readers might find the following "interesting" or of concern

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Ya know, if we just ended the WO(PUS)D, tthis would cease to be an issue. Or, if police officers in nice suits came to the door and gave a light rap a tap tappie then merely served the warrant it would also cease to be an issue.

I fear a wrong door no-knock more than just about anything LEO related. I'll shoot anyone breaking into my home, if it's realy a swat team, I'm doomed.

If the WO(PUS)D was working, I'd be all for keeping it around. It has, however, failed quite spectacularly and therefor needs to go away. Then we can focus on the War on Thoughts That Aren't Productive or some such other nonsense.
Well if judgement is made that one kind of evidence can't be used when seized junping a no-knock warrent it will set a precedent and all kinds of evidence will be blocked when acquired jumping a N-K.
I think it's a good thing if it happens. But hardly a solution. The innocent will still be very skeptical that it's really the police as they will have no time to check for credentials and little time to think about it. If he/she assumes it's the cops he/she could be at the mercy of invaders. If he/she takes action to defend himself and it's the cops he's/she's dead. I guess the anti self defense types will say it's safer to just submit and be the good little victim in any case.

It's impossible to estimate just how many wrong-door raids occur. Police and prosecutors are notoriously inept at keeping track of their own mistakes...
I'm sure it's not intentional. :barf:

if police believe announcing themselves before entering would present a threat to officer safety
This is WAY TOO open ended.

"We do bang on the door and make an announcement—'It's the police'—but it kind of runs together. If you're sitting on the couch, it would be difficult to get to the door before they knock it down."
If you even hear it over them destroying your door.
4th Amendment

Would you Constitution pansies quit your whining?

If you're not guilty, then you have nothing to worry about. When the police come to the door, just open the door, show your hands, shut your mouth and be submissive and everything should be alright.

Nothing in the constitution says the police have to put themselves at unresonable risk by serving an announced warrant against a citizen who might be a criminal. A police officer never knows what he might face when he forcibly enters a citizens domicile. You just might be an enraged criminal, how is he to know?

Just like during a traffic stop, demonstrate your compliance and everything should be ok. If you don't like something that happens, apply for redress through the courts.

In summary:

If you're not a criminal don't shoot at the police. The cops are always right.
ProficientRifleman said:
Would you Constitution pansies quit your whining?

If you're not guilty, then you have nothing to worry about. When the police come to the door, just open the door, show your hands, shut your mouth and be submissive and everything should be alright.

Nothing in the constitution says the police have to put themselves at unresonable risk by serving an announced warrant against a citizen who might be a criminal. A police officer never knows what he might face when he forcibly enters a citizens domicile. You just might be an enraged criminal, how is he to know?

Just like during a traffic stop, demonstrate your compliance and everything should be ok. If you don't like something that happens, apply for redress through the courts.

In summary:

If you're not a criminal don't shoot at the police. The cops are always right.
Sarcasm. Right? :uhoh:
A LEO friend of mine stated that "If they can flush all their drugs away in one flush it's not worth it" (a N-K)

Kinda makes sense to me

ProficientRifleman said:
If you're not guilty, then you have nothing to worry about. When the police come to the door, just open the door, show your hands, shut your mouth and be submissive and everything should be alright.
You are correct in that if the police kick in my door,they'll probably realize their mistake soon enough with not much harm to me as long as I don't act like a belligerent moron. That's simply because the local police know me somewhat,the Feds may be a different story. If I simply open fire without ID'ing the police first, I'm doomed. While we all like to think that we can take out any number of half-wit drooling burglars I'll admit that I can't handle the SWAT team.
ProficientRifleman said:
If you're not guilty, then you have nothing to worry about. When the police come to the door, just open the door, show your hands, shut your mouth and be submissive and everything should be alright.
I have four fully loaded handguns secreted in different parts of my house because I live in an area that has had several home invasions. (I live alone so there is no safe storage issue, for those of you who might wonder.) Mostly gang members are involved in these home invasions intending to "repay" a rival gang member or hit homes they suspect they could steal drugs from. The media has reported that a few of these invasions were at the wrong home by admission from a person arrested for committing it/them. If my home is mistakenly chosen, there will be a fight of significant proportions.

What worries me is if the police mistakenly target my home (because of the recent reputation of the neighborhood) for a no-knock warrant service. I would be a dead man by no fault of my own other than attempting to defend "my castle." There is no way I could stand up to a SWAT Team entering my home with the proficiency of a combat-hardened squad of Marines, and the sight of a weapon in my hand would be my death warrant. No time to explain to the LEOs - bang, bang, I'm dead.

Another worry is that it was reported that during a couple of home invasions the perpetrators yelled, "Police!" and wore assault style uniforms identifying them as officers (which anyone can buy in uniform stores). How do you defend yourself under these circumstances?

How do you make that decision? You will have less time than a click on a clock to either shoot or take the position. Either way, it had better be the right decision.
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I wrote the above to get some people to think. The first few people who read what I wrote got it right. It was meant as sarcasm. It is a sad statement on the modern psyche when half of the respondants agree with the "...shut up and be submissive..." point of view.

Currently, a peace officer has to get a warrant because under the common law, a property holder was the KING OF HIS CASTLE! Even one of the King's officers had to justify himself with a writen warrant before he could presume to bust a man's door down. He had to show the warrant and announce his intent.

That concept is what is being obliterated now. Read the post about what has happened in Brazil recently. That is what is in store for us! The anti's know full well what disarming the honest citizenry will do. Its is exactly what they want!

The cops will NOT be your friends when it comes time to confiscate your firearms. They will diligently violate the constitution they have sworn to uphold. Want to know why? Because they can, and they have the power of the state backing them up. And, its kinda KOOL to be the only gang autorized to cary weapons...

Wake up America!

"I couldn''t read the text in that article. I guess it is time for the eye exam."

Don't need an eye exam. Just put your cursor on the article , hold down the control key and turn the wheel between the buttons on you rodent. You can make the print any size you want. Ain't that cool or what?

as qlajlu wrote.
I too live single and alone.
I feel sorry for the "swat" that busts my door down at 3am.
I keep my AR by the bed, a 1911 in the living room, and a few other ones in misc. places.

I may get shot to ****, but a few are comming with me. I have no crminal past nor do I do anything to justify a door bashing in the wee hours of the morning.

I have read several places, gangs that use the same tactica as the swat guys, so a shooting is sure to commencurate. Perhaps it is time we law abiding people demand these types of tactics be ablolished. We already got a lot of "high speed chases" taken away, so why not this?
What you say?
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