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Apr 27, 2004
This is an excellent idea aimed at coordinating the
various shooting sports websites and gun rights organizations to more
effectively fight the coming ban. Since all shooting enthusiasts have a stake in this, whether high power, air gun, hunting, or even paintball, it would seem that every gun-related site should at least have a link, or a notice to tie us all together for political action.

First below is page 14 of a 15 page thread on AR.com where the idea
got started. then the link for the new site, which is up and accepting
registrants, but will need a few more days to be fully operational:


Folks, Activism threads are not subject to drift and veer like other parts of THR. Remember to stay focused on the OP and not drift into other topics.
Probably a good idea, but the layout format is pretty heavy-handed. Bold block text (I think it's Helvetica) on a "parchment" field is pretty hard to read. Font size "screams" at you.

I'm gonna get contentious here and note that my principal concern with "Second Amendment Sites" as a class would be typically that their moderators don't seem to understand the theoretical rationale behind the First Amdendment.

There are a lot of Second Amendment sites online which look at the legal foundations of Article II, the case law, starre decisis, etc. I just as soon read legal scholarship rather than spend time in a forum listening to the choir preaching to the choir.

But then I could be entirely full of steer manure. :D
This site is in it's infancy and grew out of a desire of folks over at the AR Forum to do something for the furtherance & protection of our gun rights. There has been a lot of post-election depression & this was viewed as a way to redirect energy in a positive way. Their original intention (though at the moment they are embroiled in the issue of whether or not to allow guns to be carried at a proposed march in Washington, D.C.), is to unite the "choir" and sing with one voice across the land so that peanut gallery will realize there are a lot of voting members in this choir who care deeply about this issue. They also wish to act as a coordinator, or liaison for all the other groups, helping to tie everyone together and provide immediate communication on legislative issues, etc. I think it's a good idea and hopefully some good will come of it. I just leave it up to the moderators and people here who know more than me what, if anything, to do with it.
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