Range hazard

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Oct 10, 2006
Deep in the valley
Went to the NRA indoor range last Friday evening to continue my wife's practice and training. Well she got tired and wanted to take a break so she steps outside and I put up a target and ran it out to 15 yards (45 ft) to do some draw-from-holster drills. I drew from holster, and a hole appeared to the left of center on my target BUT I HADN'T FIRED YET!

So I look over and in the next lane is this guy just happily blasting away rapid fire. His target looked like a shotgun hit with holes all over the place and as I'm watching he hits my target two more times.

He pauses to reload and I swallow my irritation and just calmly say "hey buddy, you might want to slow down a little 'cause you actually keep hitting my target. He looks at me like I'm from mars and says "no way man, I don't miss like that" and turns away and opens fire again. Second or third round ticks the edge of my target again.

So I step out and get an RO and say to him "hey, come look at my target but keep in mind that I haven't fired a single round at it yet". The RO comes out and kinda frowns and then hands me a fresh target and asks me to run it out. I do so and get it to 45ft just a BOZO opens up again. Two holes appear in my target and we see wood splinters fall from one of the ceiling baffles.

RO tells the guy to cease fire and when he does the RO points out how out of control the shots are. Guy still insists that it's not him, that he's hitting the target. RO tells the bozo to slow down and aim his shots better and lets him resume firing. First shot hits the target carrier.

Can you say EJECTED?

Seriously I swear this guy was high :cuss:
The guy was an idiot. Too much bravado, not enough training. These type of people need to be the one that hold targets in front of themselves when I need to qualify every quarter.:banghead:
Better than the time I had two guys in baggy pants and XXL shirts shooting at the 15yd pistol range (And no I am not mistaken on the yards) with their Glocks, shooting them sideways. They went through an entire magazine and hit the target 2 times (Not an exaggeration at all) . They were not there long.
this is why i like being able to set up targets in my backyard and not worry about idiots like that. (other than my brother who hasent a clue)
It's unfortunate that some folks don't have enough maturity or common sense to take the act of shooting a firearm seriously.
Maybe it’s just me, but I am not sure I would want to be close enough to this guy to see it happen. I mean heck if I can see it happen I might actually walk away dumber than I already am.

I am far from the most accurate or the fastest shot. I would have to leave out of pure embarrassment if I hit the target in the next lane. :uhoh:
I've mistakenly hit the target hanger once at an indoor range (they allow you two hits of the hanger before they ask you to leave for the day) and it blew my concentration so much that I packed up, left, went home, had a beer, and relaxed. It was just one of those days, I guess. I can't imagine being so bad that I hit someone else's target. Yikes.

Pistol ranges always seem to have the real scary folks, but there's been a few adventures at the local rifle range I used to RSO at (I've since moved out of state, so it's not "local" anymore). Makes me nervous sometimes, which is why I prefer shooting on public land now.
I hate stupid people, I fear stupid people with firearms near me. This guy was a major moron. It actually bothers me even more that he refused to even consider that it was his fault.
Well I have to say I felt the RO handled it well. He didn't just assume I was right and jump all over the guy, he observed the behavior for himself and then followed procedure. So my compliments to the RO for the way he handled it.

As for bozo the clown... I think it may have been the first time I've ever seen someone that far out of touch with reality at a range and I -still- think he was stoned or something. I was ready to pack up and flee if the RO had let him continue to shoot.
Spend enough time at ranges, and you'll inevitably run into this guy. I ran into him at Knob Creek in Kentucky a few years ago. My brother and I set up our target stands ~10m for some pistol shooting. The moment that the range went hot, before either of us fired a single round, the nut job next to us destroys both of our targets and stands with two consecutive shotgun blasts. After much thought, I started to walk over to him. He picked up his bag, turned, walked away, got into his car and left. I was happy to see him go.
Hey Z...that guy was me! I was practicing my surgical speed shooting. You owe me $20 for getting me kicked off early!

j/k I'm not that bad of a shot.

In all seriousness, good for the RO, i didn't use to like the NRA range because of the RO's, but i finally went back there a couple months ago and like them a lot more now. They're very nice to everyone and are doing a great job of keeping the range safe. I'm going there like once a week now.

Maybe we should meet up a share a lane someday....
That's probably the only downside to the NRA range. The lanes are narrow. If I push the target out to 50 yards to shoot a rifle, I may have a handgunner in the next lane that hits his target, but still puts a hole in mine way down range. I know it sounds lame, but with the indoor lighting I have a hard time seeing what's what 50 yards downrange. So my bride got me a spotting scope for my birthday and I'll be able to see my hits for sure.

I was there mid-afternoon Friday to put some rounds through my new Kel-Tec. Didn't take long - 50 rounds through the P3AT at one time was plenty.
I have to do the same. Something about the flourescent lighting I think because I -normally- have pretty good eyes but if I don't bring binos and/or use shoot n see targets I can't make out a damned thing at 50 yards there.
While i was at the indoor range i shoot at over the weekend, there were 2 late-teen/early tweenty types in the next lane over share a Springefield XD of some flavor. After watching them for a few minutes it became obvious that there only firearms training can from movies. at 10 yards they hit the full sized target less than half of the time.

The last straw was during one of there rapid fire/giggleing like idiots bursts they hit the Light fixture that hangs from the 9 foot cealing about 5 feet in front of the fireing line. Thats the only time i've ever seen one of the Employees remove someone from the range.
Sounds like an incident I had at our public outdoor range a few months ago. I had the range to myself for about an hour, then a guy and his two teenage boys show up. The kids are cocky as hell... saying things to their dad like they don't give a sh** and will go down range anytime they want, etc. I finish off a pistol mag and am startled to find one of the kids standing right behind me. He yells in my ear "YOU NEED TO LEAVE!" I'm like ***? :what: and look at their father. He's smiling at me, kind of embarassed, and says "he's just warning you... they get a bit crazy out here sometimes." I was gone in seconds and signed up at a private range the next week. :uhoh:
The down side to the fact that rights, including 2A rights, are not IQ dependent is that mouthbreathin fly suckin idiots have the right to own and shoot firearms. But fear not. He probably also has a drivers license so in all probability you were not the only person he endangered that day.
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