the following perhaps somewhat overstated but the film was impressive

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Dec 24, 2002
sowest pa.
America's Aggressive Civil Rights Organization
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November 5, 2003


A statement from Gun Owners of America,,
and others in support of JPFO and "Innocents Betrayed"

HERE'S A FUTURE where millions understand, right down to gut
level, that "gun control" kills. These future citizens know
that civilian gun ownership makes the world safer and happier.
This is the world we WILL have once a critical mass of people
see the life-changing documentary film, "Innocents Betrayed":

This world isn't perfect, but people are empowered to guard
their families from harm. Children play safely under the
protection of their mothers and fathers. This future resembles
the "simpler, sweeter" times of the past. But it's better
because there's so much less tyranny and violence lying ahead.

Criminals never know who might be able to fight back because
*nobody* knows who's carrying guns. There are no government
databases of gun owners. Nobody has to ask the government's
permission to defend her own life.

Firearms are inexpensive. All the pointless bans and
restrictions have been removed and people once again have
entered the gun-making and gun-dealing business.

You can buy your self-defense weapons privately though the
mail, without waiting periods or asking permission.

Governments are *polite* to citizens. Government employees
once again understand that they are public servants, not
masters. Conniving politicians and gun-prohibitionists are no
longer tolerated.

There's less chance your son or daughter will be used as
cannon fodder -- sent to die in some country you've never
heard of because the people of that country were too feeble to
overthrow their own tyrants.

Wives, mothers, sisters, students, and college professors all
understand why firearms matter. They understand emotionally,
as well as intellectually. Women honor the men who care enough
to protect them - and women are better able to protect
themselves against rape and abuse.

Genocide never happens again. There are no holocausts, no mass
slaughters, no boxcars full of innocents. All around the
world, religious and ethnic minorities practice community

Millions understand that they - and you - have a right to
defend life and liberty. Self-defense once again takes its
place as the first law of nature -- a respected right of all
civilized human beings.

goes right to the gut. Without arguing about laws, statistics,
or legal interpretations, it reaches right in and changes
minds and hearts by SHOWING, in the most unforgettable way,
what happens to people whose governments impose "reasonable
gun control."

Once they've seen "Innocents," we already know that people
from all walks of life, all beliefs, sit stunned and shocked -
and then stop believing that "gun control" is good for them.
They understand "gun control" is a vicious wolf disguised as a
friendly, protective dog.

It's that simple, that fast. All it takes is getting ENOUGH
people to see the movie an we eradicate gun hate.

Just show the movie.

NOW if you prefer, HERE'S A FUTURE where millions go on
imagining that "gun control" will make them safe. This is a
world where "Innocents Betrayed" never gets outside the realm
of Second-Amendment supporters:

This future looks (and smells) familiar because we're already
on its borders.

Gangs roam the streets, trading in banned weapons - some taken
from you by the government -- as well as other forbidden
goods. Violence in the cities soars.

Women frantically call 911, but stalkers, abusers, and rapists
know they have plenty of time to do their deeds then get away
before the police arrive.

Corrupt politicians seize more and more power, knowing that
submissive and disarmed citizens not only won't resist, but
are helplessly dependent on government favors and "protection."

You turn in your guns or live in fear of the government
jackboot at your door. Turn in your guns and you live in fear

You can't even have the simple pleasure of taking your son or
daughter out plinking on a Saturday afternoon. Your only
access to firearms is at a government-controlled facility,
where you're allowed to fire a rationed number of .22 shorts
at paper targets. Government officials take careful note of
your proficiency. Those who shoot "too much" or "too well" are
watched by federal agents.

Sport hunting no longer exists. All game is reserved for
government cronies. Or game animals are allowed to
overpopulate, destroy the environment, and die of starvation
and disease in the name of "environmentalism."

Detention camps are filled with unpopular minorities, "enemies
of government," and people who've violated minor, technical

Soldiers patrol American streets, trained to see everyone as a
potential enemy.

Ultimately you may not even have a choice about the job you
do, the schooling your children get, or the doctor you go to.
Because the government has given itself the right to make all
decisions. And you're helpless to resist the utopian schemes
of your "leaders," because one act after another of
"reasonable gun control" has eaten away not only your
gun-rights, but your freedom.

Around the world, millions continue to be slaughtered by their
own "protectors" ... their own governments. And suddenly,
because you're helpless, even your nice, civilized country is
no longer exempt from the ultimate horrors.

HORRIFIC CHAOS? Because no matter how many intellectual or
legal arguments gun-rights groups make, people's hearts remain
dedicated to the program of the "gun controllers." People
remain tragically ignorant of history's #1 lesson: That when
self-defense is against the law, anyone, including your own
government, can kill you.

If they see "Innocents," they stop. They turn around. They
change. They understand the value of firearms in citizens'
hands. THAT FAST. No long arguments. No millions of dollars
spent. No losing battles. They just GET IT.

Nothing like "Innocents" has ever come along before. Because
nothing has ever reached "the TV generation" as this film has.

For the first time, gun owners have it easy. You don't have to
go out and buy all kinds of books or magazines. You don't have
to memorize hundreds of laws or statistics. You don't have to
beg politicians. Just show the film. Then sit back.

Gun-rights groups are putting aside their differences for the
moment. ALL of us need to get behind this film. If this film
succeeds, then all our jobs become easier. Barriers to freedom

OUR GOAL: For 5 million people to see "Innocents Betrayed." If
5 million see it, then show it to their friends, then the "gun
control" illusion will topple. People will not only KNOW
better. They'll have SEEN for themselves.

Americans will once again have the common sense glowingly
described by Thomas Paine. They'll have the courage of Patrick
Henry. And they'll have the tools to ensure that courage and
common sense can live into future generations.

Aaron Zelman, JPFO (
Larry Pratt, Gun Owners of America
Angel Shamaya,
Sunni Maravillosa,
Claire Wolfe,

Purchase "Innocents Betrayed" from any of the above signers,
using the links provided. Watch it. Then spread it around.
Give a copy to your local library. Ask your favorite gun store
to sell it. Get your favorite gun-rights group to sell it.
(They'll make money while expanding freedom.) Show it to
people who say they care about civil rights. Change five
million minds, and we change the future.


We have added a new feature to the JPFO web site: The News.
If you like to start your day with a scan of the current news,
why not come to and click on the new orange
"World and National News" button? In a few moments you will be
presented with a summary of the top news stories in many
categories, with links you can click for more details.
Original Material in JPFO ALERTS is Copyright 2003 JPFO, Inc.
Permission is granted to reproduce this alert in full, so long
as the following JPFO contact information is included:

Jews for the Preservation of Firearms Ownership
PO Box 270143
Hartford, Wisconsin 53027

Phone: 1-262-673-9745
Order line: 1-800-869-1884 (toll-free!)
Fax: 1-262-673-9746
S_O_Laban wrote:

So, has anyone here seen this film, and care to give a reveiw?

Take a look at the very beginning of my post. I've seen the film, and as I noted, it was "attention getting", to use what might be an overworked phrase.

Particularly interesting were the segments that dealt with U.S. History, that being things that happened in this country, circa the 19th and early 20th centuries. Strikes me that there isn't a whole hell of a lot, an armed populace excepted for one thing, that prevents our seeing the same or similar things repeated.
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