Quote on top of www.Gunowners.org

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Oct 8, 2006
"The only no-compromise gun lobby in Washington."
-Rep. Ron Paul (R-TX)

Paul is one of the few politicians who has consistently supported GOA goals during his years in office. Even when other pro-gun, pro-NRA pols found GOA too hard-line and inflexible Paul stood with them. The man is so far ahead of every other candidate as a supporter of the 2nd Amendment it's not even close.
The only thing is, the NRA and the politicians it supports actually have an impact on American gun policy.
40 out of 50 states have shall-issue now. That's a big deal.

AWB gone since 2004. Quietly allowed to die. That was the smart way to do it, don't stir up the opposition too much.

Lawsuits against gunmakers, simply for making guns, are banned by Federal Law. That was a genuine threat to the availability of firearms in the US.

If you don't think we've moved forward in the past decade, and with a lot of political help from the NRA, you haven't been paying attention. Or you've listened to the GOA too much.

I'm not saying I don't want more, but PUH-LEASE!
Sure, we might have taken a step forward in the past decade, but that was after taking 30 steps back.

And really, on a federal level we are worse off than 15 years ago. And on the state level, I would say that we are also worse off with the sole exception of concealed carry, which in a free country wouldn't be an issue.
"I would say that we are also worse off with the sole exception of concealed carry, which in a free country wouldn't be an issue."

I agree. I do not see regulated CC as a good thing.

Thats like applauding the gov for stripping a right and handing it back a mangled privilege.
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