San Francisco to Vote on Handgun Ban in Nov.

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Dec 26, 2002

Thursday, January 20, 2005

SAN FRANCISCO — Frustrated by a 28 percent increase in homicides during the past year, the San Francisco Board of Supervisors (search) has proposed a sweeping measure banning handguns, injecting the city into the national debate over gun control.

The proposal will appear on the municipal ballot in November and would bar residents from keeping handguns in their homes or businesses. It also would prohibit the sale, manufacture and distribution of any firearms or ammunition in San Francisco, where residents have bought nearly 22,000 handguns since 1996, according to the state attorney general's office.

Supervisor Chris Daly.....
San Francisco had 88 murders in 2004, up from 69 in 2003. Sixty-three of last year's homicides involved a firearm, Police Sgt. Neville Gittens said. The city has averaged 71 homicides a year over the past decade, from a low of 58 in 1998 to a high of 99 in 1995.

In similar news, 88 murders in San Francisco in 2004, up from 69 in 2003. 88 of last year's homicides involved a criminal.....
welcome to the radical world of the bay area. I hate this place, and joining the USAF only got me 40 miles away :banghead:

did i mention that i hate this place? :cuss:
I wonder if any of the intelligencia in the City by the Bay has thought about proposing a ban on criminals....

One would think that a simple look at the murder statistics in Washinton D.C. where guns are banned, would indicate that a ban doesn't really seem to work all that well.
If this monstrous infringement of the RKBA passes, then I hope that the major gun rights organizations will pay for top-notch lawyers for the first person jailed under the statute. That person should sue SF on 2nd and 14th Amendment grounds. Given that the 9th Circus WILL rule against them, and given the 5th Circuit's stance on the issue, a Supreme Court challenge should be given Cert. Then, at last, we may actually have the first pure 2nd Amendment case since Miller in 1939.

Nonetheless, everything possible should be done to defeat this measure. Gun owners need to fight every step of the way.
everyone talks hard about molon labe, but the truth is VERY few people will put-up when time comes... they mean well, but the truth is we have more important personal responsibilities....

am i going to stand up to law enforcement officers coming to my door to do their job by forcing them to sling lead back and forth? hell no, these guys are doing their job that more than likely they dont want to do, and also i have a wife to take care of.... and the leo's have family too... as much damage as we COULD inflict, the truth is that gun owners are a responsible and level headed bunch... much more so that the wipes that want to take our rights from us.
...much more so that the wipes that want to take our rights from us.

General Curtis E. LeMay (of WW2 and SAC fame) was a rather direct fellow. One of my favorite quotes is one of his and goes something like this: "The best way to get rid of flies is to stop squatting individual flies and instead bomb the @#$*pile!"
If I read that article correctly, CCW holders can still bring their guns into SF. If that is the case, I say a bunch of us get together and make an SF trip just for the fun of it to snob it in their face. Of course no one will know we are carrying, but still. Wait, we could all wear these.

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i am going to be trying to change some folks minds on this.

so far at least one , maybe two.

my goal is at least 100 people wake up and vote no.

all of us who live near here should be printing out some stuff and posting it up or handing it out.
Chris Daly is a complete 100% professional nut job.

Every single letter to the editor that I have seen in either the SF Chronicle or the SF Examiner has been vehemently against the ban. (These are from SF residents remember.) And not a single letter in support of it. I know this may not mean much in the grand scheme of things, but I find it very interesting.

The proposed law itself is nothing but a ‘feel good’ gesture by the Board ‘o Supes to make it look like they’re doing something about the ongoing gang war between BigBlock and the WestSideMob here in the Hunters Point and Bayview districts.

And, of course, we know that the bangers will dutifully hand over their firearms if this thing does pass… right?

And then of course there’s the question of legality of the law itself. I’ve asked Jim March
about this (and I respect his opinion on firearms regulations as regards Cali and so should you) and he believes it’s going nowhere. This was tried by DiFi back in 82 and it didn’t fly back then either.

I’m not overly concerned by it, though it will be interesting to watch it play out; the Supe’s that proposed and supported this may have really screwed the pooch on this one- after the fanfare announcement of the proposed law and then the lack of support for it as displayed by the general populace, they may feel they have to stay the course or lose any street cred they have with the super lefties here in the City. And crash and burn.
Hasn't the CRPA got alot of the cities AW laws taken off the books because the cities can't make gun laws. Only the a**holes in Sac can do that?
I wish handgun makers would just stop supplying the SFPD with ANYTHING. Kick em where it really hurts. After all, they won't need guns anymore once the ban is in effect.... Right?

Add Noo Yawk to that too.
San Francisco will approve this measure if it makes it to ballot. If you lived here, you'd understand. If you look at the posts from people who live in this place, they've already accepted it as a foregone conclusion. This is the same city/county that voted against the recall in excess of 80% and for Kerry 83%. Some of the worst war protests were in SF, people chaining themselves across the street, vomiting in the streets(Puking for Peace...classy) and various other sundry groups. These people will vote for it with a smile. :banghead:
San Francisco will approve this measure if it makes it to ballot. If you lived here, you'd understand. If you look at the posts from people who live in this place, they've already accepted it as a foregone conclusion. This is the same city/county that voted against the recall in excess of 80% and for Kerry 83%. Some of the worst war protests were in SF, people chaining themselves across the street, vomiting in the streets(Puking for Peace...classy) and various other sundry groups. These people will vote for it with a smile.

it's scary how most people i know are so anti big gov't anti big brother but are all for being disarmed by the govt.

i am hoping i can change a few people's minds, but i dont know about keeping it from passing.
Leftist extremists may not be very bright or have much moral integrity, but you've got to admit they're persistent.

So are the guys that continually wash their hands over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over until the meds kick in

"Given that the 9th Circus WILL rule against them, and given the 5th Circuit's stance on the issue, a Supreme Court challenge should be given Cert."

Should, but won't. Oh, how I'd love to have the Supreme court chambers bugged, so I could hear the conversations whenever somebody mentions the 2nd amendment in a brief...
So are we going to organize a CCW THR SF road trip? I think it would be fun. How cool would that be if about 20 of us sat down somewhere and were eating and (this will not happen) for some reason the cops figured out we were carrying and start questioning us all. How great to see all the cops get bent out of shape because of a large, legally armed, mob is in town and there isn't a darn thing they could do about it.
Whoever saw the movie Deathwish can understand what happens when you take guns away from joe citizen... I mean Deathwish shows that criminals WILL have guns no matter what, while Joe citizen will be powerless to "fight-off" the gang bangers, etc. The most striking point in the movie is when two smucko-cops take an elder jewish couples only means of defence a handgun, while complete ignoring the the fact that the gang members are robbing, killing, raping, at will in the streets and homes of the people in the city.

Enter Charles Bronsin (sp?) with gun in hand he starts taking the city back from the gangs. Needless to say while this movie is ficition, it is a very STRIKING example of how misplaced any form of gun control is. It shows that no matter what criminals will have guns and USE them to kill, harm others. It also shows that joe citizen will use their guns to PROTECT themsevles, and for many it is the ONLY means for them to protect not only themselves, but loved ones and property..

This is must see for anyone!
What has happened statistically in D.C. since guns were banned? Anybody have any info? (Curious. I'm not in favor of banning guns.)
I suspect that it will pass by a significant margin. then it will run headlong right into Californias suprisingly strong state-level preemption and get defeated in court. Thats the good news.

The bad news, is that this issue combined with the gay marriage issue will propell a movement towards "city rights" in California and we can look foreward to some initiatives aimed at giving the cities more leway in making their own rules (this might actually be good for a lot of Californians but REALLY bad for the people in the cities). Then I suspect we can look foreward to NYC style bans in LA, SanFran, Sacramento etc.
Once again?...............I was not aware that you could not own a handgun in Noo Yawk........I better get rid of mine :confused: :confused: :confused:
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