Rumsfeld Poll - HIT IT!

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Brass Balls

Oct 24, 2003

I would endorse Rumsfeld stepping down if the prisoner problem was an epidemic in all of the prisons containing terrorists. As it stands this is the case of a handful of soldiers in one location. For that reason I think it is ludicrous to suggest that Rumsfeld step down.

Furthermore it pisses me off that American media is posting these prisoner photos every chance they get, yet they won't show pictures of our soldiers being dragged through the streets for Iraq. Wanna show some pictures? How about showing the pictures of the Twin Towers being hit? How about showing people jumping from these buildings because that was a better choice than burning to death?
It's ridiculous to ask Rumsfield to step down. I'd much rather see courts-martial for all of those who were involved, to include that Brigadier General who is making the TV show rounds. People being dragged through the streets are gruesome (some to the amount to violate FCC regs) but the pictures in the prison can easily have the offending material blurred out. The soldiers who commited these acts deserve to have their faces plastered all over for what they did.
How about showing the pictures of the Twin Towers being hit? How about showing people jumping from these buildings because that was a better choice than burning to death?

How about showing some pictures that tie Iraq to these attacks?
Those prisoners

Were probably dirtbags,so while while their treatment (the prisoners)
isn't right,I am willing to bet they did far worse during their days guarding Saddam's rape and torture rooms.

How about showing some pictures that tie Iraq to these attacks?

Saddam sent checks to Palestinian families if they sent their teenager to blow themselves up in pizza parlors full of little kids having a birthday party,or blowing up a bus full of children on their way to school.
Abu Abbas was caught in Bagdhad right after the troops took control of Saddam's palace. There is plenty to tie Saddam to terrorist but the New York Times cares more about appeasement then truth.

Saddam practiced real torture,if masturbation is torture,what is this?
My personal feeling is that when history looks back on his time as Secretary of Defense, Donald H Rumsfeld will be right up there with Robert S McNamara in contention for the title of the one man who did more to destroy our military capability when in office.

That said, wanting Rumsfeld to resign over the prison abuse issue would be like demanding the CEO of General Motors resign because a service manager at a dealership somewhere ripped off a customer on a repair. The system is working and those responsible will get their just due.

I disagree, Jeff. I think that if 9/11/2001 had not happened we would be much farther into the kind of transformation Rumsfeld originally set out to accomplish. As it is, the reforms are coming slowly because of the need to support the (various) combat efforts.

It won't be bloodless (transformation, that is). The defense industry will have to learn what accountability is, and the armed forces themselves will have to finally learn to fight (and support) jointly. Between new weapon systems and new tactics, techniques and procedures, the smaller DoD of the future will be able to fight and beat anybody. JMO, and YMMV.

This MP/intel episode is only an embarassing blip on the screen.

TFL Survivor
I voted no...

...watched some of the "pontification" on C-SPAN.

The continued insistence on blame shifting is nauseating.

The level of "outrage" from this incident makes the murder and mutiliation of the 4 contractors seem like a fender bender on the "richter scale" of media frenzy.

People in and out of uniform behaved criminally. They should receive appropriate due process. Those who are proven guilty should be punished.

The political opportunism is revolting to watch.

BTW, if the other party was in power, I'm guessing the roles would simply reverse themselves.

This is an ugly that is sickening to watch.

A final note...McCain insulted the memory of Pat Tillman by declaring that he was somehow diminished by this event...

...since this is the High Road, I won't express my full contempt and outrage at the "distinguished Senator's" remarks.

Pat Tillman is not accused of abusing anyone.

Pat Tillman walked away from millions because he believed in something.

Pat Tillman gave his life for what he believed in.

Senator McCain used to believe in something.

Now he disparages hero's by associating them with the criminal acts of wonder he doesn't get the gun issue either.

I voted no, but if Rumsfeld were to resign, it would be a hoot for GWB to appoint Wolfowitz as Defense Sec.

That would really put the lefts panties in a wad.

I think you read McCains statements wrong. What I got from it was that McCain was very upset that the actions of these MP's cast a bad light on the sacrifice Pat Tillman made..

I'm NOT a fan of John McCain, but in general, he's on our side when it comes to standing up for our troops. That, however is about the only thing I can say that is good about him.

The incidents at the Iraqi prison are a result of failures with the local command structure starting with the brigadier general down to the squad leaders working inside the prison.
The entire local chain of command should be relieved of duty along with those "soldiers" who took an active part in the incidents. Then court-martial the entire lot if enough evidence is found against them.

Demanding the SECDEF to resign because of events thousands of miles away beyond his personal control is not just unrealistic, it's stupid.

(In case he does I have a couple of suggested replacements)
re: McCain

I think you read McCains statements wrong. What I got from it was that McCain was very upset that the actions of these MP's cast a bad light on the sacrifice Pat Tillman made..

I didn't read McCain's statements wrong, I heard them uttered live.

If he offers a clarification, I'll be happy to read it/hear it.

Until then, I stand by my criticism of McCain's remarks as given.

During Viet Nam, the actions of some led to many returning vets being branded with the same iron...called Baby Killers and other unfair, inappropriate names...their safety called into question by "enlightened" individuals.

McCain made the same leap with even suggest that his memory is diminished by some "shared responsibility" is an outrage.

McCain lived through 'Nam, he should know better.

He (McCain) was once a great he's a typical Washington insider...corrupted by the system.

This poll is pretty close--57 keep him, 43 fire him.

We could use some more votes...

I think the Reno/Waco Rumsfeld/Iraq comparison is a good one. If Reno shouldn't resign over Waco, why should Rumsfeld resign over this?

The commanding officer of the crew who ran the prison is probably the appropriate one to hold responsible.
I think the Reno/Waco Rumsfeld/Iraq comparison is a good one. If Reno shouldn't resign over Waco, why should Rumsfeld resign over this?

Isn't it possible to believe both Rumsfeld and Reno should/should have resigned?

C'mon, you're smarter than this.
Isn't it possible to believe both Rumsfeld and Reno should/should have resigned?
Actually Reno should have resigned and Rumsfeld not ... Reno ordered the atrocity at Waco ... Rumsfeld had nothing to do with the incident in Iraq (which frankly is about as earth shattering as a Frat Hazing gone bad).

My reason for bringing up the Reno/Waco thing was to point out that the only reason Democrats are asking for Rumsfeld's head is because he's a Republican and they will take any Republican down for any reason (legitimate or not) any chance they get and the mainstream media will help them (that last part is the primary difference between Republicans and Democrats in this type of situation).
Voted no! How come all the countrys and Gov officials didnt say anything when the contractors were dragged thru the streets, what about Samalia, GW 1 Viet Nam Korea the list goes on, why is it ok for so scumbag country to do it but not us? The old saying alls fair in love and War!

My point is this: It is wrong to say that just because Reno didn't resign, that it is wrong to call for Rumsfeld's resignation. Both cases need to stand on their own merits. They are completely unrelated. Its like saying "if you don't like onions, how can you like peas?" (I dislike both onions and peas.)
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