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Look folks, I would love a pro-RKBA republican in office. I'd love someone who'd abolish all the NFA laws overnight and veto every gun control bill that comes to his desk. You know what? It's not going to happen in 2008. Gun issues aside, you also need a candidate who rings in with voters on other issues. Like it or not you will still have to compromise. I love all this "I'll stay home" stuff that you guys spew. I'm not happy about how things are either, but the alternative to lukewarm Republicanism, is Socialist Democrats and high taxes. I'll take the former. Yes, yes, I know, (insert your third party rants here), but (insert name of third party) will not win the presidential election this time around. Have your ideal candidate in mind, but have an idea of how to compromise and sway the less ideal candidate to your side.
to go back to gunsmith's original quote, that the 2 million illegal guns floating around new york city were the source of all the crime, reenforces the whole foolish mindset of "gun control" orientation. All those nasty guns must have been roaming the streets committing crimes. What about all the repeat offenders who were using those illegal guns? Rudy may have "cleaned up the city" somewhat, but he would have done better to clean out the judiciary that lets all the criminals out to use those illegal guns. Without users, there would be much less use.:fire:
For all those considering Hillary:

Lenin, Stalin, Clinton, the lagacy continues!!
I'd love someone who'd abolish all the NFA laws overnight and veto every gun control bill that comes to his desk. You know what? It's not going to happen in 2008.
It certainly won't if we let the right-wing candidate be anti-gun.

We're dealing with the primaries at this stage. Rudy is not the candidate, he is merely one of many - most of which at least have a neutral, if not favorable, RKBA history.

If a potential candidate causes as much consternation among the base as Rudy has, better to find someone else.
If a potential candidate would run just as well in the opposing party, something's wrong.

Rudy is great for someplace like NYC, which basically needs a "benevolent dictator". He did a good job in post-9/11 NYC, and cleaned up much of a corrupt/criminal city, given what needed doing.
This does not necessarily translate well to running a country that includes many states which are the polar opposite of Manhattan.
Yes, yes, I know, (insert your third party rants here), but (insert name of third party) will not win the presidential election this time around.

How will things ever change if we keep a defeated attitude? If we continue to think that we have to vote for the lesser of two evils, then that's how it's always going to be. By saying that I might as well just vote for (insert anti-gun Dem or Rep) because no third-party will ever get elected, then you've already defeated yourself and told the 2-party system, "Hey, I can't do anything about it." And they know that, so they'll put up someone with a silver tongue to win over the hearts of the masses, then they'll go right on taking away our civil liberties under everyone's noses. That goes for both parties.
Prince Y

Normally I would agree with you...but...a big but...
Rudy is worse then Dem gun grabbers! He made President Clinton look like Ted Nugent!
Sarah Brady is a Republican too!
This is not GW saying he would sign the OLD AWB He never said he would sign a NEW AWB.
Thus knowing the old AWB had no chance he could give lip service to stupid liberals, and look, no fed AWB since GW took office.

Ghoulianni would just about end handgun ownership for regular people.
People like Trump wouldn't have a problem, thats what he did in NYC.

Ghoulianni would be an unimaginable nightmare for gun owners, I am from NYC
and I will never ever vote for him.

At least Hillary would be an incompetent gun grabber who would not have an easy time working with Republicans.
Rudy will be a very competent gun grabber who will dictate to the R's and D's
and they will obey.

I am not saying we need to vote 3rd party, yet we can not allow Rudy near the White House.
Rudy is great for someplace like NYC, which basically needs a "benevolent dictator". He did a good job in post-9/11 NYC, and cleaned up much of a corrupt/criminal city, given what needed doing.
I'm not sure that Amadou Diallo and Patrick Dorismond would agree with you.

Of course you'll have to hold a seance to be sure...
How will things ever change if we keep a defeated attitude?

It's not a defeatist attitude. There's just no time to mobilize an effective 3rd party candidate who has even a slim chance of winning in 2008. I'm all for libertarians, but to vote for one in 2008 is to throw your vote for Hillary.

Look, I don't think Rudy will be on the presidential ticket. If for the only reason that history proves that you pretty much have to have an Anglo-Saxon last name (Washington, Adams, Grant, Lincoln, Hoover, Wilson, Nixon, Ford, Carter, Reagan, Bush, Clinton, Bush) to be president (just an observation). People want to be able to spell their president's name, and frankly, I have to keep copying and pasting from the parent thread, or just call him Rudy :D . Now, he COULD manage VP (ie, Nixon and Spiro Agnew). This is also why Barak Obama will not be president. Clinton- there you go Anglo-Saxon. Ethnic VP... history could favor it and you could see Clinton/Obama. My hunch is McCain is the fellow we need to focus on.

The rant aside, whoever is on the Republican ticket in 2008 will probably NOT be as pro-gun as we like, but never-the-less, that is the best chance we have to work with in the white house.
but the alternative to lukewarm Republicanism, is Socialist Democrats and high taxes.
Giuliani is NOT a "lukewarm Republican". He is a raging on fire authoritarian. If I wanted to live in a "guided democracy", I'd have moved to Chile to live under Pinochet. Giuliani knows NO limits on police power and will support virtually ANY police use of force. With Giuliani in the White House get ready for a long string of Ruby Ridges and Wacos.

If you want to live under Giulianism, why not just move to Cuba, Belarus or Syria? Leave the rest of us to what's left of American republican liberal democracy.
no drysdale

they aint stolen, their owners are not multi millionaires.

I finally agree with Prince Y on one point
People want to be able to spell their president's name
Why do you think I call him ghoulianni?
I'm all for libertarians, but to vote for one in 2008 is to throw your vote for Hillary.

Actually, no. The only way to vote for Hillary is to vote for her.

The only responsible vote is a vote for the candidate one feels will make the best president.

The difference between Giuliani and Hillary (presuming they are the R and D candidates) is so negligible as to be meaningless. It is ridiculous to vote for Beelzebub over Satan and then proudly proclaim, "well, at least I voted for Beelzebub!"
What do we need to do to make certain Dr. Ron Paul is on every Republican primary ballot, and more importantly, that he wins those primaries? Is there a national organization working towards this?
I despise McCain and it doesn't even involve Amendment II. I'd rather "let Clinton win" for those reasons. I despise the two-headed monster even more. That's why I vote for candidates rather than parties, even if they aren't affiliated with the two-headed monster that's killing our country.
Is there anyone running who is pro-gun, but not in bed with the religious right? I won't vote for Rudy, but I can't vote for Jeb either. His actions during the Terri Shiavo case were so incredibly out of line that I don't think he is fit to govern. Trying over-ride a court ruling through legislation and executive edict showed that he had no respect for the separation of powers. The last thing I want is someone interposing government authority into a family situation based on their personal religious philosophy or convictions.

So, I'll ask again. Is there anyone running who is a true, old-school Goldwater conservative and actually has a shot at winning. So far, I'm pretty depressed.
These posts sum up that scumbag Guliani perfectly.

Originally Posted by Prince Yamato
So Giuliani says he WON'T go after AWs and you all start bitching. Look, we're NOT going to get an ideal pro-gun candidate in 2008. It unfortunately WILL be a matter of settling for the lesser of two evils. But if this lesser said he won't ban AWs (which is more the GW said), I say better him than Hillary.
He instantly switched his position now out of political convenience, what's to say he won't switch back again the second he gets elected? Especially if there's a media-hyped shooting of some sort with anything resembling an "assault weapon" and a media-driven demand to do "something."

Or, like the old saying goes, leopards don't change their spots. Friends who lived in NYC under his reign tell me he ran the place like a despot. Apologists like to remind everybody about how he "cleaned up" the city, but they want you to forget he turned it into a virtual police state to do so. It doesn't take much imagination to picture someone with such totalitarian urges waking up one day and deciding they want to disarm the populace. Again. Or still. If not in the name of being "tough on crime," maybe he'd do it to protect an attempt to continue his stay in office after his term is up like he tried as Mayor...

And speaking of "cleaning up" the city, he'll no doubt also try to paint himself some social conservative credentials for driving the peep/burlesque shows out of Times Square. What he won't mention is how he used predatory and selective government regulation and zoning practices to drive them out of business and/or real estate. Nor will he likely mention how he used such tactics to crush small businesses for corporate buddies. Or how he used them to run out artistic venues/shops with politics he didn't like or were otherwise not 'thinking of the children.' That doesn't sound very conservative to me. In fact, it stinks of big-government, nanny-state tyranny.

As such, maybe he won't go directly for an AWB. Perhaps he'll just get his anti-gun friends in the Congress to create wacky taxes and regulations to force all gun shops out of business?

If you get right down to it, even Queen Hillary is probably "less evil" than him. But I doubt he'll make it past the primaries, so it probably doesn't matter much.
illspirit is offline Report Post
Originally Posted by Prince Yamato
So Giuliani says he WON'T go after AWs and you all start bitching.
that's not what the mouth of Sauron said...
Giuliani's top adviser, Anthony Carbonetti, insisted the ex-mayor's "position on this has not changed."
The problem with voting for the lesser of two evils is that as long as we continue to do it, we're showing the Republican party that they don't have to give us a real pro gun candidate, that we'll vote for whoever they put up because it's better than the Democrat.

I'm guilty of this too in the past, but no more. I've told the Republicans that I will not vote for any candidate that does not get at least an B+ rating from the NRA in 2008. I'd like to make it A+ but that might be asking the impossible. McCain is an F. Guliani is another F. I will not vote for either of these even if means putting Hillary or Obama in the White House. We have to start someplace and sometime. It's time to show the Republicans that we are NOT in their back pocket.

I wish there was a strong 3rd party candidate that most gun owners could agree on, I doubt if he'd have a real chance of winning, but if he got 75% of the gun vote the Republicans might just wake up and smell the coffee.

And then again, maybe not too. The current Republican leadership seems about as thick as a plank.
McCain is an F. Guliani is another F. I will not vote for either of these even if means putting Hillary or Obama in the White House. We have to start someplace and sometime. It's time to show the Republicans that we are NOT in their back pocket.

For the love of God, this is the kind of thinking that gave the Democrats congress in the first place. Why do some of you enjoy this mentality. All you're doing is punishing yourselves. Yeah, put Hillary in, that'll show the Republicans how pro-gun you are (???). You see, when you put a member of a particular party in office, they have to tow the party line. Giuliani is a republican, therefore he'll have to bow to the Republican ideals, whether he wants to or not, which in this case means being against gun control. He suddenly switched positions because he wants to get elected? No kidding. If he won, he'd have tow the party line less he wanted misery from his own party. Same thing if Clinton wins. The difference is, the Democratic party line is a squiggling mess of gun control insanity.

So please, "show the republicans you're sick of them", because when Hillary is in office, you'll really have "showed them up good." :mad:
You see, when you put a member of a particular party in office, they have to tow the party line. Giuliani is a republican, therefore he'll have to bow to the Republican ideals, whether he wants to or not, which in this case means being against gun control.

you mean like bush has been towing the party line the last 7 years?
Democrats are in office because the republican party represents no one.
this is the kind of thinking that gave the Democrats congress in the first place.
The "but he's a Republican" kind of thinking is what lets Democrats actually get their drivel passed. A "Republican In Name Only" is worse than a Democrat, because he has Republican support.

The federal AWB passed because one Republican - Bob Dole - signed on (fortunately he demanded the 10-year sunset; you want to wait another 10 years?).
The NY AWB passed because the NRA-supported Republican governor - George Pataki - signed the blasted thing into law (unfortunately, there was no sunset clause, and it's written much worse than the federal AWB; fortunately the Dems still haven't figured out how bad).
The federal post-'86 machinegun ban passed because the revered (even by me) Republican president - Ronald Regan - signed the unconstitutional obscenity.

From history (the above and much more), it seems the greatest aid to Democrats mashing their agenda thru is a RINO who allegedly stands in opposition.
Rudy proved himself. Just focusing on RKBA, he is NOT on our side. Benign neglect might have been tolerable; unprecedented opposition thereto is not.
William Jefferson Clinton.

The best thing that ever happened to the Republican Party.

Let the Dems win. It's the only way we will purge soft on rights neo-socs in the guise of Republicans from the party's upper echelon.
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