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Mar 16, 2003
New World Order....
Was just considering some thoughts I've had.The Coalition Forces seem to be a replacement for UN troops.Regime change?
Where next..Just curious but is it all a conspiracy to world economic / political control?Wouldn't there be a point that stagnation will occur?Or are we in for Solent Green?Consider that the advances we've made in so short of time(1900-2000)Have we come too far too fast,without thinking of the future?We are still locked in fossil fuel yet ,advances in alternitive fuels,non nuke,have gone largly unreported to the general public.Are we in our decline ,like the Roman Empire?
Ya know, there are those that can sit around and worry about the New World Order, the UN, Alternative fules, the Ozone, Big Brother, Area 54 Alian Technology, Globle Warming, etc, etc.... :scrutiny:

Me?...I just worry about the simple things like raising my kids to think critically, respect others, worry about things they can control, learning how to use firearms, etc.

That and makeing sure I have enough ammunition so when the Illuminati (sp?) declaire Martial Law so they can impliment human derived fuels and the UN Troops from Plant Zoltran start arriving to enforce it/patrol/harvest I can "bug out" with the family to a remote area and meet up others and set up a resistance. :banghead:
Well, guy. Long as my back yard still works and my rototiller still works and you can distill plant material into both fuel and lubricants for it at need and food plants still produce seed to plant for next year, I don't think I'll be going the "Soylent Green" route. Don't know about you.:scrutiny:
I'm with Jim March: we need regime change in Sacramento.

I'm not worried about jack booted thugs on my home turf... that said... I'm taking seriously the responsibility to learn how to operate a rifle and hit targets out to 600 yards.

If I ever need to hunt for / defend my family, I feel that I will (eventually, when I've had enough training and practice) be better prepared that most folks.

The world has too many conspiracy theories.
I'm with Gunny Smidt on this one. I would be with Jim March too, but everybody knows that Kommifornia is "Little Zoltran", and so regime change is among the least of their worries. :p
Just curious but is it all a conspiracy to world economic / political control?


America is starting on an imperialistic war to take over the planet earth. (And Zoltar too....maybe that planet where Alf came from will be next. I hate cats.)

We are beginning this imperialistic quest by taking over the crappiest, most bass-ackwards sandbox of a country on the planet.

Of course, we didn't take over Iraq in 1991 because.....

Anyhow, it is indeed all a conspiracy.

Buy lots of tin foil, duct tape, plastic sheeting, and you'll be just fine.


I am in total 100% agreement to all fifteen points you make in your opening paragraph.

Excuse me, I have to go remove the internal organs of some cows now.
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