Romney on guns (from his campaign)

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Dan from MI

Jun 4, 2003
Livingston County, MI
I received this from a friend of mine on Romney's campaign. Although I'm Republican please note that I have NOT endorsed Romney for President and have many questions I will ask him before I consider voting for him in a general election, let alone a primary. (If the election was today, I'd be voting for Jim Gilmore - but that's not a final decision here) I'm posting this strictly for discussion purposes.


Mitt Romney on the 2nd Amendment


Governor Romney is a strong supporter of the 2nd amendment and despite a heavily democratic anti-gun legislature has been able to work across the aisle to simplify and clarify gun laws in the state. For instance, he supported and signed into law legislation that clarified the term "loaded gun" so that hunters wouldn't have to unload their guns every time they crossed a public road in pursuit of game.

Actions Praised by Gun Owner’s:


In July of 2006, Governor Mitt Romney (R) signed H. 4552, which makes exemptions for the makers of customized target pistols, who, due to a provision within state law, have found it increasingly difficult to do business in Massachusetts. Prior to the signing of H. 4552, the law required firearm makers to test at least five examples of all new products “until destruction†in order to prevent accidental discharges. Since specialty target pistols typically sell in small numbers and at higher costs than regular firearms, manufacturers have found it cost prohibitive to sell them in Massachusetts.

Praise from the NRA: “This common-sense change to the law will enable target pistol manufacturers to do business in the state and allow enthusiasts to practice their sport.â€

Praise from the Gun Owner’s Action League of Massachusetts (GOAL) - The Official Firearms Association of Massachusetts: “We are pleased with the passage of yet another correction of Chapter 180 of the Acts of 1998, which created a confusing standard for acquiring a hunting, sporting, or fishing license.â€


Governor Mitt Romney signed legislation aimed at providing one clear definition of a leaded shotgun for the state’s hunting enthusiasts. For years, two competing definitions existed on the books, leaving law abiding gun owners wondering when and how they could enter or cross a public way with their firearms. Hunters now no longer face the lengthy, complex and unnecessary task of cleaning the barrel every time they encounter a public way, nor will they unknowingly violate the law by only removing a gun's priming device.

Praise from The Sportman’s Guide: “A state known for some of the most restrictive gun laws in the country has passed legislation making things simpler for hunters and gun owners, especially those who favor black powder firearms.â€

Praise from GOAL: On behalf of the lawful gun owners of the Commonwealth, I would like to thank Governor Romney and all who took part in the passage of this legislation. We have taken another important step in reforming the 1998 gun laws," said Jim Wallace, Executive Director of the Gun Owner's Action League.


On the 31st anniversary of the Gun Owner’s Action League, Governor Mitt Romney declared May 7, 2005 as The Right to Bear Arms Day in Massachusetts. In a statement, the Governor noted that GOAL and “its members are to be congratulated for their efforts, namely: to protect and defend the Constitution of the Commonwealth and the Constitution of the United States, particularly the right of decent, law-abiding citizens to own and use firearms in defense of their families, persons and property and for all lawful purposes including the common defense.â€


In 2005, Governor Mitt Romney suspended “administrative fees†to the National Heritage and Endangered Species Fund of Massachusetts.

John McCain on the 2nd Amendment

Trigger Lock Requirement:

On July 28, 2005, the Senate passed legislation requiring gun dealers to include the sale of a lock-up-your-safety device with every handgun sold. The amendment, offered by Sen. Herb Kohl (D-WI), passed by a vote of 70-30. The provision amended the gun makers' protection act (S. 397)

McCain Voted: Anti-Gun

Ammunition Restriction Study

Senators Larry Craig (R-ID) and Bill Frist (R-TN) offered this amendment to S. 1805. Among other things, the language of this provision would commission the Attorney General to determine whether the ban on so-called "cop killer" ammunition should include superior performance bullets in popular hunting calibers such as the 30-06. The amendment passed the Senate 85-12 on March 2, 2004.

McCain Voted: Anti-Gun

McCain Gun Show Ban

Senator John McCain (R-AZ) offered a gun show amendment (to S. 1805) on March 2, 2004. His language would outlaw the private sale of firearms at gun shows, unless the buyer agrees to submit to a background registration check. Also, it could effectively eliminate gun shows because every member of an organization sponsoring a gun show could be imprisoned if the organization fails to notify each and every "person who attends the special firearms event of the requirements [under the Brady Law]." Thus, if the person responsible for handing out "Brady pamphlets" took a break to go to the bathroom, everyone responsible for the event could be sent to prison. The McCain amendment passed the Senate by a vote of 53-47.

McCain Voted: Anti-Gun

Feinstein Semi-auto Ban

On March 2, 2004, the Senate voted 52-47 in favor of the amendment offered by Senator Dianne Feinstein (D-CA). This amendment would extend the ban that was signed into law by President Clinton in 1994 -- a ban which outlaws certain magazines and more than 180 semi-automatic firearms. Without this legislative extension, the ban would sunset in September 2004. The Feinstein amendment passed as an amendment to S. 1805.

McCain Voted: Pro-Gun

Lock Up Your Safety Requirement

This amendment, offered by Senator Herb Kohl (D-WI) on February 26, 2004, passed the Senate 70-27. This amendment would require all handgun purchasers to pay an implicit "gun tax" by requiring them to buy a trigger lock when they purchase their handgun, irrespective of need. In addition, the amendment would create a broad and implicit cause of action against gun owners who fail to actually use the storage device to lock up their firearms. Of course, a locked gun then becomes unavailable for self-defense. The Kohl amendment passed as an amendment to S. 1805.

McCain Voted: Anti-Gun

Flip-Flop on Background Checks: In 1999, John McCain voted NO on background checks at gun shows and in another bill that same year he voted to loosen license and background checks at gun shows. However, in 2001 he appeared in ads in Oregon and Colorado supporting ballot measures that would require background checks.

Protection of Lawful Commerce in Arms Act: McCain supported this bill which prohibits civil liability actions from being brought or continued against manufacturers, distributors, dealers, or importers of firearms or ammunition for damages resulting from the misuse of their products by others.

Brady Bill and Assault Weapons Ban: McCain opposed both

Gun Owner’s of American Ratings on John McCain:

2000 C--
2002 C--
2004 F--
2006 F--

NRA Rating (2004): C+

In 2001, CEO and Executive Vice President Wayne LaPierre blasted Sen. John McCain for his position on McCain-Feingold, support for anti-gun groups, and co-sponsoring a bill with Senator Joe Lieberman that would ban private gun sales at gun shows unless a background check was completed. (May 19, 2001 –

LaPierre said McCain's new law would effectively shut the NRA out of the political system by not allowing independent groups from buying TV or radio ads 60 days before a general election.
He took the senator to task for appearing in public service commercials for a radical anti-gun group called Americans for Gun Safety.
I live in Mass, and I can tell you Romney does what is best for Romney. He was an OK Governor of Mass because he did veto many of the insane bills the Democrat legislature tried to pass but on the same hand, he was checkmated by the legislature so he could not do much to hurt us. He is a slick politico who will feed the voters BS, to get elected then go back on this word. He is not an anti, but he for sure is not pro either. He is now trying to tout is conservative image, but if he was that conservative would he have been elected governor of Mass? He is liberal, big government, statis Republican who cares more about corporation rights than common everyday people. Personally if it was between him or Hillary I won't vote, they are two peas in a pod.
Dan, thanks for the information. I had heard that Romney had made anti-2A statements in the past. It's good to get some actual information. I've contacted his campaign several times to urge him to clarify his position.
I've heard that he is sucking up big time with the NRA, but his record is clearly not pro 2A. Then again, the other Repub frontrunner, McCaine isn't exactly a friend either, and frankly, I think that when put side by side on tv for a debate, Romney would clean house. I think he is far more electable than any of the others. My prediction is that it will be Romney vs. Obama.
“Deadly assault weapons have no place in Massachusetts. These guns are not made for recreation or self-defense. They are instruments of destruction with the sole purpose of hunting down and killing people.” Romney said, at a bill signing ceremony with legislators, sportsmen’s groups and gun safety advocates. 07-01-2004 Press Release

"Mitt Romney supports the strict enforcement of gun laws. He is a supporter of the federal assault weapons ban. Mitt also believes in the rights of those who hunt to responsibly own and use firearms." -, no longer active, see Web Archive

07-01-2004, Romney signs off on permenent assault weapons ban

Yeah, he LOVES the 2nd Amendment.:barf: NOT!

Being a MA refugee to NH myself, the ONLY thing I really needed to consider before KNOWING FOR SURE he won't be getting my vote is he didn't have the sense to LEAVE that forsaken hellhole for greener pastures. He's a power hungry politico, nothing more.
I'd take romney over McCain or Guliani, but I vote Libertarian in presidential elections because I live in Utah where the republican party is blindly followed.
07-01-2004, Romney signs off on permenent assault weapons ban

To clearify, we already had a permenent AWB in this state since 1994. He just signed, a new version of it which thankfully do to the dilgence of some of out legislators did not contain any new restrictions.
I just read the latest Dick Morris article on the '08 Presidential contenders-Romney's a flip-floper who can't be trusted. He reminds me of Gore: you do what you have to do to get elected and don't worry about principles.:scrutiny:
different perspective

Maybe some info from a different perspective than that of Dick Morris:

I certainly am not going to base my opinion of anyone running for president on an article written by a political pundit, or some internet blogger for that matter. I prefer to get as much information as possible from all sides, and even then I'll wait until I get a chance to actually hear the person speak for themselves before forming a final opinion.

"Facts" can be skewed in so many ways...

And by the way, while serving as Republican governor of the most liberal state in the nation Romney still managed to earn a "B" rating from the NRA. Certainly better than any other realistically electable candidate.
Libertylover said:
“Deadly assault weapons have no place in Massachusetts. These guns are not made for recreation or self-defense. They are instruments of destruction with the sole purpose of hunting down and killing people.” Romney said, at a bill signing ceremony with legislators, sportsmen’s groups and gun safety advocates. 07-01-2004 Press Release

Following the usual logic here, I think it's safe to say he didn't really mean it and was just playing up to the fence sitters or whatever.

Libertylover said:
"Mitt Romney supports the strict enforcement of gun laws. He is a supporter of the federal assault weapons ban. Mitt also believes in the rights of those who hunt to responsibly own and use firearms." -, no longer active, see Web Archive

So is he Bush reincarnated or just your average NRA member?
"Governor of Mass" = that's all I need to know about him. NO THANKS.

I could not agree more!

He would be one of the worst picks the Republican party could make. In order for the Republicans to win, they must carry the south. Not just part of it, but all of it. And we don't vote for people from Massachussetts down here. That's been our official policy since John Kennedy.
Sure, LG. Y'all'd vote for the Rodham-Clinton/Hussein-Obama ticket.:p

I couldn't care less what Romney thinks or feels. I care about what he would do, if he were President.

That's why I'm a member of the NRA. The politicians don't have to like us, and we don't have to like them. They just have to be scared of our votes. That's what a republic is all about.

Doesn't mean I support Romney. I hope I won't have to make that kind of choice in '08.
Sure, LG. Y'all'd vote for the Rodham-Clinton/Hussein-Obama ticket.

No, that wouldn't happen either. But a lot of southerners would just stay home and not vote, figuring that neither choice was any good.

In some southern states that would not matter, because those states are so strongly Republican anyway, but in wishy-washy southern states like Florida, its possible that the Democrats could win if Republicans did not turn out. This would be especially true if Obama was on the ticket as this would mobilize Afro-Americans who usually don't have good turn out down here to go to the polls.
Next President

I think it is a little to early to tell, but right now Romney is the front runner for me. Romney is a solid person and would do a great job, I believe him to be honest and firm in his positions(as firm as a politician can be) nobody is perfect but right now he stands above and beyond other potential Presidents. Mcain is a good guy but he could do some damage to gun owners rights. It's safe to say almost anyone would be better than Sen. Clinton. Just my $0.02!

Look, I'm no fan of McCain {hawk/spit} at all, but my dedication to integrity and reality causes me to respond to this:

Ammunition Restriction Study

Senators Larry Craig (R-ID) and Bill Frist (R-TN) offered this amendment to S. 1805. Among other things, the language of this provision would commission the Attorney General to determine whether the ban on so-called "cop killer" ammunition should include superior performance bullets in popular hunting calibers such as the 30-06. The amendment passed the Senate 85-12 on March 2, 2004.

McCain Voted: Anti-Gun

This description is innacurate of both the amendment Craig and Frist offered, and the context behind it.

Folks who know me know that I watched and liveblogged every minute of the S. 1805 debate.

S. 1805 was the NRA sponsored tort reform bill to immunize gun manufacturers. It was also the bill to which every gun bigot in the senate was trying to attach poison pill amendments, as it was their last, best chance to renew the AWB.

When the AWB amendment was attached, Craig nuked his own bill.

What was going on was that Ted Kennedy was trying to get an amendment attached to the bill that would redefine _any_ centerfire ammo capable of breaching IIA armor as armor piercing, which as we all know, includes damned near any long gun ammunition of consequence.

The way the legislature works, if someone offers an amendment you don't like, you don't argue about the deficiencies of his amendment, you offer your own as an alternative that either says the exact opposite, or deflects the whole thing into something benign, like a study to be circular filed.

That's EXACTLY what Craig and Frist were up to: giving people a harmless alternative to Ted Kennedy's amendment, which was delivered in a lengthy, horrifying, bellowing drunken rant that frightened kids.

Voting FOR the "perform a study" amendment was voting AGAINST the drunken hero of Chappaquiddick's gun ban, and was therefore IN THE INTEREST OF GUNOWNERS.
Geek with a .45 - Thanks for pointing that out. I cut and pasted it without reading, and it slipped past me. Chafee was the only Republican who voted wrong on the Kennedy amendment (Which I call the .30-30 ban named after his CSPAN speech). What happened to Chafee, anyway......oh yeah he lost.

I know McCain voted right on AWB and wrong on gun shows. His record is bad enough without needing any embellishment.
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