Questions on bending wood/Spear shaft

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Cedar, you can do boiling water on the crook, and bend it in a tree fork or similar to the desired position. I wouldn’t do weight as it won’t take that long. I’d do, boiling water, bend that rascal. But you need to bed right on the spot that needs it, not put weight on the end.
I remember seeing a shaft straightening tool made of bone or antler in a museum. It looked like a wrench about a foot long with a round hole at one end. The user heated the shaft at the bend, put the shaft through the hole and then used leverage to straighten the shaft. I imagine it was a slow process but it would have been a good job for sitting around the fire at night.
True. I've seen those too, I don't remember what size they were but I suspect they were for dart shafts and arrows. ? They were also made out of mammoth ivory. I'm guessing other means were used for a spear shaft, which I would guess be selected from a straight piece to begin with. And as spears would not usually be thrown, straightness would not matter as much. But again, the fork of a tree, two big rocks would work.

By the way, the bent spear came out good, and has not warped back.
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