Question on storing guns in a safe

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Aug 3, 2008
Ft. Lauderdale, FL
I was reading another thread about storing weapons and it got me thinking about how i store my guns in my new safe.

What is the best way to store handguns within the safe? Is it better to have them left with a thin coat of CLP and then left open on the shelves, or is it just as good to keep them inside their respective plastic cases?

Thanks in advance for your thoughts.
The foam in plastic cases absorbs water from air. Don't use them for long term storage.

Pistol in safe should be fine. If you want to "baby" them put thin coat of CLP, then place them in a gun sock and on shelf in safe.
It depends on where your safe is and how long you intend to store them unattended. If it is in your house or apartment in a relatively climate-controlled room, no additional precautions are really necessary. If you're going to go off and leave them for months or years at a time, it can't hurt to put a coating of oil or even light grease on all metal surfaces. Be sure and clean this off before you shoot them again. There are also electric dehumidifiers (this will require a hole with a grommet through the safe so you can run a cord in) and desiccant packs you can buy.
I live in a pretty climate controlled condo. I used to have a small safe and after many years of stupidly leaving a nickel revolver in it's holster, it discolored the finish in certain areas. I was able to restore it perfectly with a bit of Flitz last week. (Flitz is great stuff!)

Now that I bought a full sized gun safe, I sort of like to enjoy seeing them when I open the door and I was uncertain if keeping them in their plastic boxes was unwise.

I appreciate the input.
FLRon, even though I live in a drier climate, I put one of these in my safe -

Only $14.95 at Amazon.

This one can be removed from the safe and plugged into a wall socket for a few hours to renew it, and then return it to the safe. Even in the dry southern California climate, it still turns pink over time.

Other than that, I just use a light coat of oil and sackups for both rifle and pistol.

I saw that at the safe company when I purchased the safe and I wondered if that worked. Certainly cheap and easy enough to use. I'll give it a try.

I'm curious about how they get an electrical line into the safe? On the top of my safe there is some sort of screw type hole that I am not sure if it goes all the way through. When i asked the delivery guys they said it was how they lift the safe during production/painting. Is this where the electrical line can access into the safe or is there another spot more typically used?

I would think that even small holes can compromise the integrity of the safe, if not for unwanted access, then for fire/smoke.
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