readers might find the following, from JPFO, of interest

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Dec 24, 2002
sowest pa.
America's Aggressive Civil Rights Organization
(You are receiving this message because you requested JPFO Alerts
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October 9, 2003

ALERT: Even Chocolate and Ice Cream Need To Be Sold

Look at how many advertising dollars are spent to sell Americans
ice cream and chocolate candy -- two of the most popular treats
on the planet. And the billions spent promoting the top two
brand name cola drinks in the world.

It's true. To truly succeed, you have to work at selling,
whether the product is ice cream or ideas. Build a "better
mousetrap," and you'll go broke ... unless you get that product
to the people who want to buy it. You have to actively sell a
product, even to a natural, receptive audience of people that
you know will love it.

So -- who is the natural, receptive audience for our new film,
Innocents Betrayed? Among what group of people will we
certainly find people who want to see and own this film? Among
what group are there people who really need to learn its message?

Answer: the more than 80 million gun owners in America, and
their families.

But here's the challenge. Many gun owners have not yet heard of
the film. Then, when a gun owner first hears of it, he or she
might not just immediately want to buy or watch it. Why not?
Because he might not know enough about it, or she might not know
its reputation.

To meet this challenge, we have asked highly-respected figures
in the liberty and gun rights movement to view Innocents
Betrayed. We've asked for their candid feedback and thoughts.
Nearly all of these viewers have raved about the film and have
endorsed it.

Check out the bottom of this email Alert for brief snips from
four more endorsers: nationally-acclaimed author and scholar
David Kopel; Second-Amendment hero Sheriff Richard Mack; Kenneth
Blanchard, the famous "black man with a gun"; and the author and
publisher of gun law books nationwide, Alan Korwin. We so
appreciate the feedback from these accomplished men!

Click on the web page to view all of the endorsements to date.

We provide these endorsements to help you tell others about the
film. Now you can talk about the content of the film, the
persuasive power of the film, the high-quality production
values ... and you can name many well-respected people who have
viewed and endorsed the film. The endorsements are additional
persuasive tools to help get this film in the hands of as many
gun owners as possible.

Click on to view these new
endorsements in full. Use them to spread the word.

The Liberty Crew

Endorsement Excerpts:

David Kopel:

"A stellar achievement. Innocents Betrayed is a powerful, moving,
and horrifying documentary of what can happen when people lose
the means to protect their families and their communities.

"Although the production quality is very high, Innocents Betrayed
is sometimes a very hard movie to watch because it forthrightly
depicts the gruesome and terrible consequences of victim
disarmament. Innocents Betrayed is also a necessary movie to
watch. ..."

Sheriff Richard Mack:

"I viewed Innocents Betrayed with a great deal of emotion; it
had a profound impact on me. This video is a penetrating
reminder of the power and dangers of gun control. Every high
school and college student should watch this video ... "

Kenneth Blanchard:

"... I suggest you use at least two minutes to prepare yourself
to watch a powerful film called Innocents Betrayed ... You'll
need to prepare yourself because if you don't understand what
men and government can do if they go unchecked, then you are in
for a shock. ... "

Alan Korwin:

"Aaron Zelman and his team have done the nation and the world an
immeasurable service by clearly demonstrating the relationship
between genocide and gun bans, in their stunning new documentary,
Innocents Betrayed. On a purely statistical basis, the world's
governments by far pose the greatest threat to people's lives,
with more than 170 million people horribly murdered by their
"officials" in the last century alone.

"The point that resonates with me the most, the one that changed
my perspective, is how seemingly humanitarian efforts -- those
that would have you disarmed "for your own safety" -- have been
precursors to oppression. While such people may actually believe
they are doing the right thing, they are as bad as tyrants who
come next and take advantage of your sterile, government-
enforced defenselessness. ..."
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