Right place and right time twice in one month

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Bush Pilot

Oct 17, 2007
A month ago I wandered into my LGS and the owner pulled me aside and started whispering, I thought he was going to try and sell me a fake Rolex. "Do you still want a Ruger 1911?", I didn't answer, I merely nodded yes.
From underneath the counter he produces a coveted Ruger 1911, I thought I'd hit the lottery.

Fast forward, I'm in a different gunstore this afternoon when I jokingly asked the clerk if he'd seen one of the new SP101s in .22. He said that he got one in the night before just as they were closing and would I like to see it. HELLO!!!, hell yes I'd like to see it. As you can guess it ended up going home with me. I can't really offer any feedback on the gun yet, just got it home. Come Saturday the gun will be given a good workout.

Hmm, I starting to change my mind about buying a powerball ticket.
That seems to be a fairly new acronym. I've been on gun boards since 2005 and I don't recall seeing it until this year and now it's everywhere, especially here on high road
That seems to be a fairly new acronym. I've been on gun boards since 2005 and I don't recall seeing it until this year and now it's everywhere, especially here on high road
to stray off topic momentarily, I just spent about 10 seconds in a very non-specific use of the "advanced search" function of THR and the term LGS is all over the place back to at least December 2008.....

....but as I stated at the begining, I only took a moment to search.
I much prefer the term 'pusher' as it more accurately describes the relationship. :)

Bush Pilot: congrats on your new toys. Pics and range report are now required.
Toforo: December 2008 would, IMO, also qualify as recent. I also mentioned I first/mostly see it here on THR and I didn't post much here, at all, until recently.
Very nice.

You ought to remember both those guys this Christmas, do the proper thing, and send them cards. With a picture of you shooting those guns included.
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