Restrore a Dillon Powder Hopper

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Feb 21, 2012
West Central MN
This will likely work on any plastic hopper.

I found myself with discolored powder hoppers as many of you have and I have thought about replacing them with the glass ones, however I'm sometimes cheap. SO I found myself reasoning. why not mess with one first and see if I can improve things. I'm going to order new ones anyway so - nothing to lose. So I dug around in the garage and pulled out some clear coat polish that I've used to clean yellowed headlights. Let's see how it works on the Dillon hopper.. In short. It worked perfectly.

IMG_4634.JPG IMG_4635.JPG

These were both actually pretty bad. the one on the left had that orange/brown staining. In the back is a fairly new one for comparisson.

so here's the stuff I used.


I used a vacuum cleaner extension and wrapped an old sock around it since the fit was fairly close


a few minutes of scrubbing later, follow up with a nice clean towel to wipe up the mess. and VIOLA! I should note that I was very liberal with the amount of polish I used.


It's not entirely perfect, but close enough for me. The only thing I have to add is that I have no idea if I generated any static charge on the plastic. probably did. so I will finish out with wiping them down with a bunch old dryer sheets.
On a related note, ive used Mothers Mag and Aluminum Polish to clean discoloration from 1980s ford plastic under hood light globes. It also works really really well on 80's ABS plastic. Brings it to a nice clean shine.
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