Question on something I read

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Ester IX:XVI

Oct 28, 2009
North West of Most People
I was reading an article in Mens Journal, here's the on-line version, it slightly edited from the mag. article
In the magazine Mr. Tyler said he had a fellow sniper that was shooting out a window with the gun barrel resting on the iron window grill, this lead to a 'magnatic reaction' (i don't remember his exact words) that total changed the accuracy of the bullet. Can this actually happen? I'm use to shotguns but with a rifle how easy is it to change the flight path of a bullet and if it is a magnetic responce would Hi-Power electric lines cause the same problems?
God bless our soldiers!!!
I've never heard of it.

I think this sounds like a good episode of MythBusters. Line a barrel with high powered magnets and see if the POI changes in the least.
Applying tension to the barrel in that manner can easily reduce the accuracy of the bullet, but to my knowledge it has nothing to do with magnetic fields.

Rifle barrels are often free floated for accuracy, meaning that forward of the reciever no part of the barrel contacts the stock. This is done so that applying pressure to the stock, resting the stock on an object for a shooting platform, or swelling of the wood on wood stocks does not put pressue on the barrel and push it to one side of the other.

A free-floated rifle barrel rested on a window sill will cause the barrel to be pushed upward, positioning it ever so slightly out of alignment from where it typically rests, in relation to the scope. Depending on the distance, it could have a significant affect on accuracy.

Given that the article was featured in Mens Journal, I doubt its credibility. Anyone familiar with rifles, and especially a "sniper," would know better than to steady the rifle by resting the barrel on an object in that manner.
I'm not a "sniper," but I sure wouldn't scratch up the barrel of my gun by resting it on a piece of iron.
Mens Journal:

[A] magazine with a focus on adventure, travel, equipment, sports, fitness, health, and style.

The last word says it all.
Well the sniper couldn't be that good if he didn't know about barrel harmonics like Eddie

He must miss a LOT!
None of the snipers I know would allow the barrel of their gun to rest on or out of a window ledge where it could be easily spotted. Your magazine mileage may vary.
I am not an expert, or sniper, however I have heard that on rifles with floating barrels resting the barrel on anything at all will affect accuracy because it changes the alignment of the barrel.
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