Guns are BAD!!!

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Dec 29, 2002
Case in point:

A couple of months ago, I was at a local gunstore buying some ammo. As I opened the door, I started hearing faint whispers. I looked around, trying to figure out where they were coming from, but I couldn't quite figure it out.

As I continued towards the counter, the whispers became more audible. "What's going on," I think to myself. I am the only person here, 'cept for the clerk, of course. What is going on indeed.

I am now somewhat scared at this point. I ask the clerk, "Did you hear that?" He says he doesn't hear a thing.

"Hey, down here," says the voice. I look into the pistol counter, and lo and behold, I see a nickel pistol in .40. I turn around to see if the clerk is watching, but he is straightening up some ammo boxes several yards away.

"What do you want," I inquire to the pistol. The pistol tells me this horror story about abuse from the clerk, ie not being able to come out a play. He continues his story for a few minutes, and then finally MAKES me call the clerk over to let him out.

The clerk hands the pistol over to me, and says, "This is a great CCW!" I agree, but tell him I am only interested in purchasing some ammo. He then offers me a really great price. But I'm only here for ammo.

The pistol then forces me to rack the slide (to check the chamber of course) and then to pull the trigger. "Sweet," says I, maybe I'm not just here for ammo afterall! "My wife won't let me take you home," I say to the pistol.

"She will understand," says my new nickel friend. After thinking it over for a few minutes, I call the clerk back over and ring it up.

Funny thing is, the pistol hasn't said a word to me since.

Now, I'm not mentioning any names, coughKahrcough, but heed my warning. You too could become a victim to a pistol such as this, and be forced to endure a night or two on the couch as punishment. :banghead:

What is it about certain firearms that just force us to take them home? I don't know, but this has happened to me more than once. Rifles, shotguns, and pistols! :what:

BEWARE the talking firearms!


ps, My wife didn't believe this story either, hence being banished to the couch. But all is well that ends well. Did I really hear a voice? Well, I aint saying I did, and I aint saying I didn't, but my safe has one more resident and a happy owner, indeed.
topping tonights headlines....

today a young man on hoppes realized that all powder is merely energy condensed into a slow vibration. that we are all one caliber experiencing our rangetime subjectively. theres no such thing as an "AD", life is only a dream, and we are the imagination of john browning.
heres tom with the weather...
You might be a gun nut if (emphasis on nut):

you hear imaginary voices telling you "buy that pistol" :neener:

I was checking out some Glocks during lunch today at the local sporting goods store, luckily none of them were talking to me, but then again they didn't have the G27 that I have been looking for.
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:D Must....... resist....... kahr....... mind....... control........ shiny....... object....... :p :D
I made sure the couch was a sleeper sofa last time we went furniture shopping. BTDT !
You are not a gun nut until the guns you already own start talking to you and telling you that they are lonely and want a new friend.

Those darn SIGs are a sensitive lot who need lots of company. They are so snobby they just won't socialize with anybody but their own kind. They have let the P7M8 join them but they won't have anything to do with the Rugers.

Come to the think of it the German Mil Surps won't talk to Enfield or M1 Garand. I keep telling them the war is over but they will have none of it. The Mauser is asking me for reinforcements for God's sake.
:D :D
ROFLMAO......yes it is true, my moonie made guns talked me into it, I NEVER really wanted to buy them, and yeah, these sigs are very persuasive, I'm leaving right now to go pick up a 225 I put money on yesterday, wouldn't want the one and only sig I own to feel TOO lonely.....tom
I have a warning to pas on to members of this list:

Be VERY careful when storing your guns in a gun safe. ESPECIALLY if you put two in together.


You see, when two guns are left alone---in the dark---strange things occur.

When I purchased my first gun safe, I put two firearms in together. Little did I know that the call of nature would sound loud and clear!

They became fruitful and did multiply. The shame--the horror of it all! To think that my precious firearms would engage in such activity!!:what:

My latest example of Guns Gone Wild :)evil: ): I opened up the safe, and I found a S&W 915, with a pre-ban hi-cap!

My fault? Of course not! The pistols did it! They did it all!!!!:neener:
I take heed of your warning about the talk at the counter but take mine with you too - They follow you home, yes, those voices follow you. Even if you are to resist the first time you hear them, like a Siren's Song they come to haunt you until you return and they make you theirs. Resistance is futile in the long run.....
Yeah, I've had to deal with the voices a couple of times. The first was a 1911 pointing at a 9mm saying, "Where's the rest of it?" The second was my Pro Carry telling me, "Wheel guns? We don't need no steenking wheel guns!"

Oh yeah, and there's the USP that always says, "If not today, some other day. You cannot resist me forever. It is only a matter of time."

Oh, and the P7 - "I'm ambidextrous, and you have two hands. You don't have to leave the 1911 at home!" For this, I have no argument :confused:

Unfortunately, the loudest voice I've heard recently has been yelling, "YOU DON'T HAVE ANY MONEY." :(
It is addictive. Yes, one must buy more and more. Yes, they do call out for you to take them home. It truly is a serious addiction and thank heavens there is no cure. I must buy more guns, ammo, cases, etc.......:D
Well, it has been a while, but the first time I picked up a BHP MkIII, it was quite shy. I think she was trying to win me over with her merits and looks, not just flirting with me. After I saw how she fit my hand and played around a while, She began to talk a little. "Yep, that's right. Thirteen." "Wow, your hand fits really well on my grip. It's like we were made for each other." "I realize I'm expensive, especially for a guy like you, who is in college. But do you really want to live on your own unarmed?"

Like most cases of true love, it developed slowly and deliberately. I just couldn't deny that I loved her. :D It wasn't a passing obsession -- I really am committed!

Wes :rolleyes:
spacemanspiff, thanks a lot for the spilled coffee... my Friday afternoon at a way too hot office needed just this... :D :D :D :uhoh: :scrutiny: :what: :p
You guys need some serious help.


Who said that? I thought I heard someone say something, must have been the wind but I swear someone said 'buy a Sig'. Hmmmm, have to browse the gunstore during lunch again...
Recently, more guns have been mysteriously appearing in the safe.

At the same time, there have been fewer and fewer "keys to unknown locks" showing up in the sock drawer, and even the pile of unused coat hangers has not been growing very fast.

Rifles, shotguns, and pistols! Oh my!

Rifles, shotguns, and pistols! Oh my!

Rifles, shotguns, and pistols! Oh my!

Follow the yellow brick the nearest gun store :D
Ya'll realize, of course...

That some whackjob of an anti will take this thread seriously, and use it as evidence of the unsoundness of the gun nut mind.

Not that _that_ should stop us, mind you ;)

Gotta go, my rifles are lonely, calling to me from the locker..... oh, the cacaphony!
And what of the guns that walk? They follow you home like stray dogs!

They put something in the Hoppes #9 that makes you buy more guns. I firmly believe that..

<sigh> we are all pawns in this vicious world..
Is it just me? or does it seem like some people are taking something ever so slight ly stronger than coffee......?:D
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