Ray Schoenke pulls a Zumbo

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Aug 12, 2008
Ray Schoenke, the president of the American Hunters and Shooters Association (AHSA) has released a radio ad in Southwestern Virginia. In this ad he says that - to him, the protection of the 2nd Amendment and of gun ownership is very important to him. Then he goes on to say that BOTH John McCain and Barak Obama will protect those rights.

He goes on to talk about jobs, and the economy.

Didn't Obama openly support the 'right' of DC to pass it's own laws, just as he supports Chicago's handgun ban? He has said that he supports a new AWB since the Assault Weapons Ban of 1994 has ended. He wants to outlaw (at a Federal level) concealed carry. How can any of these things be considered being 'gun friendly'?
This ad is also running in NC, heard it for the first time on my drive to work this morning.

Isn't AHSA basically a sham when it comes to 2A rights?
AHSA is a sham. It's run by a bunch of former Brady Campaign/HCI lobbyists that founded a fake "pro-gun" front group to get some naive hunters to join the anti-gun cause by stating that they will protect hunting but are against "scary" "assault-weapons" and handguns.

AHSA is anti-gun to the core.
Running on the rock stations in Richmond as well. Right along with the ads to sign up to vote on BO's websites.

AHSA needs to be shot down. Make sure your friends and family know it is a fraud.

Going to get UGLY from here on out....
Isn't AHSA basically a sham when it comes to 2A rights?
It's no different than if the Klan started a "civil rights" organization (which David Duke actually once did).

They'll dry up and blow away just like the "National Firearms Association" did in the late '80s. They had the same BoD overlap with fanatical anti-gun groups. Now most people don't know they ever existed. The same will happen with AHSA.

The odds are that you'll never even run into a supporter, much less a member. If you do, mercilessly bludgeon them with their own lies. Don't hesitate to humiliate him or her in front of others.
We need to keep up the message that basically this group is actually anti so people who come across it won't be fooled.
They'll dry up and blow away just like the "National Firearms Association" did in the late '80s.

No, this one won't. By their own admission, their funding comes mostly from private contributions from their board of directors. These board members have long-standing ties to the most rabid anti-gun organizations and politicians in existence:

+ Ray Schoenke - Major benefactor of Handgun Control, Inc (now named the Brady Center to Prevent Gun Violence). and America Coming Together.

+ Bob Ricker - Former Policy Director of Democratic National Committee and advisor to the Presidential campaign of John Edwards. Yes, he did work for the NRA in the 1980's but has since denounced the organization.

+ Jon Rosenthal - Founder of Stop Handgun Violence.

... and a few other lesser-known activists.

They have a cash pipeline that extends all the way back to the Joyce Foundation (to which Obama served on the BOD, by the way--maybe that helps explain their Obama endorsement) and to George Soros.

This is the group the media goes to when they need a quote from "grassroots hunting and shooting organization" that supports "common sense gun control." That's the entire purpose of their existence--They are an "anti-NRA" that claims to be for "hunter's and shooter's rights," but have done nothing but support anti-gun politicians and causes.
Someone needs to run a radio ad telling people who this really is.
Obama supported DC's total ban on using a firearm in self defense. On his campaign webpage he had posted (until a few months ago) a statement calling for a ban on semiautomatic guns and a federal ban on concealed carry.
This ad is playing in Indiana, too.

I've already used it as an opportunity to explain the true colors of the AHSA to a few people. Every RKBA activist knows that those jokers are trying to pull the wool over our eyes. We need to inform as many people as possible.
Obama supported DC's total ban on using a firearm in self defense. On his campaign webpage he had posted (until a few months ago) a statement calling for a ban on semiautomatic guns and a federal ban on concealed carry.

We should start a campaign demanding that he publicly call for these bans, or we won't vote for him. That'll get the liberals attention and get the ball rolling for him to show his true colors again. ;)
Ray Schoenke can't pull a Zumbo.

Zumbo was a gun writer who liked his guns, and thought that banning "assault weapons" was the best way to preserve his guns. When the gun community showed him the error of his ways, he understood that all guns are equal, and must be protected. He is now on our side.

Schoenke wants all guns banned, and is part of an organization whose aim is to ban guns, which disguises itself as a "moderate" pro-gun organization. He never liked guns, and never will.

There is no comparison. To try to compare the two is an insult to Zumbo, who is now one of us.
Ray Schoenke can't pull a Zumbo.

And we have a winner... ASHA's sole purpose is to soften hunters up to the idea that some guns are bad and that if you get rid of the bad ones, you can keep the good ones, in this case, hunting rifles.
Running in Rural South Central Michigan too on the little local radio station WCSR out of Hillsdale. Hillsdale is also home to SAFR... I am surprised they haven't hammered them yet...
As others have stated ASHA is a sham. It is a fake pro-gun front. The creation of pro gun fronts by the other side allows them to argue both sides, and of course intentionaly lose by voicing a desire to 'compromise' (give up American rights and gain nothing) on the pro gun side.

In politics there is a number of such organizations on many topics. People opposed to something create fronts in favor of it, and then argue the case very poorly intentionaly, or on this issue are always in favor of 'compromise'.

If you can become the source of the information you are against, you can quickly discredit your own arguments, intentional add bad facts, and otherwise discredit your cause in a way that lends credibility to the other side.

I wonder when they will start suing on pro gun issues and then intentionaly losing and presenting poor cases and setting anti gun precedents. Think about it, then they could choose the jurisdictions most favorable to anti gun rulings, and argue thier case from a perspective that they know won't hold up in higher courts.
ASHA's sole purpose is to soften hunters up to the idea that some guns are bad and that if you get rid of the bad ones, you can keep the good ones, in this case, hunting rifles.

Given that Zumbo's original blog entry called for hunters to distance themselves from "terrorist rifles" in order to preserve hunting rifles, it's more accurate to say that Zumbo pulled a Schoenke.
The American Hunters and Shooters Association is not interested in hunting nor shooting -only in restricting the 2nd Amendment into oblivion.
If I should somehow manage to hit the lottery, I think I'd set up my own sham gun control group, and see how much money I could siphon away from the Brady bunch while advocating truly "sensible" gun control laws. (Such as ... making it illegal to use a gun to commit a crime ... duh.)
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