Revolver ID from "The Thing"

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Dec 29, 2002
Los Anchorage
Here are some screen shots from "The Thing" of Garry's revolver. It looks to me like a S&W Highway Patrolman. What do you think?




looking at the rear sight and wooden grips in the 2nd picture, combined with the bolt notches in the 4th picture, the pistol is definately not a S&W, but a colt.

taking the barrel configuration into consideration, i'd guess it is either a trooper or a mark III/IV
Though I can't help you with the ID, I must say...

John Carpenter's "The Thing" is the best movie ever

Saw it at a drive-in back in '82 when just a chap and I love it today just as much as then. It is without a doubt my favorite movie. It's a shame most people haven't as much as seen it.

You should check out Outpost 31. A bunch of us are planning a trip to Stewart BC in 2007, and there's some Canadians who show the film on the big screen every year.

Also, if you haven't already get the special edition DVD. THe Russel/Carpenter commentary is among the best commentary tracks ever. Kurt keeps throwing back drinks (you can hear the ice jingle) and both of them show great affection for the movie.
Clearly, a Trooper MK. III. Look at the trigger, the frame forward of the trigger guard, and the Colt rear sight.

No way it could be a Highway Patrolman. The barrel sticks out too far beyond the extractor rod lug. The four-inch M28 S&W probably doesn't have over half an inch or so of barrel beyond that lug, although I don't have one to measure. Also, the size of the frame is too small.

You can see S&W M28's in, "Telefon" and, "The Mean Season". I may be thinking of the book cover on the latter, which showed a six-inch M28, but one may also be in the film. Long time since I saw it.

Lone Star
Check out the original version from like the 50' stars James Arness as the alien...the scene where he breaks through the door is father saw the original when it came out and he said it scared the crap out of him for a long time.....this is one movie where the remake is +almost+ as good as the original..along with Cape fear,and Invasion of the body snatchers.
The Thing! Saw it at a drive-in movie in Yuma, AZ when it came out. Had my 2 daughters and 3 nieces with me. Ages 5 to 8. Gads! I can still hear them screaming. They loved the movie.
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