Reagan pro-AWB

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May 22, 2003
In 1994, former President Ronald Reagan, supporting the ban when it was making its way through Congress, wrote, "While we recognize that assault weapon legislation will not stop all assault weapon crime, statistics prove that we can dry up the supply of these guns, making them less accessible to criminals. We urge you to listen to the American public and to the law enforcement community and support a ban on the further manufacture of these weapons."

Never heard that one before. From the San Diego Union Tribune.
In 1994, former President Ronald Reagan, supporting the ban when it was making its way through Congress...

"November 5, 1994

"My fellow Americans, I have recently been told that I am one of the millions of Americans who will be afflicted with Alzheimer's disease....

"Sincerely, Ronald Reagan"

Note the dates, and that close friends have since commented how RR was noticeably affected in the year before his announcement.
I dismiss all this crap from the left, the liberals, the socialists and the anti-rights anti-gunners.

This is nothing more than divisionary "divide and conquer" tactics.

They want to say "see one of your great ideological leaders, conservative, republican wants AW banned too"

as if that means everyone should want the same, or as if we should draw a line of reasoning from authority.

Authoritarian thinking is prevalent in radical islamic groups, not in America. We don't think something is morally right because 1 man says so.

When these types of articles or statements come out, dismiss them - as they accomplish nothing but to propagate the notion of division and similation between their anti-gun stances and those who are politically affiliated with most gun-owners.

Just tell them since (IF) supported the AWB, Brady bought her son a rifle. Same thinking.
Let this be a lesson. Just because you might have republican senators dont assume they are automatically against the ban. An afwul lot of conservatives have seemed to compromise some gun rights lately. Write to everyone.
All of a sudden

All of a sudden the lefties have found something about Reagan they like.

I thought this was the same guy that "put the homeless and mentally ill on the streets" and "ran some secret wars in South America". Isn't he the same guy that supposedly "sold the poison gas to Huessein" too.

Why, that totally imnpeaches his credibility, so according to leftist doctrine we shouldn't listen to anything he says.

Using the death of a President, who has not been able to explain or correct himself for over 10 years, to further your own personal goals and failing organization (and paycheck) has to be the lowest form of life.
Let this be a lesson. Just because you might have republican senators dont assume they are automatically against the ban.

Actually, we don't have to assume anything because we know exactly how they voted on March 2, 2004.

Eight Republican Senators supported the ban:
Chaffee, Collins, Dewine, Fitzgerald, Lugar, Smith, Snowe and Warner

The remaining 43 Republicans opposed it.

Six Democrat Senators opposed the ban:
Baucus, Feingold, Landrieu, Miller, Nelson (NE) and Reid

The remaining 43 Democrats supported the semi-auto ban.

As for Reagan, this is pretty much old news. Likely they are trying to buy some immunity for Kerry on the gun issue since the NRA successfully split the union vote over guns in 2000 and their own latest poll shows union members more opposed to renewal of the ban than NRA members. Reagan wrote the letter in July, four months before he wrote the letter announcing he had Alzheimers.
Is this somehow shocking? Reagan was a gun grabber long before he ever became president and banned the civilian production of machine guns.
From what I understand, Reagan was decieved by the Brady's into writing that letter. He trusted them enough to write the letter on blind faith that they were doing the right thing, but when he later saw what his letter supported he was quite displeased and their relationship was soured forever.

Reagan also asked the NRA what he should do about signing the FOPA, they told him to go ahead and do it, their legal department would get the ban struck down in a matter of months.


If these are his actual words:

"While we recognize that assault weapon legislation will not stop all assault weapon crime, statistics prove that we can dry up the supply of these guns, making them less accessible to criminals. We urge you to listen to the American public and to the law enforcement community and support a ban on the further manufacture of these weapons."

I dont see how he could be much tricked. I can understand if they then used his words for their own political gain or something like that but it seems, if those are his words, he did in fact support the AWB.

I honestly wouldnt be suprised since most conservatives abandon this particular issue and drive towards the middle. "We support gun owners but we dont like assault weapons blah blah blah" becomes the mantra.
Just a reminder: Politicos are politicos. Ask anyone of them to tell you the difference between an automatic and a self-loader and you'll get "ahhh, umm, we have to care for the chiiiillldren and if only ONE child...blah, blah, blah, yadda, yadda, yadda...).

The sad thing is, the incompetence they show in this topic is the same incompetence they show with economy, military, homeland-security... you name it.

POLITICOS ARE A CLASS THAT CARE ABOUT NOTHING BUT THEMSELVES! Yes, there might be some newbies, thinking they can change something to the better. They will be brought in (corrupt) line or never re-elected.

Just an observation not only valid in the USA, but all over "Democratic" Europe.

Guess, why the former Chancellor of Germany, Helmut Kohl (a staunch conservative), was good friend with Bill Clinton (a staunch liberal).

Crooks love Crooks!
Kharn: Reagan also asked the NRA what he should do about signing the FOPA, they told him to go ahead and do it, their legal department would get the ban struck down in a matter of months.

I'm sure Reagan really needed the encouragement before signing more gun control. As for the NRA, we're going on 219 months, now. Just how many months were they talking about?

Hi All-

I've tried a variety of searches to determine President Ronald W. Reagan's stance on RKBA and gun control both before and after the assassination attempt on his life.

This is needed for a discussion that I'm having with a hardcore liberal in my family who is trying to manipulate my admiration for President Reagan to redirect the conversation. Any help or definitive sites that illustrate his views would be extremely helpful.

~ Blue Jays ~
The Gipper was no friend of the RKBA. When he was Gov he was responsible for enacting California's first statewide anti-gun laws. IIRC it was in reaction to armed Black Panthers appearing on the legislature floor to make a complaint :D
It must be pointed out - it was the republicans who put in the 10 year sunset on the AWB, without which it would still be the law of the land.
It must be pointed out - it was the republicans who put in the 10 year sunset on the AWB, without which it would still be the law of the land.
I heard that the sunset clause was the only way to get it passed in the first place. So if republicans put it in, wouldn't that mean we have them to thank for giving it a good push through for 10 years?

And even if the NRA was pushing him it was still Reagan's own signature that made the new machine gun ban official when he signed the law.

They are all against us. In the end, Republicans and Democrats aren't that different.
How many of you can name any Pro-Gun bills to come out of DC in the last 40years? Seems Democrat or Republican none are Pro-Gun. We Republicans now have the White House and both Houses. What has been passed for us? Being a Republican all my life I for one have to laugh when we control DC the way we do now. How we can still blame the Democrats for no Pro-Gun bills being passed. Since 911 i've never in 60 years seen so many of our rights go out the window. King George and his like in DC care less about what the people want. Had it to do over i'd have stayed home in Nov.
The entire ‘assault weapons’ argument is ludicrous. An assault weapon by definition must be capable of full-auto fire, which has been essentially outlawed (without special permission from and taxes paid to Uncle Sugar) since 1934. It cracks me up that folks in self proclaimed ‘free states’ think it’s big shakes to own a semi-auto AK knockoff or other semi-auto ‘assault weapon’. It’s a joke- even IF ordinary citizens could routinely possess full auto small arms, we would not even come close to parity with the advanced weaponry government has -which was the intent of the 2nd Amendment in the first place.

Face it-with or without so-called ‘assault weapons’, you’re basically impotent; it’s just a cosmetic illusion.
Our current Repugnantcrat President also supports AWB, too. Said he'd sign its renewal if he got the chance. Reagan was a politician. Politicians do politically expedient things without regard to right or wrong. Get used to it.
The entire ‘assault weapons’ argument is ludicrous. An assault weapon by definition must be capable of full-auto fire, which has been essentially outlawed (without special permission from and taxes paid to Uncle Sugar) since 1934. It cracks me up that folks in self proclaimed ‘free states’ think it’s big shakes to own a semi-auto AK knockoff or other semi-auto ‘assault weapon’. It’s a joke- even IF ordinary citizens could routinely possess full auto small arms, we would not even come close to parity with the advanced weaponry government has -which was the intent of the 2nd Amendment in the first place.

Face it-with or without so-called ‘assault weapons’, you’re basically impotent; it’s just a cosmetic illusion.

i don't get how this is in any way related to the discussion, but

i'm not familiar with any definition of assault weapon in widespread use that requires full-auto fire. quite the opposite. as i pointed out in the columbus ohio AWB two days ago, their definition of an automatic weapon includes semi-autos that accept magazines larger than 30 rnds.

regardless, that's unimportant.

what is important, but a conversation for another thread, is the totally outrageously incorrect notion that the 2A is irrelevant today because citizens can't own "advanced military weapons".
It must be pointed out - it was the republicans who put in the 10 year sunset on the AWB, without which it would still be the law of the land.

It must be pointed out - the AWB was a freakin joke. Yea, I hated it and found it bloody annoying. All it did was force cosmetic changes and drove up the price of normal capacity magazines. It effectively banned nothing. I could still buy an AWB-compliant evil looking black rifle that was just as effective as a pre-ban AWB non-compliant evil looking black rifle.

Oh yea, and our current Republican president swore he'd renew the AWB if given the chance.

On the other hand, some rather "effective" gun control laws...

Reagon signed the infamous 1986 FOPA the slammed the door closed on any new automatic weapons. This was not forcing cosmetic changes. This was denying an entire class of weapons to law abidding citizens. Ironically, probably the class of weapon LEAST likely to be used in crime.

Bush implemented the import ban of so called assault rifles, and expressed his desire to ban domestic production of so called assault rifles.

The current president has apparently just slammed the door shut on part kits and apparently C&R rifles too.

I love the irony that everyone thinks Bush is so pro-gun when he has done basically nothing that is pro-gun. Previous to this new ruling by the ATF, one could say he was not anti-gun with some conviction. Ignoring his support for renewing the AWB, of course. He begins to show his true colors on the 2nd amendment as he has on many other amendments.

Your choice is now obvious. Vote Democrat, and be stabbed in the chest. Vote republican, and be stabbed in the back. Pick your poison.
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