I love 32 revolvers. I love 32 caliber in general, but revolvers are my preference. My 30-1 was the start of a sickness. I’m up to, in order of aquisition, a 30-1, RG31, Mauser 1914, 32 safety hammerless, and I need to go to the gun shop and pick up a frame to rebuild a H&R 733. I will have more in the 733 than if I had bought it, but I plan on stoning, jeweling, and polishing the innards and making it as incredible as possible for a cheapo, then it will be my working gun.
As for the Regulation Police, it’s on the short list. I don’t yet have an I frame but have most of the other Smith frames covered, and nothing sits around at my house. If it’s in the safe it makes noise, all the way back to the 1868 model 1. I have bid on several beaters, and will eventually win an auction for a beat up old duty gun but rest assured it will get a workout.
Those old S&W guns like heavy and slow bullets generally. Find some wadcutters in the neighborhood of 100gr and your in business.