Reuters commentary piece

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Of course he does not mention that he is including suicides in that number

He probably also does not mentioned that there are over 310 million Americans and that the large majority that are killed by guns are in less than 100 of the United States 3,056 County's. :rolleyes:
How many Americans a day die from dope? Does he mention that? Or medical errors?

Most of the gang violence which accounts for the largest percentage of murders is at its root a drug problem.
Chicago is one of the leaders in gun deaths. That place must be a battleground.
Chicago is one of the leaders in gun deaths. That place must be a battleground.
It's very little different than it was during Prohibition.

OVERWHELMINGLY, this is about disputes over drug trafficking, just as it used to be over liquor trafficking.

And just as during the Capone days, the ENTIRE system is corrupt. Cops are involved in the drug trade, either directly or by robbing the participants. Elected officials have longstanding ties to drug gangs.

If so many people didn't have their hands dirty, the problem could be reduced to a manageable level in the same way that Capone and company were reined in. But then it wouldn't very well do for Aldermen to call for their constituents, and campaign contributors and workers to be sent to Federal prison for twenty years for income tax evasion...
St. Louis,Detroit and New Orleans are far worse. 3 times as many gun homicides than Chicago per capita.

Now those are true battlegrounds. People tend to forget Chicago has close to 3 million residents.

The vast majority of killings in these cities are gangs battling over drug turf,women turf, or other turf. Dean is keeping us up to date.

Good work!

In the last paragraph of this commentary from Adam Skaggs, previously of the Everytown group, claims 90 Americans a day die by guns. Of course he does not mention that he is including suicides in that number

According to the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention, there is about 117 suicides per day.

That's more than ALL guns deaths per day :what:

We should ban suicide. That'll fix it.
How many Americans a day die from dope? Does he mention that? Or medical errors?

Most of the gang violence which accounts for the largest percentage of murders is at its root a drug problem.
Dope? You mean marijuana?

Not only do the antigun crusaders NOT mention that most gun deaths are suicide, they don't mention that few suicide researchers believe the presence of the gun causes the suicide and without a gun, the suicide will still be attempted (Japanese non-gun suicide methods often endanger family, bystanders, and EMT).

And they keep using very old gun homicide stats (11 or 12 thousand a year, when recent years gun homicides have been between 8 to 9 thousand of a total of 12 thousand homicides and they won't mention Wolfgang's caveats: weapon substitition plus and homicide guns are often acquired off the street, not by legal purchase.

It's really not about saving lives, it's about an obsession with guns as a symbol.

Handgun homicide (using 2011 FBI UCR reports states and Obama Admin estimate of number of handguns) represents 1 of 18,000 handguns.
Dope? You mean marijuana?

Are you saying marijuana doesn't kill? The voters on the wet side of our state voted to legalize it a couple of years ago. I saw an interview with a state trooper from our state recently that said that fatal accidents caused by drivers that were high on marijuana were up 51%. Indirectly, it kills.
Are you saying marijuana doesn't kill? The voters on the wet side of our state voted to legalize it a couple of years ago. I saw an interview with a state trooper from our state recently that said that fatal accidents caused by drivers that were high on marijuana were up 51%. Indirectly, it kills.
Smoking cigarettes doesn't kill anyone either using that logic. I could care less if some adult wants to indulge but that is the sort comment that loses credibility for the pot heads. If you want to make an argument on the basis of personal freedom go ahead, but don't try and tell me it doesn't have adverse health affects and it isn't a big factor in DUI.

The reality is that it's usually bad judgement, stupidity, or neglect that causes unnatural death. Plain and simple.
This is a gun-control piece, being discussed on a gun-rights board. Why should the writer have mentioned deaths from "dope" and medical errors?

Debate by deflection from the topic at hand is rarely a sound strategy.
Under the political ideology known as social liberalism espoused by Skaggs, the "good of the community" really is viewed as harmonious with individual liberty and personal freedom. It believes the legitimate role of the government includes "addressing gun violence" as well as other social-political issues. In the context of American politics this describes so-called progressive stances on gun control, as opposed to social conservatism.
It's a stupid article meant for stupid people. Stats are manipulated or old. And 99 percent of the people who read it on the left won't bother to fact check any of it. They'll read the article, copy it, and post it on Facebook as gospel. 32,675 people died in auto accidents in 2014 according to the NHTSA. And was trending upwards 8.1% in 2015. Yes, let's ban guns. Only guns kill innocent people. Smh

Curious as to how many of those gun deaths were by people who already owned the firearm illegally.

Also curious as to how many were by legal gun owners defending themselves or their abodes from criminals.
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Any one who reads Reuters is list to begin with! That's like watching news on public tv bbc!

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