Rambo vs. Weird Al

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I think both clips are rediculous, but Weird Al's was definitely funny. Kudos for blowing up the Eiffle Tower and Hollywood sign. :cool: Rambo had way too much ordnance on that chopper to be destroying all he did.
This Weird Al bit is from (or at least, appeared in) the movie UHF. Great flick. I've just moved it to the top of my NetFlix list, because She Who Must Be Obeyed has never seen it.

And even though I'm not Mall Ninja, I do dream of being just like Weird Al. Whatta guy!
oh the movie has it all! "Don't you know da dooy decimul sytum?!!" Conan the Librarian!.
he is in the whole movie as one of the main characters. If y'all like that Ramboic parody, then y'all need to rent the whole movie. It's full of stuff like this :)

Okay, here is Ghandi II. This one is even better.

Don't worry you're not a heel. As you noted UHF is such a great movie, if we searched long enough on youtube.com we could probably fill the entire GD forum up with clips from that movie...don't want THR to be hijacked by Weird Al.:cool:
Weird Al is anti

Don't any of you remember the "interview" with the hard-ass redneck-dude with the revolver who says, "Guns don't kill people, I do." from UHF?

He also wrote a song on one of his albums called "Trigger Happy" where he makes fun of gun owners shooting "anything that moves", etc.
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