readers might find the following of interest

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Dec 24, 2002
sowest pa.

October 7, 2004

The U.S. House is debating and will soon vote on H.R. 10, the 9/11 Recommendations Implementation Act. This 542-page bill is so full of "hastily- and ill-conceived anti-gun, anti-freedom provisions" (Larry Pratt, Gun Owners of America) that you would need hours to learn them all. But thanks to an exhaustive analysis done by Gun Owners of America, we know the following critical points:

1. H.R. 10 takes the final step to establish the driver's license as a national ID card.
2. H.R. 10 authorizes the establishment of an enormous database containing personal information on American citizens.

H.R. 10-SECTION 3052 (NATIONAL ID): This section would take the final step toward establishing the driver's license as a national ID card. Attorneys from groups ranging from the conservative Gun Owners of America and the National Taxpayers Union to the liberal American Civil Liberties Union have reached the same conclusion.

As the Washington Times reported today, "More than 30 advocacy, civil liberties and conservative groups sent letters to every senator Sept. 20 predicting that the September 11 commission report would lead to a national ID card and asked that it be rejected." H.R. 10 contains a national ID card provision, section 3052.

H.R. 10-SECTION 2173 (NATIONAL DATABASES): This section would explicitly authorize an enormous national database of private information on American citizens; including financial records and, potentially, medical records. And -- to the very end -- regulators fought to be allowed to maintain this database, not just on suspected terrorists, but on every American.

In addition to creating a national ID card and database:

1. H.R. 10 will seek more integration of our foreign policy with that of the U.N. (Section 4032).
2. H.R. 10 will train U.S. diplomats to be more attuned with the United Nations and the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) and other anti-democratic globalist organizations (Section 4034). The OSCE will be sending over 100 foreign observers to monitor the U.S. elections on Nov. 2, as reported by the Washington Times today.
3. H.R. 10 will create a new U.S. "ambassador-at-large" to work with U.N. nongovernmental organizations or NGOs. This would set a very dangerous precedent (Section 4035).

We could go on, but won't.

According to Congressman Ron Paul, "The 9-11 Recommendation Implementation bill (HR 10) is yet another attempt to address the threat of terrorism by giving more money and power to the federal bureaucracy. The result of most of the reforms contained in this bill will not likely be a safer America, but will definitely be a less free America."

And as Larry Pratt of Gun Owners of America stated, "...this bill is not about 'security' or 'terrorism,' but about political posturing in an election year -- at the expense of individual liberties."

We strongly oppose H.R. 10 and ask you to urge your U.S. representative to vote "no" on final passage of H.R. 10. To send your message, go to

Kent Snyder
The Liberty Committee

If they take the time to read, they might also take note of the temperature change you mentioned.
Al Norris wrote:
".. most people won't read the bill. I haven't counted the pages, but it's a long and torturous read."

You are likely correct. Matter of fact, I suspect that very few "elected things" read it either, however respecting the high points mentioned, that could well prove to be another story.

In any event, this business with drivers licenses and social security numbers, and so forth and so on, is nothing new, and I submit that the general public should have, long since, been raising unholy hell about same. Seems as if, unfortunately, to few have, so as has been noted elsewhere, The Band Played On.
There was an interesting quote in Moore's....flick about how most of the lawmaker's don't read the bills, they just sign em. I believe the person in question said something along the lines of: There's too many bills to actually read them! Do you know how long that would take?

Um....that's your friggin job!

The whole point of elected officials was so that we, the People, didn't have to monitor the gov't and make politics our full time job.

Somewhere along the line....that changed. :fire:
The Patriot act was handed out the night before it was to be voted on. That is a long @ss bill if you have ever read it.
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