noticed anyone embarking on power trips since I've been able to see the 'seam side' (as in sewing, how everything's put together) of the board.

As to the mission statement being strictly adhered to in practice, it might not always. There are not a lot of us, and we are but human. We don't see everything as soon as it gets posted here (it took me six hours to see this thread after all), some things do trash up the place for a while before they get cleaned up. And it IS a discussion board, open to the public, so almost anything can happen. But anything that any member bothers to report as a problem is going to get attention, and if it's sufficiently objectionable the responsible poster is going to get some attention too.

Of course no one here is perfect- members, staff or even Oleg. As I said, we're human, every one. Could we do better? Given unlimited time to spend here, sure. But in the relatively short time I've been doing this, I have seen a lot more of what makes THR tick than I did as a member. And the staff here is IMHO an admirable bunch. What decided them to include me among their number I don't know- must have been sheer desperation.

Is there something in particular that prompted your question?

My opinion has always been there are two reasons behind the declared mission of providing the highest quality firearms discussion.

First, most of us have been to other firearms boards and have found too many of them to be full of disgraceful behavior. Something about the anonymity of the internet can bring out the worst in the weak minded. This board expressly wants to provide a place for civil, civilized discussion of firearms, their use and RKBA for those of us tired of the sites populated with internet misanthropes.

Second, it is a form of RKBA activism to have a board like this where the members conduct themselves in such a manner that anyone can see that the propaganda from the gun prohibitionists is a lie. A board where gun owners are just like anyone else the undecided and uninformed might trust instead of the sociopaths we're painted to be. Too many boards allow (even promote) behavior that plays right into the anti's hands by fleshing out the cartoonish stereotypes of gun owners as people that can't be trusted. The members of those boards do more harm to the RKBA than twice as many soccer moms who only see the Brady Campaign's side of the issue. THR wants to provide a place that anyone can see that the stereotypes are wrong.

But, that's just my perspective on the place.
Something about the anonymity of the internet can bring out the worst in the weak minded.

One of the reasons that prompted me to abandon the anonymity of the internet.

The mission statement is taken seriously and believed in by the staff.
We might not reach that goal all the time as that's a right high bar that's been set. But we're trying. Many of the private discussions among the moderators have two main topics-how to prevent THR from devolving, and how to make it even better than it is.
Mike summed up anything I might have said, better than I could have said it.

I believe in that mission; this is the only place I participate.
I want us to win the PR war for the future of RKBA. THR is the place where fence-sitters and even antis can see the responsible, intelligent and upstanding facets of the world-wide gun owner population.
I am so pleased to be here!

I think that I may point my ambivalent/anti girlfriend to this thread. Unless she's back-tracked me internet usage of curiosity, I don't think she's ever been to this forum, although she knows that I've been here for about a year. I feel like reading the responses of the moderators to this thread, all of which touched me with their sincerity and passion, would go a long way in her understanding of all of this firearm stuff, and specifically how it relates to her life through my gun ownership.

+1, as they say, to all the moderators who posted above.

Thank you for your responses.

This is in no way intended to be a mod bashing, even though sm says Thursday is the day for it. This is an uneasy feeling that has come on me over time and finally broke to the surface today. The specific events that triggered it are two. One was the rapid closing of a thread started by daorhgih entitled Forewarned is Forearmed by the JPHO warning us of one more attempt by the BATFE to squelch citizens rights where Art Eatman said “Far more political than legal, however. Don't need a BATFE bashfest, for all that I enjoy some bashings...”. The tone of that response irritated me in that it seemed to dismiss the gravity of the post. If indeed the mission of THR is to provide “an online discussion board dedicated to the discussion and advancement of responsible firearms ownership.” And if, “It is the declared mission of this board to achieve and provide the highest quality of firearms discussion on the Internet, a standard set by the discussion board The Firing Line from 1998-2002. And if, “ Everyone is welcome to participate, regardless of political affiliation, gender, religion, nationality, or stance on gun ownership. We aim to respect every point of view, as long as it is presented in a polite and factual manner.” How is it that one moderator has the power to shut down a well thought out, informative and in my opinion valuable thread, while the constant, “my gun is better than your gun” threads continue to pile up unchallenged. I don’t believe that constantly hashing which gun is better is fundamental to preserving our rights as citizens. I fear that we allow ourselves to be distracted by fluff and allow the fundamental issues become clouded.
The second occurrence was seeing that a thread started by SamTuckerMTNMAN which was closed by one of the mods on the grounds of conspiracy mongering was resurrected. The title is “RFID not tin foil….” Seeing it again reminded me that when someone such as Sam tries to point out that technological advances are quickly encroaching on our fundamental rights of privacy and can be used against us by an unfriendly governmental agency, it is ridiculed by those who seem to deny the threats to our fundamental rights and potentially to our second amendment rights, and such threads are quickly closed.
I do not understand how this forum can claim to promote the image of “ it is a form of RKBA activism to have a board like this where the members conduct themselves in such a manner that anyone can see that the propaganda from the gun prohibitionists is a lie. A board where gun owners are just like anyone else the undecided and uninformed might trust instead of the sociopaths we're painted to be. Too many boards allow (even promote) behavior that plays right into the anti's hands by fleshing out the cartoonish stereotypes of gun owners as people that can't be trusted. The members of those boards do more harm to the RKBA than twice as many soccer moms who only see the Brady Campaign's side of the issue. THR wants to provide a place that anyone can see that the stereotypes are wrong.”, and at the same time squelch intellectual discourse on the environment in which we are attempting to maintain, and hopefully regain our fundamental rights. Is it the mission of THR to promote the image of gun toting passive individuals who are trying so hard to be “acceptable” that they willingly muzzle themselves to look good to the gun haters? I fail to see the logic in that approach. I do not accept anyone compromising away my fundamental rights by portraying me as a “go along to get along” kind of person.
I understand that it is Oleg’s perogative to operate this forum by his rules. If he came to my house he would be subject to my rules. I would not however at any point prohibit him from making an impassioned argument for his fundamental beliefs. It is the impassioned discussions and sometimes arguments which undergird our most cherished traditions and rights. Calm, concise language is always preferable to rampant emotionalisms. However,I can not imagine Patrick Henry standing with his peers and quietly, like Casper Milquetoast, say, “Give me liberty or give me death” I see it more like an impassioned man standing on a chair, shouting down the noise in the room, and at the top of his voice, yelling “GIVE ME LIBERTY, OR GIVE ME DEATH! There are times when standing toe to toe and declaring, “ENOUGH!” is the only reasonable course of action.
I am not challenging Oleg’s right to make rules. I do wonder if squelching intelligent discourse is the right thing to do at this time. I think we need more intellect and less, “my gun is better than your gun, or, all Hi Points are junk” Just my opinion.

Grandpa Shooter said: Calm, concise language is always preferable to rampant emotionalisms. However,I can not imagine Patrick Henry standing with his peers and quietly, like Casper Milquetoast, say, “Give me liberty or give me death” I see it more like an impassioned man standing on a chair, shouting down the noise in the room, and at the top of his voice, yelling “GIVE ME LIBERTY, OR GIVE ME DEATH! There are times when standing toe to toe and declaring, “ENOUGH!” is the only reasonable course of action.

You weren't around for Legal and Political, were you?

That subforum, and indeed the entire forum in general, became less "calm, concise" exchanges, but rather more "impassioned, shouting". It seemed there at times it became a competition for who could be the loudest, tallest person on that chair. Legal and Political was widely regarding as a cesspool that few wanted to wade into anymore. And those who had taken a dip in it weren't showering off before coming to relax in the hot tub with the rest of us.

It became too much. Rather than productive, it became divisive. Arguments and bad blood flowed openly on the rest of the board. Ultimately we had to conclude we were not fulfilling that mission well, nor were we showing our best colors.

Hard decision. But we got rid of Political. No doubt Patrick Henry wouldn't have liked it much. That's OK. Discourse akin to Patrick Henry's has its place, and there are times when its appropriate. But for some the need to express oneself with righteous indignation took on more importance than the goal of presenting a place for civil, polite, reasonable discourse. Reading some of those exchanges, there were times I felt some sort of civil war had broken out and it was time to choose sides.

We aren't at that point.

We got rid of Political. That's just the way it is. Providing the disgruntled with a microphone isn't what we're here for. But that's what the board was becoming. You might be OK with that going on in your house. We prefer things a little differently here.

Given a choice between the common, banal "I like xyz guns better than abc" and the common, equally banal, "Give me LIBERTY or give me DEATH!" soapbox speeches, I would rather the former. There is less passion, less divisiveness, and more congenial conversation when the most we can disagree on is which caliber for zombies.

You weren't here. But rest assured, as commonly as you see the 9mm vs 45 debates, we saw an equal amount of cop-bashing rants; government-hating table-pounding speeches, shrill shouting matches, and a general breakdown of gentlemenly discourse. The Staff closed more threads, edited more posts, and banned more people over behavior in L&P than anywhere else on the board.

It got old. It got tired. Eventually far too often it got nasty. Then it got done. It is no more.

I imagine anyone who was here then, and remembers how things digressed, would probably agree we're better off after that decision.
Grandpa Shooter, what I find most appealing and compelling about The High Road is the sense of real people here. That generally phrased mission statement also gave me pause at first, but after a while I recognized that it's appropriate for this place.

The mission statement--and the forum name--points a general direction, not a specific destination. There's no predicting the destination and that's not important anyway. The High Road is not a political forum, not a firearm-brand-specific forum, and not a great many other things either. It's a support forum for people who enjoy firearms for one legitimate reason or another and want a reasonably civilized place to discuss them and issues arising from them. It supports civilization and the people in it.

Like any civilized place there's great latitude for differences and heated disagreements. And like any civilized place where real people come together at will, there are times when discussions turn into disputes and transform into potential or actual explosions. There's nothing necessarily wrong with that either: real people care hard about things that matter to them.

Real people are also different from one another even when they have a special interest in common. Different ways to see the world, different tones, different personalities ... different. One intriguing characteristic of this place is that it tends to encourage autonomy. I like that. The moderators are interesting too because, as you probably know, they're all volunteers and all different too. A characteristic they seem to share is that they tend to behave like hosts instead of like surrogate cops. They also communicate the sense of being real people. Not bad at all.

As at a dinner table or party, the hosts use their judgment about when or whether to intervene. And if at times I don't share their opinion it just doesn't matter at all, not even to me. The particular judgment isn't important. It's the environment that matters.

Dunno if the above helps. It's not a criticism of you but a perspective that might be useful. If not, ignore it.
I fulfill my quota of time with various mental midgets every day. I suspect there are thousands of sites that support irrational behavior. I come here to experience a change of pace, and participate in intelligent discussion. Perhaps that why this is "The High Road" and not something else.
I do wonder if squelching intelligent discourse is the right thing to do at this time.

I have been hanging out here for years, and I have to say that I have never seen an intelligent discourse squelched - except for being off topic. And I have to say that even when a discourse strays from the topic, the mods generally cut it quite a bit of slack, when it's truly intelligent discourse. Ranting, conspiracy theories, racism, and name calling do not get much slack - which is exactly the way it should be.

Oleg, et. al. do an incredible job and I am grateful to them for the work that they do.

Oleg, et. al. do an incredible job and I am grateful to them for the work that they do.

Ditto. I've deleted accounts on at least 3 other boards, including arfcom, to read and post mainly here.

Not a bash on any other board but there just isn't any point in going anywhere else.
THR is the best site, bar none, for all things RKBA.

And if you don't think it's High Road, spend time at Arfcom (of which I'm a paying team member) and see the immaturity and foul language or at the two popular 1911 sites that are severely over-moderated.
Grandpa Shooter, I don't disagree with the seriousness of that thread that I closed. I closed it as off-topic for the Legal Forum. The problems with political issues have been well-addressed, above.

This is my tenth year of moderating, beginning in 1999 at The Firing Experience teaches about Internet website behavior as well as about shooting and hunting. One thing that is commonplace is that any thread with that sort of subject degenerates rapidly into venting, ranting and bashing. VRB does not help us appear to be rational, mature adults in the eyes of the public at large--which is a major part of our deal, here.

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