Recommendations for Summer Concealed Carry Holsters

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Nov 30, 2009
This will be my first summer of concealed carry, so looking for your recommendations on hot weather holsters. Will be carrying a Glock 19.
I have a Crossbreed Supertuck-just bought it and breaking it in. It should be fine with long pants, leather belt, and normal shirts. However, will be doing a lot of hiking, fishing, etc. in hot weather with shorts and T-shirt as my normal clothing. If I'm wearing my Carhart work shorts, think a leather belt with the Supertuck might work under a T-shirt (tucked in? or worn out?).
But also wear elastic band shorts with no capability for a strong belt to support the gun and holster-what would be the alternative?
Always hike with a daypack, so could stash the Glock in the pack-would you recommend a holster inside the pack? Which one?
Appreciate the help, and all opinions are welcome.
Take a look at the belly bands for when you wear the elastic band shorts
I can verify the only way I have been able to conceal with lighter clothes is inside the waistband and the pants/shorts should be about a size looser and the belt a notch or two longer than standard.

I have tried the in the pocket by Desantis no good, fortunately with the securing clip I was able to use as an inside the waistband. Unless you are a really big guy with a really big shirt the pocket style is difficult to get out of your pocket and tougher to conceal, especially with slash pockets most cargo shorts use like the photo above. What his photo doesn't show is how pockets compare with a frontal view.

If the crossbreed supertuck is the type with all that extra leather or kydex, I would never wear it period. Simple and clean, look at summer holsters by Milt Sparks.

You'll see after a bit of wearing, like most of us I too have a drawer full of holsters, and you will keep trying. I had a holster like your supertuck and cut down the extra leather and remounted the clips, still too much junk between your body and pants.
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If you don't have a belt, I'd go with a belly band.

If you keep the gun loaded in the pack, DEFINITELY keep it in a holster. Nothing would be worse than having some random thing in your pack snag the trigger and fire the gun while it's in your pack. I'd recommend a simple Kydex or stiff leather IWB holster (smaller form factor than the typical OWB) so that you can protect the trigger.
If you carry in a pack have a Velcro panel made and use one of the many Velcro attached holsters (5.11) available just make sure it has a retention strap.
I'm using an N82 ("N8 squared") and wish I bought one years ago. Comfortable, the price was right and the gun is held securely.
For what possible reason would you carry in such an inaccessible way?

A Bianchi M12 can be attached to most backpack hip belts, and the gun is protected and accessible.


EDIT to add: You can get one for $40 here, or look around locally.
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Certainly if you are wearing a belt and a pair of pants I'd elect for a proper belt attached that is appropriate for the occasion but since the OP also specified unbelted (gym) shorts there is no better way that I know of than the belly band with fanny or back pack being second.
If the gun can be fastened inside of a side access compartment with a fob or tether making zipper function simpler I'd opt for that. I also have a couple shoulder carried bags that I use but only one is really practical (a 5.11 Messenger) but it pretty much screams gun too but legitimately carries my work stuff as well.

I would also recommend looking into some sort of belly band holster if your wearing elastic waistband shorts. I have one from DeSantis and it works very well for those times when I'm wearing shorts but without a belt. They also make a couple of different models (Sky Band II and Stowaway), that follow along the same design as the Bellyband holster. The only other concealment holster that I can think of would be a holster t-shirt type but I have never owned one so I can't really comment on how effective of comfortable it might be.
I can't find an IWB that I like for my GLOCK 19. Everything feels not so good. Fobus paddle with a big shirt works. Pocket pistol works with most shorts. The angled cut pocket that was mentioned is a problem, and I have to wear a long shirt to pocket carry with angled cut pocket shorts.
reaction time and deployment are key to personal defense... when a threat is apparent, you have little time to deploy a weapon...being aware of your surroundings and being able to see a potential threat before it becomes an apparent threat and reacting before potential becomes apparent is the only way to protect yourself... .Most muggings and robberies happen within seconds of the victim being unaware of a potential problem.. If the victim can see the potential coming at them ( being aware ) they have a second or two. these attacks occur ( for the most part under 21 feet.... ) no one tried to rob or mug you from 30 yards away... also these threats are over in under 20 seconds.. How you react in these time frames will make you either a victim, or a Bad guy's worst nightmare.

I carry in the pocket so when I see the potential for a threat I simply put my hand in my pocket and around my pocket carry.. if I see a potential threat becoming a reality, I'm already prepared to draw and fire.
My wife recently bought one of those belly bands. After seeing it, I'm considering one now, too. Her's has options for left or right, front or back, and a spare mag on each side. She could conceivably carry four firearms in that thing! It's also quite adjustable and very secure. Give these a good, hard look if you haven't already.
This will be my first summer of concealed carry, so looking for your recommendations on hot weather holsters. Will be carrying a Glock 19.
I have a Crossbreed Supertuck-just bought it and breaking it in. It should be fine with long pants, leather belt, and normal shirts. However, will be doing a lot of hiking, fishing, etc. in hot weather with shorts and T-shirt as my normal clothing. If I'm wearing my Carhart work shorts, think a leather belt with the Supertuck might work under a T-shirt (tucked in? or worn out?).
But also wear elastic band shorts with no capability for a strong belt to support the gun and holster-what would be the alternative?
Always hike with a daypack, so could stash the Glock in the pack-would you recommend a holster inside the pack? Which one?
Appreciate the help, and all opinions are welcome.

I have a Galco Kingtuk, probably similar to your Crossbreed. The length of pants has nothing to do with concealability. As far as IWB goes, this is the most comfortable design. The problem is G19 is not very easy to IWB if you need to sit down. I even had problems finding a comfortable spot for my G26. I ended up putting it at 3:00. But I carry in it with shorts, no problem.

T-shirt conceals my G26 nicely. For G17 I need a lose button up shirt. G19 falls in between so YMMV.

I also carry G26 in front pocket in Remora holster. Works with typical cargo shorts, and I am not even into really baggy ones. It sticks out a bit - not any more than my wallet does.
I have to throw in here . Every article I read about IWB has the wearer buying a size bigger waist . Not really necessary group , I make waist expanders out of leather and get jeans buttons from hobbie shops , cut to any size you like / need just remember zipper won't close all the way if too long but to go one size up is no problem , cut slot on opposite end and voila ! I have four different IWB hybrids and carry everyday but have only needed to make one expander in four years . I've carried my G19 , G26 ( my favorite ) and G42 ( great for summer carry and conceals well under tee shirt ) . You will have to make couple up to get the fit you want but it's still cheaper than buying new pants to fit the holster and these also work well for pancake holster made by Simply Rugged for my SP101 2 1/4 bbl .357 .
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