Rational Reasons Why We Should Not Surrender Our Arms

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The law enforcement officers who would potentially carry out their ostensibly lawful duties by confiscating outlawed firearms are equivalent to murderers, rapists, and muggers? They are to be treated as a hostile enemy and shot dead? Really?

1) LEO is charged with upholding the Constitution of the USA, which includes its core principles, and he derives his power from our consent (recognition of the moral correctness of the laws he enforces) to be governed.
2) The RKBA for preservation of self is enumerated in our Constitution but is an unalienable right that you possess whether it is written there or not.
3) Only you can give up a right, nobody can take it unless you allow them to.

Now let’s add them up....

Any LEO, state actor, militant, NGO member, or plain old Joe Everyday who attempts to disarm you is violating your basic human right and is consciously choosing to violate your rights. It is possible that there is a law in effect that says their behavior is lawful (say they amend the Constitution) however, it cannot be morally right unless you consent to the abdication of your right. It may even be considered ethical by the society of the time, however, what is morally right and ethical are not always in sync throughout time.

Therefore, those who chose to enforce an immoral law must accept the consequences of the strong men who choose not to allow their rights to be trampled. There can be no “murder in cold blood” because those who have chosen to take your right (by force or otherwise) are guilty of casting the first stone that makes your reactions (by force or otherwise) morally just defense of your rights. Your view of what is ethical, the killing of state actors just “following their orders”, doesn’t have to be square with that, it just indicates that you don’t fully grasp the nature of your rights or another man’s moral justness in defending his against usurpations.

Simply because you are unwilling to secure your rights doesn’t mean others must follow suit. Perhaps those who stand up for their right will be crushed by those acting immorally to deprive them of their right, however, it doesn’t change the fact that you may at any time withdraw your consent and reclaim your rights. If there are enough people who feel like you, in 1770s and in the 1960s there were enough, then you win and your rights are restored. If not, immoral men continue to rule and the cycle starts anew until there are enough just men who seek not to wear the yoke of tyranny and throw it off. Those men who died may be painted as crazed “militants” or “reactionaries” by those currently in power (one of their perks in establishing tyranny) but when their actions are analyzed, the only thing that matters is the morality of their defense.

Nobody knows what will happen if there are mass confiscations in America and the results of those confiscations might not be felt for many, many years. However, men have a way of throwing off tyranny eventually and reclaiming their rights. Unfortunately, they also have a bad habit of giving away those hard earned rights to appease those bent on gaining power over them.
Rational Reasons Why We Should Not Surrender Our Arms

I have a problem with the title of the thread. It is a loaded term, in that it implies that there are irrational reasons for not surrendering our arms.

The entire concept of some entity demanding the surrendering of arms IS flawed, as there exists no reason in the universe to surrender arms.

Rights are inalienable. They are inherent.
i think not

How far are THEY willing to go? That is the question that needs answering.

No. I beg to differ...

The question is "Why do they want to take our guns?" That is the question. How far are they willing to go is directly proportional to what their agenda is. Some wana be do-gooder who thinks we don’t need guns because we all should just hold hands and sing coombiya is fairly easy to deal with. But then, there are those who wish to disarm the public to remove the people’s unalienable right to change their government by force if it becomes tyrannical and thus not “of the people”. These people, are much harder to over come, as they are most often louder, wealthier, and more powerful politically.

Well… it’s obvious that many or most of those reading my posts do not in any way welcome what I have to say. Regardless of whether you agree or not, to those of you who actually took the time and made an honest effort to understand what I was saying… thank you. As much as I feel it necessary to change the way we (yes WE, because regardless of how angry what I say might make you, WE fundamentally believe in the same thing) go about this endeavor, this energy is better spent educating those who have a bad impression of us than illustrating the extent of that bad impression to those who don’t give a rip what others think. So… (and I can hear the cheering already), this is my last post on the matter.

I will leave you with several of thoughts/observations:

1. Your RKBA rights are being threatened by an extremely powerful, well-funded, and well respected lobby. They exercise masterful image management, are wordsmiths, and are very adept at pleading their case and illustrating their objectives to the general population. They frame their cause in attractive, simple, and contemporary terms which are very easy for the average citizen to understand and relate to. Their cause is easily sold to society as relevant. They play upon emotion and fear, and utilize the resources of the popular media and entertainment culture to do it. Call them what you will, but they are a very effective, likeable foe – one which WE cannot afford to underestimate, dismiss, or disregard.

2. The basic principals guiding the contemporary RKBA movement are predominantly grounded in historical documents, teachings, and events. Despite the fact that WE believe in them, they require considerable investment to understand, and a great deal more to intelligently defend. Thus, the collision between the objectives of the two movements is popularly and simplistically, if erroneously, synthesized by society into Safety vs. Personal Freedoms. Regardless of what OUR personal beliefs around the matter are, safety IS tied to gun ownership, and IS of paramount concern in the minds of the overwhelming majority of this country. Liberty and Personal Freedoms have been largely reduced to catchphrases in contemporary society. People in this country by and large do not understand the way their own government works, or who their representatives are. They are not going to be influenced by what they consider to be the archaic ramblings of Patrick Henry... they don’t even know who he is. Yes, this is wrong. Yes, this needs to be changed. But consider if you will… when WE attempt to sell Personal Freedoms at the expense of Safety (which is exactly what we are interpreted as doing) we are violating the basic principals of economics. Walk into your local Home Depot… how many locks, smoke detectors, etc do you see? Where are the flags? Safety is easy to defend. It’s everyone’s problem. The gun lobby has been very successful in tying guns to safety. The answer to this is to intelligently demonstrate the flaw in this assertion… not to deride people’s safety concerns, not to begin preaching about the tree of liberty and the blood of tyrants. Violence is NOT what the safety conscious American public wishes to embrace. They are afraid of violence and they reject it.

3. There are a HUGE number of potential pro-gun supporters who presently ride the fence. When one of these people suggests “reasonable controls and registration” and they are very loudly and vocally derided by pro-gun purists, where do you think they go? They are not invested in this cause. They don’t understand the major premises. They simply found themselves subject to what they feel was a militant and extremist attack on their “very reasonable” suggestion. When a fence-rider sticks his or her head in the door for a peek, and they are met with caustic protestations of Molon Labe, and incessant discussions of how WE are all going to fight to the last cartridge or blood droplet, well, where do you think they go? The better portion of this country cannot relate to this type of campaigning, and they turn their back. WE absolutely need the support of those people. No… majoritarian influence should NOT necessarily be the ultimate factor in the direction of a people…. But it would be decidedly preferable to achieve OUR goal through those means than the alternative wouldn’t it?

4. Finally… the practice of indulging in self-validation is good for one’s self-worth, but it does NOTHING to make them competitive. Simply sitting around and repeatedly telling others who think that WE are right that WE in fact are right feels good. It is safe. It also makes US fat, lazy, and alienated from the mainstream. Being competitive in this game means constantly and critically re-evaluating one’s approach; testing the strategies and assessing their efficacy. OUR opponents do this constantly and as a matter of course. They are benefiting greatly from OUR obstinate refusal to even listen to those who might in any way question what we are doing. If the things that I have said during the course of the past several days are irritating… GOOD. It’s time to think about the real reason why it irritates you. People who KNOW what they know, who are CONFIDENT in what they know, are not threatened by a critical or questioning voice. They are able to rise to the occasion and proceed with dignity and honor and respect. They don’t complain about being questioned, and they don’t resent having their emotions stirred.

Fight hard… but fight smart. Fight to win.

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Don't Tread On Me

I have a problem with the title of the thread. It is a loaded term, in that it implies that there are irrational reasons for not surrendering our arms.

The entire concept of some entity demanding the surrendering of arms IS flawed, as there exists no reason in the universe to surrender arms.

Then it holds true that EVERY reason to keep our arms is rational. I chose the title as I did in response to the encapsulated quote stating we need to "demonstrate reason".


You beat me to the "ethical" v. "moral" implications of this debate. Good job, too! I'll take umbrage with one thing, though. No one can give up or abdicate an inalienable right. One could fail to exercise it, allow it to be infringed or ignored - even deny it - but it can never be abdicated, lost, stolen, or simply given away.



How far are THEY willing to go? That is the question that needs answering.

No. I beg to differ...

The question is "Why do they want to take our guns?" That is the question. How far are they willing to go is directly proportional to what their agenda is. Some wana be do-gooder who thinks we don’t need guns because we all should just hold hands and sing coombiya is fairly easy to deal with. But then, there are those who wish to disarm the public to remove the people’s unalienable right to change their government by force if it becomes tyrannical and thus not “of the people”. These people, are much harder to over come, as they are most often louder, wealthier, and more powerful politically.

You beg to differ then you concur. I don't get it. The question does boil down to what they are willing to do because that is the challenge we must mount a defense for. They started this. We will stop it. What ever their next step is, is what they are willing to do. If they are willing to come for our arms, that is a move on their part. We push back at the soap box. We push back at the ballot box. We push back at the jury box. If they come to take our arms, we must push back with the cartridge box. At that point, there is no stopping until we have secured all of it.

They haven't completely blocked our right to meet them at the soap box. They haven't blocked our right to vote on the issue. We can still fight them in court. But, if they take our arms, we will loose every tool to fight them with, because the only reason we still have the soap box, the ballot box, and access to the jury box is because we have the arms to keep those things. (We don't have these thing because of the good graces of government. Government exists at OUR good graces.)


I reject your assertion that we do not fight the "good" battle, with calm and patient reason. We are winning people over each and every day. It is those who have the unwaivering disarm the people agenda that need to be aware of the augury posited here.

Have you noticed a curious lack of doomsday panic from the anti gun crowd in the aftermath of these recent school shootings? They realize that fish will no longer take the bait. People are beginning to realize these attacks could have been thwarted - or possibly not even attempted - had there been armed teachers, principles, janitors, cafeteria workers, etc present. "Gun control" helped make these shootings attractive to the perpetrators. "Gun control" helped make them devastating. The lies of the anti-gun-rights folks are being exposed by the truth. We espouse that here all the time.

To take an approach that would coddle people who take a “reasonable controls and registration” approach to our rights debate would be disingenuous. I wouldn't lead them on with lies only to loose them for good later when they find they were duped. Even hoping for a majoritarian consensus is inappropriate in our society - a constitutional society - because the consensus has already been cast as law with the ratification of the Constitution. We've already settled our compromises with the discussion, drafting, and ratification of the Constitution. The supreme law of the land has been set. It is to be obeyed and not bent, twisted, misconstrued, interpreted, redefined, ignored, stretched, limited, or treated as a "living" document. We cannot approach our rights in any fashion other than how we respect, protect, and support that very Constitution that provides for the protections of those rights. We only have the truth, the drive to remain free, and the tools to secure it all.

Finally… the practice of indulging in self-validation is good for one’s self-worth, but it does NOTHING to make them competitive.
I'll ignore this. It doesn't make a whole lot of sense.

Simply sitting around and repeatedly telling others who think that WE are right that WE in fact are right feels good. It is safe. It also makes US fat, lazy, and alienated from the mainstream.
Umm, unless the "mainstream" reads this as well.

Being competitive in this game means constantly and critically re-evaluating one’s approach; testing the strategies and assessing their efficacy. OUR opponents do this constantly and as a matter of course.
Our "competitors" have to. Their goal is to disarm us in the face of, and contrary to, the Supreme Law of the Land. Once a lie is dispelled, our "competitors" need to find a new tack. OUR stance IS constant because it is aligned with the truth and in compliance with that Supreme Law of the Land - namely, the Constitution - and all the principles of freedom and security the Constitution is based upon.

They are benefiting greatly from OUR obstinate refusal to even listen to those who might in any way question what we are doing.
Nothing like a little delusion to brighten your day, I suppose.

If the things that I have said during the course of the past several days are irritating… GOOD. It’s time to think about the real reason why it irritates you. People who KNOW what they know, who are CONFIDENT in what they know, are not threatened by a critical or questioning voice. They are able to rise to the occasion and proceed with dignity and honor and respect. They don’t complain about being questioned, and they don’t resent having their emotions stirred.
You haven't been an irritation. You have been an excellent vehicle from which we have peddled the truth. Thanks for taking part! I'd dare say the majority of us here rose to the occasion - including you.


You all need to remember where the real middle is. It is the Constitution. The Constitution is the biggest compromise - the best compromise - ever written. It is where distribution of power for security and the common good meets with the protection of rights, freedom, and personal sovereignty. B.E.Wood
This continual advocacy of revolution and prediction of "shooting wars" is destroying the credibility of the RKBA movement. Justifying shooting law enforcement... probably not the message we want to send.

Is this what you would have said to Jefferson, Adams, Franklin, and Washington?
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