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SA Museum Trip (a bit pic heavy)

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Feb 1, 2009
Well, I just got back from a trip to Massachusetts. My wife is out there working for the summer, as is her brother. When I was out there, us boys decided to take a trip to Springfield, and go to the awe inspiring Springfield Armory, which is now (part at least) a community college. I have to say, I enjoyed that campus much more than any other campus I have been on. :p

The museum there was really quite nice and is free to boot, but the upstairs is now off limits. Apparently it was open to the public at one time, but no more. (We talked to the park ranger at the desk, and he seemed pretty unhappy with that decision, and said even they had a hard time getting up there. Additionally, he said it was from the new administration – which I believe he meant the Parks Service, not Obama. I’m sure they would love to hear your opinions on this - www.nps.gov/spar/contacts.htm) He also said it held about 90% of the collection, which makes it pretty sad to me. I bet they have some real treasures up there.

They had everything from Vulcan cannons, to M2’s to muskets, to M1’s, BAR’s, M1 carbines, 1903’s, and M16’s. SN 1 was there, as well as SN 81 (the first M1 off the line) as well as 2 mil, 3 mil, and 6,084,445 (the last M1 off the line).

Sorry about the lack of pictures, I grossly underestimated how much space was left on my memory card. But here are a few for you guys.

The Smith and Wesson Center is only about 10-15 minutes away, as are the other museums in Springfield (and the Seusse sculptures, which are pretty cool, IMO). If you guys ever happen to be in the area, it would be well worth your time to go.







That would be a great place to visit. Was able to visit the Aberdeen Proving Grounds museum near Annapolis MD a few years ago. They had a tremendous display of small arms of all kinds. And for big arms you can't beat Aberdeen's outdoor armor display although some of it is getting really rusty.
Good for you. I used to live up near there and have been several times. I ever went on one of the upstairs tours they had. It's a great museam
when were you there i was just there yesterday with my buddy, I was really comtemplating just walking up stairs but noticed the video cameras so we didnt,
when were you there i was just there yesterday

I was actually there last week. I got back this last Sunday, but have been busy getting ready for my next semester, and doing a bunch of stuff around the house, so I was late in posting it.

I should really go check it out.

I think you should. There is a lot of stuff to do around the area. A good amount of firearms stuff, and also museums in Springfield, and in the Berkshires (which is where my wife is working, and only about 45 minutes from Lenox.)
Another nice arms museum is just outside the gate at West Point Military Academy in NY's lower Hudson Valley. It's about 50 miles from the NYC border.

It's free and covers just about all small arms from day one of this country.
especially being able to see an StG44 and MP40 in person.

It was really cool - I'd not ever seen one in person before.

Another very cool part was when we got home and told my wife that for a $500 donation, you can hold SN 1 and get your pic taken with it and that I did it. She bought it for a couple minutes, because she knows that I might very well have done that, if it was only true.
Great pics - thanks for posting. I really like the one of the muskets (I guess) stacked and racked on top of each other.

Could you imagine having to use one of those in battle? It sends shivers down my spine!
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