Revolution - NBC tv show

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Aug 17, 2007
Spring, TX
I saw the previews all through the olympics and was intrigued enough to look up a little more on the nbc website. Basically an EMP takes out all technology and the US is thrown back into the different age because their are no more computers. This show is supposed to take place 15 years after the EMP.

HOWEVER, everyone if fighting with swords and bows and arrows! Where are the rifles and pistols? An EMP is not going to kill guns!!! I am assuming that they think all ammo is used up in the 15 years. I understand that some people will not stock up enough ammo to last but come on! People have been loading ammo long before computers. I am guessing that the smokeless powder would be the toughest thing to manufacturer but its not impossible. I am not seeing ammo companies just folding up shop just because their computers no longer work. People are smart and will figure out a way to make it work. The electrical grid will take a serious hit but it will be changed to work without computers.

Dont get me wrong, I like these kind of shows but the whole premise that there are no more rifles is just absurd to me. What do yall think?
If all electronic technology were suddenly destroyed it would create a tremendous opportunity for the people who know how to rebuild and replace it. Those who get a replacement to market first could name their own price and get very rich.
The same with ammo. If people were really fighting for their lives with swords and bows and arrows what would a box of ammo be worth? How lucrative would reloading suddenly become if people were starving and fighting over food? With that kind of incentive it would not take very long at all for skilled people to take advantage of the tremendous demand and create a supply.

These post-apocalyptic fantasies are fun to watch but they are not based in economic reality that shortages create oppertunity.
It's hard to make your own primer, powder, brass and jacketed bullets on a personal scale, especially with no Internet to teach you how and limited ways to get the resources needed (i.e.: barter). After 15 years, I'm sure most of the ammo would be shot up in various strife. Overall, I think it would go back to sticks and stones rather quickly.

Most importantly, I think with no medical technology or mechanized food production, there would be a) a couple BILLION people fewer on Earth, and b) those surviving would have better things to worry about, like subsistence farming without petroleum-based fertilizer, pesticides or tractors.
There is a book called 'One Second After', by William Forstchen that paints a fairly realistic outcome of an EMP attack on the United States. It's also pretty well written and a good story.
After 15 years, I'm sure most of the ammo would be shot up in various strife. Overall, I think it would go back to sticks and stones rather quickly.

Not really, between private and military stockpiles, there should be enough to last that amount of time. The real problems will be food and drinkable water supplies. Without our transportation systems both will run out very fast. Pipelines need pumps (electric) and trucks and gas will be needed to transport food to market. I would estimate that the population would decrease by 80%. More ammo for fewer people.

Just my take on the matter.
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