Radical U.N. Tax Plans Threaten America

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Dec 20, 2002
Louisiana, USA
From the Heritage Foundation (http://www.heritage.org/Press/Commentary/ed121803b.cfm):

Radical U.N. Tax Plans Threaten America

By Daniel J. Mitchell
December 18, 2003

Many politicians seem to think that the answer to every alleged problem is higher taxes. Howard Dean, for instance, has said he would repeal the Bush tax cuts -- even though this would boost the average family’s tax burden by nearly $2,000.

This initiative sounds radical, and it is. But some proposals out there are even worse.

The United Nations, for instance, wants to create an International Tax Organization (ITO) that would have the power to interfere with national tax policies.

This crazy idea first surfaced two years ago in a report from the world body’s “High-Level Panel on Financing for Development.†Since then, the U.N. has been working to turn it into reality. For instance, U.N. General Secretary Kofi Annan recently called for the creation of a global tax commission. But no matter what it’s called, an international bureaucracy with power over tax policy would be an assault on American sovereignty.

An international tax organization, of course, would mean higher taxes and bigger government. Indeed, U.N. officials have been quite open about their intentions. The chairman of the U.N. panel that first endorsed the creation of an ITO said that it would “take a lead role in restraining tax competition.†According to this mentality, it’s unfair for America to have lower taxes than places such as France and Germany, especially if it means that jobs and investment flee Europe’s welfare states and come to America.

For all intents and purposes, the U.N. wants to create an “OPEC for politicians.†Governments would conspire to keep taxes high, and countries with free-market tax systems -- such as the United States, Switzerland, Ireland and Hong Kong -- would be targeted for persecution.

The U.N. also wants the power to levy its own taxes. The original report looked at two options, a tax on currency transactions and a tax on energy consumption. Both of these proposals would hit America hardest. But this is just the tip of the iceberg. In the past, the U.N. has endorsed new taxes on the Internet, including a tax on e-mail. Again, the U.S. economy would pay the lion’s share if this reckless idea took effect.

But the prize for the worst U.N. idea probably belongs to the proposal to give governments permanent taxing rights over emigrants. You see, the U.N. thinks it’s unfair when talented people leave high-tax socialist nations and move to places such as America. But since even the U.N. realizes it would be unacceptable to prohibit emigration, the bureaucrats are instead proposing to let governments tax income earned in other nations.

This scheme is a direct attack on American interests because of our high levels of immigration -- particularly the well-educated portion of the immigrant population. For instance, if a doctor from the Caribbean moves to America, his home government would get to tax income he earns here. If a Chinese entrepreneur moves to Silicon Valley, the Chinese government would get to tax his U.S. income.

Foreign-born workers in the United States, including both citizens and resident aliens, earn nearly $600 billion each year. Imagine the damage if foreign governments could tax that income. Even if they imposed only a 15 percent tax rate, foreign governments could drain nearly $100 billion from our economy.

There is an understandable temptation to dismiss these U.N. proposals as silly. After all, the United States can veto any bad initiatives. But this passive approach is a mistake. What would happen, say, if Howard Dean were president when the U.N. was voting whether to create an International Tax Organization? Could we trust him to veto this nutty scheme?

Another reason we should worry: The U.N. is just one of several international bureaucracies working to undermine fiscal sovereignty. The Paris-based Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) targets “harmful tax competition†and the Brussels-based European Union enthusiastically backs “tax harmonization.â€

What’s particularly troubling is that U.S. taxpayers are footing the bill for much of this nonsense. We don’t belong to the European Union, but we pay 25 percent of the costs at the U.N. and the OECD.

Fortunately, some members of Congress are trying to address this. For example, Rep. John Sweeney, R-N.Y., has introduced legislation that would end U.S. funding of these bureaucracies if they insist on pursuing policies that undermine America. Bureaucrats at the U.N. and OECD don’t want to risk their bloated budgets and tax-free salaries, so this is a good approach.

Clearly we have to do something -- unless we want to see our tax bills soar.

Daniel J. Mitchell is McKenna senior fellow in political economy at The Heritage Foundation (heritage.org), a Washington-based public policy research institute.
This is of course, utterly sickening, but am I too far off base when I say that we ARE the "UN" and, short of being agreed to by a communist like dean, this will never pass?
How many Battalions can Kofi Annan put into the field? How many artillery pieces does he have? How many attack aircraft? The UN is irrelevant and immaterial...

There is nothing more dangerous than a baureaucrat with an expence account and no funding. They have to have it. Without funding they serve no purpose. We know they have no purpose other than news headlines and our harassment.
"How many Battalions can Kofi Annan put into the field?"

You sound just like Stalin with his famous quote about Vatican inability to field an army :)

On a more serious note, this sort of argument only works against dictatorial states and similar entities that don't respect any other means of persuasion.
Unfortunately with democracies, the very people can and often are their own worst enemy - given sufficient level of intense propaganda combined with relatively dumb society and you can get away with passing laws would have been unthinkable just a generation ago.

It is happening ...
The U.N. also wants the power to levy its own taxes.

Where is my duly elected representative to the UN? Oh, that's right, I don't have one. This will go over real well.
I can only support so many levels of government. We are already feeding the poor (and not so poor) and subsidizing development ad nauseum in the US. How can we do it for the entire world?

It is the same old story about self-reliance and self-pity.

I say we cut all UN funding and watch them whither on the vine.

But they might send the French to cause a regime change! :what: :neener: :uhoh: :D
Assuming that howard dean would let something like that go because he wants to repeal bush's tax cut is foolish reasoning and gives zero credability to the report.
The UN and like organizations have power if and only if legitimate governments cede power. In the absence of a forfeiture of power the UN is toothless.

If there is a threat of a global tax it is because US government has deemed it acceptable. Congress can not and will not agree (in publick) to such a scheme. However, nameless, faceless bureaucrats with access to taxpayer funds can and do sign on such concepts and then proceed to work within the government to aid and abet the programs.

A large portion of the UN blissninny agenda is implemented by agreeable US bureaucrats.

"Treason" comes to mind.
The concept is invidious.

But that doesn't mean it won't happen here. How many members of the leftish elite have I heard talk about the primacy of "internatiional law" and "international treaties," of those trumping the U.S. Constitution and our own laws? Beware.

Just because one might be critical of Dean, with plenty of justification, does not necessarily mean that they endorse someone else. That's like saying that being critical of Burger king is a de facto endorsement of McDonalds, why can't I eat at Wendys?

The truth of the matter is that Dean does, in fact, want to increase taxes and expand govt like it's going out of style. Although I don't like the idea of politicians being nothing more than whores to hatever the public wants, he should back off on his push for increased socialism if he's worried about people not voting for him.
The truth of the matter is that Dean does, in fact, want to increase taxes and expand govt like it's going out of style.

Have you people been away from newspapers for a year? W has us heading into deficits that will cripple our great grandchildren.

Dean wants to raise taxes? Nooooooooo!

How else are we going to pay for W's geopolitics?

Oh. I remember. We'll fire all the fedgov janitors and park rangers. :confused:

I wish they'd hurry and get to the hydrologists...

Damned hydrostitutes are all closet enviroNazis anyway.

We doan need no steeeeenkin science.

But the prize for the worst U.N. idea probably belongs to the proposal to give governments permanent taxing rights over emigrants. You see, the U.N. thinks it’s unfair when talented people leave high-tax socialist nations and move to places such as America. But since even the U.N. realizes it would be unacceptable to prohibit emigration, the bureaucrats are instead proposing to let governments tax income earned in other nations.

This scheme is a direct attack on American interests because of our high levels of immigration -- particularly the well-educated portion of the immigrant population. For instance, if a doctor from the Caribbean moves to America, his home government would get to tax income he earns here. If a Chinese entrepreneur moves to Silicon Valley, the Chinese government would get to tax his U.S. income.

This guy is a hack. The US taxes the worldwide income of its subjects. I'm completely opposed to this idea, but you can see where they are coming from. Socialist countries (at least most of them) tax their subjects to send their students to college. Then they tax the college graduates to send more people to college. It works...sort of. However, if college graduates leave (and take their college educated brains with them) they won't be able to afford socialized higher education. Of course the solution is is to privatize higher ed, but absent that...
Just another example of one socialist intervention begetting another socialist intervention.

Ask me a few years ago and would have said I feared the UN. Now I fear the US. If a few critical bylaws were re-written, such as voting proportional to financial contribution, whoa nelly, global police state, here we come!

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