Ron Paul MoneyBomb 01/21/2008

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If we get an Obama or Hillary for POTUS, and he wasnt the GOP candidate can we blame those who did not vote for Ron Paul in the primary?

No, you can blame your candidate for acting like a loon, having a foreign policy that anyone who passed a 12th grade history class would recognize as suicidal in todays world and associating himself with some of the most radical far left nutcases this country has ever seen.
I have no more respect, trust or confidence in any of the republicans then the Democrats. The only person who will get any vote at all from me this election season is Ron Paul. Otherwise, there is no point in voting. Everyone else is equally bad, just in different ways. On top of that, Ron Paul is the only one who isn't promising to break his oath of office before even making it. How can you trust people who do that? In that respect, you really can't trust anyone except for Paul. Putting trust in people who vow to break oaths before making them is how we ended up with garbage like the Patriot Act and Americans getting their heads cut off in distant lands over nonsense.
I do all I can to get Paul in to office. So far, he's doing good. Sure, he has been showing up in 4th place, but this is in states who have been putting a guy who won't shut up about Jesus far ahead of him. I presume the odds are going to change considerable when we get in to the bigger states. From what I understand, the Polls have been very inaccurate in comparison with the actual voting results so far, so none of us can accurately predict where this is going. One thing DOES seam pretty clear. If he DOESN'T get elected, you can kiss the constitution of the United States good by. No one else has proven to be much, if at all capable of resisting things like national ID cards, RFID tags and the infamous Patriot Act II which WILL end the function of the constitution as we know it. If you want the constitution to work, you have to respect ALL of it, not JUST the parts you like. Since most of the people on gun forums actually don't practice this, and much more don't care enough or take seriously enough what's happening, the odds of Ron Paul winning in deed are quite limited. None the less, it's our final shot at peacefully getting our country back. To those who prefer to vote for a winner over what they believe in, and those who can't get infringement past them, enjoy the loss of your country and the loss of your freedom.

"Those who live by the sword shal parish by the Sword" Jesus of Nazareth.

"Those who lead in to captivity shal be led in to captivity" St. John.

In other words, when you do to others, you open the door for such to be done to you. If you infringe on other peoples liberties that you don't like (drugs, weird sexual behavior etc.) you welcome the liberties you enjoy (gun rights) to be infringed upon. This is the natural punishment for infringement.
3rdpig said:
No, you can blame your candidate for acting like a loon, having a foreign policy that anyone who passed a 12th grade history class would recognize as suicidal in todays world and associating himself with some of the most radical far left nutcases this country has ever seen.

Did your 12th grade history class tell you how many democracies we've overthrown/attempted to overthrow for the last 70 years in the name of democracy?

The "suicidal" foreign policy you speak of has worked for dozens of European countries who have no interest in an empire. It has worked for us for about a century in a half. Since we have strayed from a non-interventionist foreign policy, there have only been major blunders, and minor successes. It is all too easy for those who don't have an understanding of US foreign policy for the last 70 years to claim that our empire is necessary to fight terrorism and our enemies abroad. Of course, they never ask who gave rise to these dictators and terrorists in the first place. The answer is not very pretty.

Words of wisdom: Just because one has power, does not mean one has to use it.
It is not just about "winning." In the end I figure at least I can say "I tried, but nobody listened." For as much as every other candidate talks about "Change!" Dr. Paul is really the only one any different from the rest...

I don't agree with him on every issue; the beauty of it is that I don't have to. He's not going to force his way on others, and neither will I. To each their own, live and let live...
I'm in, trying to get some friends to donate too. I hope he breaks the record!
The fact is, the GOP needs to start supporting him. He has the only real chance of beating Hillary or Obama.
Ron Paul's foreign policy is rational and conservative. It's a non-intervenion foreign policy which would save us trillions upon trillions and make everyone more safe and peaceful. They hate America because we're over there!! Have been since 1953! Getting in the way, arming there neighbors, arming them, starting conflicts, watching there oil!! It's time to secure our own borders, drill for more oil here, stop borrowing billions from China, stop giving illegals incentives to come here!
Time to stop trading in our rights and liberties for safety!! Ron is the most conservative, in fact, the only actual republican running is Ron !!!
We can't just keep printing money to bail out banks and the fed!! It makes my money and your money worth less!! With his foreign policy, we no longer need the IRS that was illegally ratified in 1913! That means, you keep what you earn!! Why shouldn't you??
He is the only hope to change the globalized, socialist path we're on and to keep our economy from depression and chaos.
Thompson is only in the race as a spoiler for Huckabee, so McCain can lead!! It'll come down to Romney and Ron Paul. Romney is about broke now, Ron Paul is still raising millions and his campaign spreads like fire, on it's own!!
The winning ticket would be Barack Obama for President and Ron Paul for Vice-President, or vice versa.

Cabinet might include Fred Thompson for Department of Justice, Rudolph Giulani for Department of Homeland Security, Al Gore for Department of Energy, Ted Kennedy for Health & Human Services, Hillary Clinton for Department of State, Bill Clinton for Treasury, Mitt Romney for Commerce, Mike Huckabee for Education.

Put them all together in one room and maybe they'd leave me alone.

By the way, my understanding of The High Road is that threads like this are prohibited. Not that it means anything to anyone who really believes, of course.
What are thread's like this? What's not more activist than supporting a great cause, that by the way, is pro 2nd amendment and freedom?
I have no problem with anyone posting a thread like this, whether it's for Ron Paul, Obama, Huckabee, Hillary...etc. It's fair enough to seek support and activism for a candidate that will greatly effect firearms laws.
"...associating himself with some of the most radical far left nutcases this country has ever seen."

Thomas Jefferson, for instance.
+1 .38
Funny how the left calls the right radical nutcases and the right calls the left radical nutcases....
From what I've seen, Ron Paul associates himself with all Americans and viewpoints. He's fair respectful and has more potential to unite than the others.
In watching all the debates, the others show him no professional respect, they laugh, make jokes and don't listen! Those aren't the presidential types! At least Ron is respectful and fair! That gives him a presence the others can only dream of.

I do think it's true that he's almost certainly not going to win, and I can understand the folks who see a vote for him as a wasted vote. What I can't understand is the folks who will "hold their noses" and vote for somebody because, hey, anything's better than a Clinton. A vote for the lesser of evils is still a vote for evil. I'd prefer to "waste" my vote on somebody who actually stands for what I believe in.

Of course, I hear that there are actually people who believe in Huckabee. *shrug*
Activism vs Politics

"You're gonna looooooose, you're gonna loooooooose."
That would NOT be activism.

Why is it that when otherwise rational folks see someone actively trying to provide financial support for something or someone they believe in, the only contribution they can think of is, "you're gonna lose?"

Like this is the 5th grade or something.

And then we managed to get history, political philosophy, religion, and just plain politics into the thread, and it's not even post #20 yet.

Sending money to a candidate is something approaching activism. So, too, is getting notification out.

Bickering over it is absolutely not.

I'm watching actual alleged adults here who just plain can't contain themselves at the thought that someone doesn't "get" their truth.

Anyone still wonder why Oleg developed "political fatigue" over this?

In five, four, three, two, one, . . .
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