Remington capping issues

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I load my rem using a loading stand and cap before putting cylinder back in gun , [note this must be done very carefully, i usually do it over a padded rug at the shooting bench] also i use a modified ted cash straight line capper in the winter time, or just use your fingers, works for me, pghrich
I opened up capping windows on a mill, one with a ball end mill and another with a square end mill. both work now with a Ted Cash snail capper. Most straight cappers will work even with an unmodified cylinder. The cylinder opened with the ball end mill looks like a Ruger cylinder now.
I opened my capping windows with a Dremel and 1/4" sanding drum. I had trouble capping this gun even with a straight capper.

It looks like your nipple on the unmodified cylinder is not screwed all the way in or is real short compared to the Treso on the left.
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