RI: 10 Rd Mag Restriction and Reciprocity Legislation

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Sep 13, 2011
Rhode Island: 10 Rd Mag Restriction and Reciprocity Legislation

Rhode Island is considering several anti-gun bills as well as several pro-gun bills. Tuesday March 22 is when the House Judiciary Committee is holding hearings on "weapons-related legislation".

One of the proposals would be make it illegal to sell or own "ammunition-feeding devices that can accept more than 10 rounds"

Another bill is aimed at those who are convicted of some domestic offenses from owing or buying guns.

But it is not all bad.

There is Bipartisan support for the automatic renewal or a permit or license. And another bill with bipartisan support and even better yet would allow for reciprocity with other states. If you live in nearby Connecticut or Massachusetts, this will be of particular interest to you.

Unfortunately, right now... the article is short on exact details as who is sponsoring what, and what the actual bill numbers are. Hopefully that information will be forthcoming shortly.

I wanted to get this out here for those who live in or near Rhode Island. Maybe we can get enough to oppose the 10 mag restriction and support the auto renewal and the reciprocity legislation.


"PROVIDENCE, R.I. — Rhode Island lawmakers are considering more than a dozen bills that would either strengthen or relax gun restrictions in the state.

The House Judiciary Committee is set to hold a hearing on weapons-related legislation Tuesday."

Followup to Tuesday's hearing on gun bills in Rhode Island

This is a followup to the previous article. On Tuesday March 22 2016, more than 400 people showed up to the Rhode Island statehouse. A lot of people were interested in speaking, but only a fraction were able to speak.

Again, like the last post. There is no real information on the exact bill numbers and who is sponsoring what. I'll try to get more details in a future post. But it good to see there there was interest and I guess 400 is a pretty good number of people. I just hope it wasn't stacked with the anti-gun crowd.


"Hours before the House Judiciary Committee commenced testimony on 14 gun-related bills, advocates on both sides arrived on Smith Hill, swarming the halls outside a tiny hearing room. There were the Rhode Island Moms Demand Action adorned in matching blue T-shirts next to the Rhode Island 2nd Amendment Coalition sporting yellow buttons that read, "Gun control does not work."
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