Regarding Blacks, the NRA, and guns

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Jan 1, 2009
Wichita, KS
I started the now-locked thread about getting more black Americans in the NRA. I'm not trying to re-open that thread; many fine points were made. But on that very subject, the JPFO has just released a video about how gun control was from the onset, a racist idea, and how law-abiding blacks today ought to arm themselves. It's 20 min's long, but a great video. I'll provide this link. Monitors, if you feel this just reopens an old thread, you can close it right away. But it is presented for those who want to learn more about gun control history, and the particularly uneasy position most law-abiding black Americans feel themselves in.
I'll bookmark it. Thanks.

I always thought it would be interesting for some social entrepreneur to fund an "expose" on the history of guns in America, much like the Al Gore environmental deal, or that fat guy that does the documentaries.

The trick would then be making it flashy enough to get the complacent patriot off his couch and to the theatre.

Got a plan for using the video or is this just an FYI post?

Perhaps the folks in General would be interested as well.

Thanks for finding this.
HSO, no immediate plans. I did email the main speaker of the video. I grew up in Chicago, and know first-hand how anti-gun the place is. I also realize how Black America is reluctant to align with either the NRA or the JPFO. Maybe they could start their own group, after visiting both organizations for a start. I did offer Mr Conner my support.

I think it is an important piece, and provides a great perspective on why things are the way they are.
I was once told by an anti-gun lobbyist that their drive for gun control wasn't directed "at you" but at keeping guns from "the wrong people." I asked who "the wrong people" were, other than convicted criminals. "Well, you know, the wrong people," she replied. I persisted until she finally came out with the truth, "We have to keep n****rs and other low class people from getting guns." I will not mention the woman's name, but she worked for NCCH, which became the Brady Campaign.

Of course to those now determined to impose socialism/communism on the U.S., the "wrong people" would be any of us who value freedom and oppose one man, one party rule.

I was once told by an anti-gun lobbyist that their drive for gun control wasn't directed "at you" but at keeping guns from "the wrong people." I asked who "the wrong people" were, other than convicted criminals. "Well, you know, the wrong people," she replied. I persisted until she finally came out with the truth, "We have to keep n****rs and other low class people from getting guns." I will not mention the woman's name, but she worked for NCCH, which became the Brady Campaign.
DING! DING! DING! We have a winner!!!

Other than avowed neo-Nazis, the biggest racists I've EVER seen in usenet were White anti-gunners. They're perfectly comfortable using the crudest racial slurs against any Black person (or Jew) who defies them. It just points up the truism that gun control isn't about guns, it's about CONTROL, and almost invariably of feared and hated minorities, be they Blacks, Jews, Italians or Indians.

You have a moral DUTY to point this out wherever you see it, and to NAME NAMES. Keep archives and throw that stuff back in their faces at EVERY opportunity. It forces them into easily documented lies. In the words of James Brown, "pull the sheet off of 'em". It DOES make a difference.
I was once told by an anti-gun lobbyist that their drive for gun control wasn't directed "at you" but at keeping guns from "the wrong people." I asked who "the wrong people" were, other than convicted criminals. "Well, you know, the wrong people," she replied. I persisted until she finally came out with the truth, "We have to keep n****rs and other low class people from getting guns." I will not mention the woman's name, but she worked for NCCH, which became the Brady Campaign.

There are very few people that could tell me that story and make me believe it, but you are one of them, Jim.
I'm Black and I'm very well aware of the history of gun control. Nothing new but it's very pleasing to see "mainstream America" realize some of the crap we've been through in this nation.

Thanks for the find though. I'll e-mail it to several of my Black friends, associates and co-workers.
I don't see why blacks in general would be opposed to joining JPFO, since they were the ones protesting with them 50 years ago.
It's good to see the proliferation of valid information helping people to understand what's really going on in our country.

I find more often than not, groups who oppose liberty are the true enemies of the populous.
quite a few members of the black community in Washington D.C. had a say regards the Heller decision and rightfully so. many black women demanded the right to have handguns in the home.
although the NRA does not identify the citizens by race in 'the armed citizen' page I suspect quite a few of the grannys popping caps on 'the boyz in the 'hood' come to steal thier S.S. checks are black women.
one granny I suspect was black opened up on 3 of 'em after telling them that she was 'fetching her money' and pulled a 9-shot .22LR revolver her daughter had brought her and emptyed it into the robbers one of which fell dead on her porch, the others were caught at hospital one was critical with multiple bullet wounds.
she didn't even call the law just went to bed and her daughter found the stiff next morning when she came to check on momma.:eek:
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