RIP Dasiy Dog

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I know how you feel, it's always painful to lose a loved family member.
I can tell from the pics that you gave her a wonderful happy life and she was very loved. That's the best we can do.
truly sorry for your loss. from the pictures, it would seem your dog lived twice the life of most other dogs....
Condolences on your loss.

Man that's tough. Losing a dog is one of the hardest things I've ever done.
My heart goes out to ya buddy, been there done that, lost my Roxy just a few years back.............
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I'm sorry for your loss, my big buddy Dax the husky mutt took the big sleep in November and I'm still hurting.
Very sorry to hear this. You were kind enough to send condolances my way when I went through the same thing a few years ago. I hope you find comfort in the memories you made with your dog. Although nothing will ever replace Daisy, there is truth to the old saw that nothing heals the loss of a dog like puppy breath.

Sorry for your loss. Truly amazing how connected we become to the dog. not a thing I wouldnt do for mine. Looks like you all had some great times. Hang in there ....
Looks like a Gentle Ben to me!

Or just Ben for short.

Or maybe Shakes if its a girl, and Ben don't fit? :D

My gosh!
What a beauty!

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She's a real cutie man. I'm no good with names... best I can come up with is Pepper.

Please let us know what you choose. Hope she's a blessing for your family.
Sorry for the loss of daisy, she looked like a good friend. I have had people tell me they are just a dog, if you ever truly loved one, you know better. The bond is indescribable.

Your new friend looks like quite the sweet heart, a real cutie. I wish you many happy years on the range together. Please post pics. I love dogs more than most people and never get tired of looking at thier pics.
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