Resume - "Interests"

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I never put my personal interests down on a resume, and I avoid the topic in interviews. I don't think it's revelant, and I really don't think it's any of the interviewers/HR/corporations business what I do in my free time.
Amen to what Pendragon said. You have to understand that your resume is just one of dozens or hundreds. Keep it short and to the point, what value are you to MY company. I am looking for the best value for my dollar just as you are.
I'd leave out interests altogether, since most don't care and if they do, they'll ask at the interview.
I agree with the posters who suggest that you omit entirely any personal information, such as hobbies and interests, from your resume. The only exception I see is someone just entering the job market who has little or no professional experience or education.

When I review resumes for my Manufacturing Engineering department, the inclusion of "hobbies and interests" seems juvenile and amateurish. I don't care at all if you enjoy dressing up in a chicken suit and listening to Barry Manilow music; just don't tell me about it. I just want to know if you can do the job that needs doing.
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