reloading dangers - have you ever had an accident?

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Reloading is NOT rocket science, it is a simple, albeit, repetitive process that requires you to FOCUS. I have taught my kids at the age of 6 to reload pistol and shotshell.

Why do all the new folks with the plethora of data from the internet and online sources have so much trouble with something that those of us who started before the net had NO issues with?

Has the intelligence level of the typical shooter been lowered that dramatically? The components and processes haven't changed..............GEEZ!
A good tool in the field for new re-loaders

A hard mallet and an aluminum gutter-nail, finished so as to fit onto / into the bullet that has become stuck in the barrel. Don't worry; you'll have a lot of on-lookers when you try hammering that pill back towards the chamber. ((1-oz. Damning with faint praise; we are allborn dumb, but some unnecessarily hone it to a weapon's edge.))
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I'm going to make an attempt at humor here -

if you dont have the patience to use the shift and punc keys and just write everything runon like this without breaking thoughts into pagrphs and like to use abbrevs like l8r and stuff like that because you arnt at your computer you might have some trouble with reloading safely

On the other hand, if you can read and follow instructions (even though they are tedious), and have the patience to work with small parts, gauges and simple hand tools, you will probably find reloading to be a rewarding challenge.

Seriously, one of the serious hazards associated with reloading is the dust from spent primers, encountered when you are handling media used for tumbling. The bullets aren't a problem, generally, but the primer dust is. Nitrile gloves and separating media outdoors is a good idea, IMO.

It took me a little bit of nerve to use a kinetic bullet puller the first time. You have to believe the primer doesn't go off on inertia, but requires deforming the cup and crushing the pellet against the anvil. Then you look at the design of the bullet puller, set up the cartridge, and whack it against something solid. Works just fine, but I found this more unsettling than handling primers or powder during the reloading process.

I believe many reloaders wear eye protection when reloading, though the likelihood of a primer going off is very low. I know I do. And it helps to realize that you haven't created a loaded round while you're priming. Once you have a primed, charged case with a seated bullet you have something that will create tremendous energy if it is fired, especially if it's in anything that resembles a chamber. So you don't reseat high primers, but pull the bullet, dump the powder, reseat primer, powder charge, bullet seat.

IMO, reloading isn't hard, but there are a lot of fussy little details that can be important if they are skipped or performed incorrectly. If you understand the process, you will probably have a lot more success than if you try to memorize it. And understanding takes a few weeks of study, typically, followed by a few weeks of experience. At that point you will probably feel somewhat confident and pleased with your results and will start asking advanced questions about powder selection. You might even buy a chronograph! :)
Sorry for the tome, but your question deserves a full answer.

I never had a kaboom reloading accident in 41 years, at the bench, or at the range. Knocking on wood.....and continuing to closely watch Murphy. (If it's possible for something to go wrong it will.) That said, when I first got my progressive, I let the primers run out once. Finished rounds that leak powder out the bottom is annoying, embarrassing, (if your friend, whom you just demoed the new toy to is laughing), but not particularly dangerous.

I'm not so special, anyone can load safe. I just takes the ability (and desire) to pay attention to details. If you aren't good at details maybe another hobby is there's no place for sloppy procedure in this hobby. As I am now starting the twilight years, I have to be even more vigilant than I was...forgetfulness is not forgiving. I carefully document loads I use and I take good procedure notes. Since I can no longer remember what I did last month perfectly, I reacquaint myself with what I did then using my notes.

I spent my first 10 years loading on a Rock Chucker, priming on the press without blast shields. That's dangerous since the whole tube can blow up in your face. Most progressive presses still use tubes that are prone to that kind of accident. Companies deal with the danger these days by encasing their primer tubes in blast tubes. That doesn't stop the accidents, but it does make it safer...especially if users wear hearing protection and eye protection. When a tube of primers in a blast shield explodes, the shield diverts the blast upward. So the worst thing that happens is holes in the ceiling, and if unprotected, ear damage.

Those first 10 years I had no kabooms, didn't wear protections, I was just flat lucky. Year eleven is when I heard of the dangers so I removed my press priming system and loaded using Lee's hand primers....first one at a time...then when they improved the tool, used their trays. I reloaded that way for 29 more years. No accidents with that system either....even using Federal primers sometimes (which Lee warned against). But I've never been a "if it won't go, force it" sort of guy. If a primer won't go in easy, I find out why, and fix the problem.

3 Years ago I joined the progressive club buying an RCBS Pro 2000 autoadvance. It uses their APS priming system, with primers preloaded in strips of 25. I find it safer and faster, and the best feature of the press. Primers can't all go off at once, like they can in tubes and trays, unless you throw a strip into the fireplace.

As for double-loads and squibs, if you load on a single station press, and do it right: each step in batches of 50 or 100, and you physically look at each batch after charging with powder, you aren't going to have a double charge or a squib, period. That's not rocket science, just common sense.

Progressives are another matter, since it's easy to make ammo faster than you can look. Lock-out dies work for pistol. For rifle, powder cops work , and lights & mirrors work too, either way you do have to slow down and look at each and every case to be sure.

The other "danger" is being stupid. I'm referring to getting a load off the internet, from a magazine, or from a friend, and using it without working up the load for your gun, and bypassing the published reloading manuals to find safe starting loads.
Reloading is NOT rocket science, it is a simple, albeit, repetitive process that requires you to FOCUS. I have taught my kids at the age of 6 to reload pistol and shotshell.

Why do all the new folks with the plethora of data from the internet and online sources have so much trouble with something that those of us who started before the net had NO issues with?

Has the intelligence level of the typical shooter been lowered that dramatically? The components and processes haven't changed..............GEEZ!

Well said.

I have not had problems with unplanned primer discharges in 31 years of reloading but will not say I will never have one.

I quickly learned what effort was required to do things like seat primers, seat bullets and resize brass. If I encounter a situation where I need greater force, I stop and solve the problem before continuing. The "don't force it, get a bigger hammer" routine is not appropriate when reloading.

Yes, I have had squib loads but have improved my techniques to minimize them. I did not have any for 25 or so years until I bought a progressive press. I quickly fixed that problem.

I am deathly afraid of double charges. Cartridges charged in loading block for single stage press reloading are visually checked after charging. The progressive has a powder check die on it.

I store powders away from my reloading bench and get out only the powder I am using at the present time. I never remove primers from their original packaging until I prime the cases. I check and recheck my reloading data before launching into a reloading session.

Reloading in itself is not dangerous, the results of poor reloading practices can be.

But, I guess I am a rare male, I read instructions.

Excuse me while I knock on wood and find my lucky rabbit foot. I'd hate to think I just jinxed things.
I started reloading in about 1969 or 1970. Shotgun mostly; using a set of tubes, a dipper and the bathroom scale. Did that for almost 10 years.

Then a single stage for rifle from a company that is long gone.

Sometime along about 1990 or 91, I bought my first progressive press. A few years later another, then another a few months later. Along the way I acquired two more single stage jobs and a hand press.

A couple years ago a shotgun press too.

Never had any type of kaboom, never a fire. I doubt I've even come close. Never had a squib. I don't have any checkers or lock-outs. I run a clean, neat set up, always. I figured once that I've loaded well over a half-million rounds, maybe closer to 3/4 million.

Only once did I have more than a handful of poorly made rounds. Enough to require me to spend an evening pulling.

Safe is something you just do; guess I've done it just fine.
I've been at it with pistol ammo on a Lee Classic Turret for a couple years now. IMO it's safer than driving your car. Just like driving tho, you need to be sober & paying attention. The devil is in the details.

Primers are actually very stable until seated (properly) in the case. Try seating them a little short & you'll find out. First trigger pull... "click" Now the primer is seated. Second pull... "BANG!"

I worry more about squibs than I do double charges. You would need to screw the pooch pretty vigorously to get a double charge with a Lee Classic Turret w/Auto Disc. It can be done, but you'd need to really not have your head in the game.

Never have more than 1 can of powder on the bench at any one time. Mixing up Bullseye with 2400 can really ruin your day.:eek: And don't guess. If in doubt, throw it out. Powder is relatively cheap. Eyes, fingers, guns, etc are not.

I wear eye protection when loading and shooting.

If something feels wrong while loading, it probably is. Stop & find out. Maybe a split case, maybe a .38 case got in with the .357 or a .380 with the nine... any number of things. You will develope a "feel" for what's right.
Worst accident I have had was back in the 60's. I was still living with my Mom and Dad and had a Lee Loader, (what you now call a "whack-a-mole). My parent s were facinated by the reloading process. We had visitors one evening and Mom wanted me to reload one for them to watch. It wasn't a good time to set the primer off while seating it, but I did. I guess I was the only one in the room that didn't have a guilty concience, because when it was over I was the only one there.LOL. :D
If you are careful and meticulous, you can make better/safer ammo than the factory.

If you shoot for factory production, and are careful and meticulous, you can still do better than factory quality ammo.

Take the careful and meticulous out of the equation, and all bets are off.
In loading thousands of rounds over more than 30 years I've never had a primer accident. I do not prime on a press. Once, many years ago, I lead a soft lead wadcutter lodge in a revolver barrel. Since then I load with the radio off, in an area by my self, and visually inspect every case before putting a bullet in.
I have been reloading only five years. I have never had a primer go off until I wanted it to. I have never had a double charge and had one squib when new. I think the worst thing I had happen was I got my thumb caught between the case and die on the upstroke once. Trust me you don't want that to happen. :cuss:
The last thing I want is to be hand-priming on the couch while watching tv and somehow blow my hands off.
IMO if the TV is going to be your main focus it's a bad idea. Reloading is very safe IMO but required total focus on the task at hand.

I have never had a double charge or had a primer go off when reloading. I have even de-caped a handful of live primers without incident.

You are speaking of loading 45's. I was at Cabela's today and the cheapest .45 Auto ammo was on sale for $19.99/50 rounds. Most times they are well over $24/50 rounds. That alone should convince you reloading is well worth the "slight" danger involved. (considering at current component prices I can load 50 rounds of LRN for $6.50 and FMJ for $8.50)
Like Rusty the only mishap I have ever had was a few pinched fingers--it hurts but makes you more careful. Like many have mentioned-visually and carefully inspect each powder level prior to "bulletizing" if using a single stage press. I keep a strong hand held light on the bench just for that purpose-and helping me read fine print. Letters seem to have gotten smaller in the last few years-lol. I use loading blocks religiously even with small batches. Makes it easier to double/triple check. At the spring gathering we had a reloading class and the youngsters really loved it. They really enjoyed shooting their "new" ammo the next day. There are pics if interested-PM for links. My son recently got heavily into reloading so he could competively compete with his sniper buds. Must be nice to have a 1K range in your "back lawn". Gave him my 700 and he loves it.
I've only been handloading for a couple years now, and I started on a progessive.

I made an error or two, and learned from them. Loaded a squib or two and one double charge of a .45acp. Scared the crap out of me, sprayed my face with teeny brass particles when the case partially let goa at the base. I still have the case and keep it as a reminder.

Powder was 231, did not hurt the pistol one bit (steel 1911), but it destroyed the magazine and split both wooden grips.

In talking with other loaders, I found someone who had done the same thing, with similar results. Except he had Hogue wrap-around rubber grips, which "ballooned up" briefly but did not split.

So while I don't recommend it :) I don't think a double charge will do you or your gun any harm. Polymer gun? May not work out as well.

I do wear eye protection while loading, but (knock wood) have never had a primer go off.
Early in my loading career as a no rank, no money GI, I came into a stash of surplus .30/06 ammo. As it had corrosive primers, I pulled the bullets to salvage the brass. Having read all about crimped primers I didn't want to risk breaking the expensive decapping pin in my uber expensive RCBS sizing die so I made a decapping rod from a piece of steel and dumped water in the cases.

Next evening I started decapping by placing a case in the shell holder and tapping the primers out. Apparently, I missed one case with the water. The primer blew out the slot in the ram and I got a couple of powder burns on my left thumb and index finger.

The next batch got a double shot of oil and a couple days to soak.
Haven't had a squib in 30 years, but I did remove a chunk of flesh while decapping some .44 magnum brass. I had a good rythem going and didn't get the finger out of the way in time. Sharp brass tubing (case), solid surface (sizing die), huge mechanical advantage, zip! Right through the finger!
Has the intelligence level of the typical shooter been lowered that dramatically? The components and processes haven't changed..............GEEZ!

Only thing different is the internet. All this went only long before we had laptops and internet forums for entertainment.
I have even de-caped a handful of live primers without incident.

Though I would never recommend this, I too have been known to do it. I bought some brass once and it had about five pieces with primers put in backwards. I put on the safety glasses, turned my back to the press and ran the stroke very slowly. No incident. Like I said, I would never endorse this behavior, I'm just sharing it so you know, primers aren't as volatile as some would have you think. That being said, you should still be careful, and probably not do like me.
As I am an old fart, with border line ADD, and easily distracted, I built my reloading room out in my office in the barn. The only noise maker, other than me, is my radio/CD player, and it is never on while I do any reloading. I even have to keep the blinds pulled, so I don't catch a glimpse of the occasional deer that meander through my back yard.

After taking those precautions, I have safely loaded a lot of ammo without incident. If I can keep focused on the task at hand, anyone can. :)
Been doing it for over 30 years and haven't had one single mis-hap.
Primer's are very stable to the extent I accidentally tried to doubel prime a shotgun hull on my Mec and nothing happened.
Powder charges are where we really get into trouble. Avoiding a double charged case is critical, it can kill you. To avoid a double charge case or the effect being excessively high pressures, I have always used slow burning powder's. The powder charge with slow burning powder is such that you can't usually squeeze a double charge into the case. And with many cartridges and slow burning powder a double charge or attempted D.C. isn't likely going to cause a KB.
Another area to watch is seating depth. A 9mm round seated .030" deeper than SAMMI recomended produced 63,000 cup opposed to the 28,000 cup it's tested to work at. The rule of thumb here is make sure you are not seating deeper than the listed OAL. A longer OAL can cause problems with feeding and other issues related to function, but it isn't going to KB your gun in 99% of circumstances.
OK, I will come clean on a near disaster. I thought it would be fine to smoke while loading, if I was careful lol. So I have my can full of powder that I use my dips in. Then I have the ashtray. :what: No I didnt confuse them :) I thought the ashtray had a grain or two in it, but it had way more. So I put out the butt and the ashtray spits out a bunch of sparking grains. I clearly saw one of them in particular, jump out in slow motion and land and fizzle out in the tin can filled with powder.
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