Rolling the dice?

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Knowing that the NRA has actually been part of the problem I have to ask...

Why on Earth would anyone trust this group to fight for your Rights when they have ACTUALLY been a party to selling us all out?

Did no one read the article I posted?!

The NRA is NOT fighting for anything! Are y'all just not aware or are y'all just choosing to ignore the facts?
Despite its faults, the NRA is the only organization with the numbers and clout to actually influence politicians. Without the NRA, gun rights would be toast. And that's a fact.
My hope that the Hillary feared "gun lobby" sets her in her place!
Hey you NRA members , move your asses OUT and VOTE!!
And while that is always the right attitude I fear that our overall total membership is not enough to carry the day. :(
Heck, there are probably more dead voting Democrats in Chicago alone... :rolleyes:
we only retain the rights we do because we are a young democracy.

look at every other country in the world.none of them have our rights.

they have slowly been eroded because they allowed it.

at this point you have enuf people who would stand up and not allow it. in 10 years maybe not so much?

the young people are brainwashed in college ive seen it with my own son.

2 yrs ago he was a devout republican. after 2 yrs of college he is voting for hillary.
2 yrs ago he was a devout republican. after 2 yrs of college he is voting for hillary.

That is sad to hear. On today's campuses, with statist professors from the 1960's onward roaming the grounds, it's like an epidemic. Actually more like a plague, if you will! :scrutiny:

I've got 6 grandchildren in college and every one of them is voting for Trump.
At least, that's what they tell me! :D I think they can be believed. But one never knows for sure. Even Granddad. :)
Despite its faults, the NRA is the only organization with the numbers and clout to actually influence politicians. Without the NRA, gun rights would be toast. And that's a fact.


If you'd read the article from the Jews for the Preservation of Firearms article, you'd see that the NRA has been involved with GUN CONTROL since the 1934 GCA and most likely even earlier...

"You can give a man facts but you can't make him believe them.."
we only retain the rights we do because we are a young democracy.

look at every other country in the world.none of them have our rights.

they have slowly been eroded because they allowed it.

at this point you have enuf people who would stand up and not allow it. in 10 years maybe not so much?

the young people are brainwashed in college ive seen it with my own son.

2 yrs ago he was a devout republican. after 2 yrs of college he is voting for hillary.

The United States of America is NOT a Democracy. How could you even think that?

We are a Representative Constitutional Republic.

Rights don't get voted on...
mikestone967 wrote:


If you'd read the article from the Jews for the Preservation of Firearms article, you'd see that the NRA has been involved with GUN CONTROL since the 1934 GCA and most likely even earlier...

The NRA really changed completely after the "revolt in Cincinnati" (led by the late Neal Knox) in 1977. It's unfair to compare the pre-1977 NRA to today's organization. Pre-1977, it was dominated by Fudd's, who were primarily interested in shooting competitions, hunter safety, and obtaining surplus rifles through the DCM (which they promptly butchered into "sporters").

Unfortunately, some of the smaller, rival organizations on the pro-gun side (such as the GOA) have a vested interest in tearing down the NRA. They apparently consider this to be a zero-sum game, and believe that by diminishing the NRA, they boost themselves. That's really a shame. Without the proven clout of the NRA, gun rights would be nowhere.
A few more immigrants and the Dems will have supermajorities at all levels and do whatever they want, not to mention stacking the supreme court with closet commies.
mikestone 967 wrote:

The United States of America is NOT a Democracy. How could you even think that?

We are a Representative Constitutional Republic.

Please. "Democracy" is a political philosophy while "republic" is an institutional framework. The United States is both -- a democracy expressed in the form of a republic. The Founding Fathers emphasized democracy from the earliest days -- for example, Jefferson's party was called the "Democratic Republicans." Lincoln's Gettysburg Address was all about democracy -- "government of the people, by the people, for the people." We fought WW1 to "make the world safe for democracy." This is a theme throughout U.S. history.

Claiming that "the United States is not a democracy" is merely a right-wing meme. It is wrong, and we don't need to go there. It certainly doesn't help the cause of gun rights.
bubba in ca wrote:

A few more immigrants and the Dems will have supermajorities at all levels and do whatever they want, not to mention stacking the supreme court with closet commies.

Instead of hand-wringing, what are you going to do about it?

There was a time, not long ago, when many Democrats were pro-gun. John Dingell, the longest-serving member of congress and a liberal Democrat from Michigan, used to be on the NRA Board of Directors. If the Democrats lose on the gun issue (as they did in 1994), they might see the error of their ways.

BTW, it's not helpful to call everyone you disagree with a "commie." No major player in American political life is a Communist.
mikestone967 wrote:

The NRA really changed completely after the "revolt in Cincinnati" (led by the late Neal Knox) in 1977. It's unfair to compare the pre-1977 NRA to today's organization. Pre-1977, it was dominated by Fudd's, who were primarily interested in shooting competitions, hunter safety, and obtaining surplus rifles through the DCM (which they promptly butchered into "sporters").

Unfortunately, some of the smaller, rival organizations on the pro-gun side (such as the GOA) have a vested interest in tearing down the NRA. They apparently consider this to be a zero-sum game, and believe that by diminishing the NRA, they boost themselves. That's really a shame. Without the proven clout of the NRA, gun rights would be nowhere.

Yeah, I guess we should "trust them"......

They only sold off SOME of your precious Rights, not ALL.... YET.

That is a very juvenile way to defend them.

"They screwed us over SEVERELY.... But they should be "trustworthy" now?

Ps, GOA, JPOF and others have done more GOOD for gun owners than ANYTHING that's the NRA has ALREADY DONE.

How many cases have the NRA brought before the (no longer)Supreme Court, on their own initiative, and WON?
mikestone 967 wrote:

Claiming that "the United States is not a democracy" is merely a right-wing meme. It is wrong, and we don't need to go there. It certainly doesn't help the cause of gun rights.

OH MY GOD! Are you serious?

Wow! You truly have zero understanding of our form of government and for you to post what you did shows nothing less than ignorance of that fact...

We "elect" our Representatives through a somewhat "democratic" process.


That's it..

The United States of America is NOT a democracy and for YOU to imply otherwise is only proof that you don't have a freaking clue as to our form of government..Wow!!

As to "whether or not" it helps gun rights..... Are you serious?
So... Do you think that the federal government has the power and authority to alter or abolish anything they want?
Are you afraid that if you realize that the "elected royalty" can "take your stuff" it's better to "lay low" and not cause any waves?

Why? Because you have a permit signed by a Superior Court Judge that says the government has granted you the privilege of carrying a firearm under the government's terms, conditions, laws and regulations. That is no right at all. And thinking that the government granting you permission grants you a right is exactly the reason we don't have any rights left in this country.

The Federal Government and the house and congress don't run this "show".
"We, the People" DO.
We have a government "of the people, for the people, by the people".

You're going to need a refresher course on our form of government, that much is obvious because you have no understanding of our "system"...

.CONGRESS, July 4, 1776.

The unanimous Declaration of the thirteen united States of America,

When in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation.

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.--That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, --That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness. Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security.
mikestone 967 wrote:

Please. "Democracy" is a political philosophy while "republic" is an institutional framework. The United States is both -- a democracy expressed in the form of a republic. The Founding Fathers emphasized democracy from the earliest days -- for example, Jefferson's party was called the "Democratic Republicans." Lincoln's Gettysburg Address was all about democracy -- "government of the people, by the people, for the people." We fought WW1 to "make the world safe for democracy." This is a theme throughout U.S. history.

Claiming that "the United States is not a democracy" is merely a right-wing meme. It is wrong, and we don't need to go there. It certainly doesn't help the cause of gun rights.

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