Recommend a game vest?

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Feb 14, 2008

Could you guys recommend a good vest that can be used for both upland/small game/waterfowl? Looking for something that can hold lots of shells and has a game pouch.
I have one I bought from Cabela's at least 15 yrs. ago that's really neat. It's designed just like a regular coat, has the game bag on back, and giant ammo pouches on the sides, has large inside pockets, has a removable inner insulation, and it's water proof for bad weather. The water proof outer skin, and the insulation liner can both be unzipped and removed when not needed.

It was quite spendy back then, can't imagine what they run now, if anything like it is still available?

Beware the ones with elastic shell loops on the outside!
Big closed pockets are better.

Shell loops look great.
In the add photos!

But if you wade cattails to get to the duck blind?
Or hunt pheasants in corn stubble fields?
Or rabbits or quail in the brush?

You may not have any shells left in the elastic shell loops when you get there!!!!

My go-too vest for a lot of years was a simple cotton vest with a water & blood proof game bag on the back.

Then with another separate double pocket shell bag & adjustable belt sewn to the waist band of it.

You simply can't loose your stuff, or your ammo, out of big baggy pockets!


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