Report: Teacher Fired After Va.-Tech Reenactment

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I don't understand....

Did he re-enact the massacre? How? Why? With student actors?

Or did he just discuss it and then introduce the idea of resisting the killer with a firearm? The article did not make it clear at all, so it's hard to comment. If he did the former, it was in very bad taste, and why bother? If it was the latter, well that sucks for him, not sure he has any recourse though, he should consider moving south or west of New England.
Well, to respond to my own query, my suspicions are that as a "adjunct professor of financial accounting," he went off-topic in class. (This happens every day in many classes. Hell, I do it.) Unfortunately here he didn't go off-topic and espouse the outlawing of firearms, the impeachment of the current sitting President and support various theories regarding 9/11 being a inside job. When the complaints heaped up instead of being warned to stay on topic, the Administration exercised their privileges regarding non-tenured faculty and dumped him.

Insufficient information - from the news story it could mean he did anything from replay some news footage and pontificate, all the way to having some guy come in and start raising cain with a blank pistol. The latter I could easily see as grounds for dismissal - if the former was, I don't think I'd have a single professor still working when I was in school.

Some justice! That phoney native american from Colorado can teach
any kind hate and remain. Let's see religion, true history, evolution, and
2nd Amendment is, their way, or the highway. Feels like controlled freedom
to me. CONTROLLED ??? that doesn't sound political correct!
So it's not a good thing to draw on actual events to prove a point?

Not when your point runs counter to the delusional Liberal vision of the world and you reside in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. We're talking about the state where the punishment for killing somebody while driving under the influence is to elect them as Senator.
As I understand it he was planning to segue into a question on if the VT incident had an impact on the financial markets. Had his demonstration been pro-gun control, I doubt he would have been fired. Heck, it might have even made for a feel-good spot on the evening local news...
Max Beep is right. The guy was doing what all good teachers do. He was using schema to help his students learn (Schema is the pedogogical term for helping students make connections between things that are familiar --the roleplay-- and new ideas...which is how the human brain actually works, to the best of our knowledge). He simply added a second element in between the already known (VT had a massacre) and the new idea (Markets don't give a damn about massacres). That message is what got him fired.

I hope he learned his lesson (don't work at a non-tenured school if you actually want to be able to engage in any kind of real dialogue).

Pure and simple: They didn't like that he said to fight back.
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