Saddam's gone, now the truth starts coming out...

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Dec 24, 2002
Southern PRK

The News We Kept To Ourselves

ATLANTA — Over the last dozen years I made 13 trips to Baghdad to lobby the government to keep CNN's Baghdad bureau open and to arrange interviews with Iraqi leaders. Each time I visited, I became more distressed by what I saw and heard — awful things that could not be reported because doing so would have jeopardized the lives of Iraqis, particularly those on our Baghdad staff.

For example, in the mid-1990's one of our Iraqi cameramen was abducted. For weeks he was beaten and subjected to electroshock torture in the basement of a secret police headquarters because he refused to confirm the government's ludicrous suspicion that I was the Central Intelligence Agency's Iraq station chief. CNN had been in Baghdad long enough to know that telling the world about the torture of one of its employees would almost certainly have gotten him killed and put his family and co-workers at grave risk.

Working for a foreign news organization provided Iraqi citizens no protection. The secret police terrorized Iraqis working for international press services who were courageous enough to try to provide accurate reporting. Some vanished, never to be heard from again. Others disappeared and then surfaced later with whispered tales of being hauled off and tortured in unimaginable ways. Obviously, other news organizations were in the same bind we were when it came to reporting on their own workers.

We also had to worry that our reporting might endanger Iraqis not on our payroll. I knew that CNN could not report that Saddam Hussein's eldest son, Uday, told me in 1995 that he intended to assassinate two of his brothers-in-law who had defected and also the man giving them asylum, King Hussein of Jordan. If we had gone with the story, I was sure he would have responded by killing the Iraqi translator who was the only other participant in the meeting. After all, secret police thugs brutalized even senior officials of the Information Ministry, just to keep them in line (one such official has long been missing all his fingernails).

Still, I felt I had a moral obligation to warn Jordan's monarch, and I did so the next day. King Hussein dismissed the threat as a madman's rant. A few months later Uday lured the brothers-in-law back to Baghdad; they were soon killed.

I came to know several Iraqi officials well enough that they confided in me that Saddam Hussein was a maniac who had to be removed. One Foreign Ministry officer told me of a colleague who, finding out his brother had been executed by the regime, was forced, as a test of loyalty, to write a letter of congratulations on the act to Saddam Hussein. An aide to Uday once told me why he had no front teeth: henchmen had ripped them out with pliers and told him never to wear dentures, so he would always remember the price to be paid for upsetting his boss. Again, we could not broadcast anything these men said to us.

Last December, when I told Information Minister Muhammad Said al-Sahhaf that we intended to send reporters to Kurdish-controlled northern Iraq, he warned me they would "suffer the severest possible consequences." CNN went ahead, and in March, Kurdish officials presented us with evidence that they had thwarted an armed attack on our quarters in Erbil. This included videotaped confessions of two men identifying themselves as Iraqi intelligence agents who said their bosses in Baghdad told them the hotel actually housed C.I.A. and Israeli agents. The Kurds offered to let us interview the suspects on camera, but we refused, for fear of endangering our staff in Baghdad.

Then there were the events that were not unreported but that nonetheless still haunt me. A 31-year-old Kuwaiti woman, Asrar Qabandi, was captured by Iraqi secret police occupying her country in 1990 for "crimes," one of which included speaking with CNN on the phone. They beat her daily for two months, forcing her father to watch. In January 1991, on the eve of the American-led offensive, they smashed her skull and tore her body apart limb by limb. A plastic bag containing her body parts was left on the doorstep of her family's home.
I felt awful having these stories bottled up inside me.

Now that Saddam Hussein's regime is gone, I suspect we will hear many, many more gut-wrenching tales from Iraqis about the decades of torment. At last, these stories can be told freely.

Eason Jordan is chief news executive at CNN.
cool9mm, the anti's response will be that we've done the same thing. It's a lie, of course, but their existence depends upon lies.
Yeah, Saddam's a bastard. I've never said anything else. And, no, it still doesn't justify invading and occupying Iraq.

Believe it or not, I've been aware of such atrocities for years. I'm also aware of the same sorts of atrocities carried out by governments in a lot of other countries in the world. Some of which have been or are big recipients of US aid. Who do we invade next? Mexico?
Zander nailed it.


It is not a man's duty, as a matter of course, to devote himself to the eradication of any, even the most enormous wrong; he may still properly have other concerns to engage him; but it is his duty, at least, to wash his hands of it, and, if gives it no thought, not to give practically his support. -- Henry David Thoreau
So Peter Arnett is actually a tortured soul just crying out to tell the real truth about his relationship with the Iraqi regime? He and Dan Rather should make millions writing books about what they couldn`t say until now.:barf:
Rush devoted a great deal of time about this guy today. He is of the opinion the article is a preemptive strike to cover any information the US may find in Iraqi archives showing this guy's duplicity.

He had one email that posed a very interesting question. WHY would Uday trust this guy enough to tell him about planning to assassinate the King of Jordan and two of his brothers-in-law? And why this guy didn't inform the two in-laws, either directly or indirectly, they were being tricked and would be killed if they came back to Iraq?

One can also state that this person's silence for the past decade resulted in more innocent deaths than all of the civilian deaths that occured in the Iraqi liberation. In fact, more deaths than the news media's pre-war estimates of civilian casualties should the US invade.
Eason Jordan is attempting to come clean with his conscience and rationalize his decisions to suppress the truth at the same time. Basically, if he'd let the true story out he would have lost access to the news coverage in Baghdad. My response is that if the News organizations cover up the truth when they have access, what good are they?

Worse though, is that knowing the truth, CNN attempted to sway public opinion against the President and conducting a "righteous war". CNN is toast.
Eason Jordan is attempting to come clean with his conscience and rationalize his decisions to suppress the truth at the same time.
LOL! The "man" has no conscience...he allowed the "secrets" of Hussein's regime to remain speculation [no matter the facts to which he had access] so that he could continue "reporting" inside Iraq.

He's a whore...and a despicable one at that. Not that he didn't reflect the anti-American bent of his bosses at the Communist News Network. He did...much to Ted Turner's satisfaction.

Now he's a pariah...except, of course with the most virulent America-haters in the general media...who never met a tyrant they didn't worship.

I suggest a fact-finding mission to Cuba for Mssr. Eason...he'll be among friends, for sure.
I love the idea among the media (mostly tacit, sometimes not) that they are purveyors of the "truth." Yet, as most of us already knew, they shape it as it pleases them, or outright supress it, as this story confirms.

What makes this story particularly sickening is they jeopardized the lives of innocent Iraqis by even being in the country, only so they could report falsehoods and manipulations for the audiences back home. Talk about lives lost in vain. They should've refused to play that game if the rules were being made up by Saddam as he went. They could've printed the press releases from "Baghdad Bob" verbatim, for as much good as it did, rather than play this deadly charade.

I also see that, despite the well-known risks to indigenous personnel, they failed to use Arabic-speaking staff and journalists from elsewhere to mitigate some of the dangers.

For a bunch of guys whose left-wing bias gets them the derisive appellation "Communist News Network," they sure seem pretty willing to whore themselves out for cash.

:barf: :cuss: :barf: :cuss: :barf:
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