Rangefinder review

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May 4, 2011
Northern New Mexico
How many of you have searched on the internet hoping to see some personal reviews of rangefinders? I cruised the internet for quite some time and other than very short "I really really liked it", to company blurbs about their products, didn't find all that much. Well I purchased a rangefinder on ebay recently and have written a review for anyone who is considering purchasing a rangefinder. I will say up front that my ability to compare rangefinders is negligible as this is the only one I've ever had, so this is a review, not a comparison. Tom


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i have drooled at the Nikon "true arc" rangefinder only to cringe at price-tag,and im a little leary about anything that promises similar performance at 1/2 the cost,, this may just change my mind,, hell i've blown $200 on WORSE things !!
Can't say that I've ever searched the internet for "personal" range finder reviews, but I can say:
That after actually USING most of the brands, there are two that separate from the rest.
One starts with S, and the other starts with L.
And no, I don't own either. ( yet )

Guess now I have read a "personal" review on internet.. Even if it was my own.
know what you mean

I know what you mean. I had the opportunity to look thru the one that starts with "L". It was very crisp and I was able to range 100 yds past the stated maximum. However, that being said, I don't have, nor forsee having, $800 to spend on this type of shooting accessory. For the 200 clams I spent I am totally happy so far. Are there better ones? Absolutely! But I don't drive a Caddy either and I still make it to work everyday.:D
Where are you at in Central Ohio, Matrem? I am originally from Galion and now live in northern New Mexico about 90 miles from the Whittington Center. If you don't mind telling me, that is. Tom
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