Sarah Brady version 1.0

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Dec 29, 2002
Wikipedia entry for Carrie A. Nation

Carrie Amelia Nation (November 25, 1846 – June 9, 1911) was perhaps the most famous person to emerge from the temperance movement—the battles against alcohol in pre-Prohibition America—due to her habit of attacking saloons with a hatchet. She has been the topic of numerous books, articles and even a 1966 opera at the University of Kansas.

American history is rife with authoritarian statists marching about, jamming their ill-conceived and irrational beliefs down the throats of others. While reading the Wiki entry on Carrie Nation last night, it struck me that there is no difference between her and Sarah Brady, or the people who head up the Center for Science in the Public Interest (sic).

The upshot to the whole thing is this:
If freedom prevailed through the repeal of prohibition, and against the will of a hatchet-wielding psychopath, perhaps our fight isn't nearly so challenging.

Or maybe I'm just in an exceptionally positive mood today. But whatever.
Carrie Nation took an ax
And gave the gin shops forty whacks.
When Sarah Brady saw what Carrie done,
She gave the gun shops forty-one.

(My apologies to Lizzie Borden.)
IMO, Carrie Nation went down into history with a positive light because of Feminism. She was a strong-willed woman, in a mans world, and she gave them a beating. The feminazis loved it, especially the authoritarian outlook.

I, and I say this as a non-drinker, would have shot the vile woman if she ever set foot inside MY stores with an axe.
I think she she did it because the husbands were spending their entire paycheck in the bar leaving their families to starve as well as doing all the other bad things drunks do.

Instead of going after the people responsible she attacked the inanimate object.

Sounds familiar.
I was just reading the handbook for pistol ownership and use for my county in Long Island, and there were several references to the Brady bill as it applies to the 5 day waiting period, and magazine capacity. Its so much bull to please the liberal element here in NY, we have mandatory background checking so the 5 day period is waived (it takes a few months to get a pistol permit as it is), and if 10 bullet clips are saving lives over 20 and 30 round clips, I've not seen one shred of evidence to support that. It is however, a technique to slowly erode the right to keep and bear arms and a clever technique at that. With rats like Hillary C. (fill in your own favorite "C" word) and Chucky "cheese" Schumer trying to disarm America we all need to join the NRA and support the RKBA.
Ain't it great how far we've come, today's prohibitionists wouldn't think of resorting to a hatchet when they have SWAT tanks, MP5s, and flashbangs.
Prohibition led to widespread organized crime, which led to violence, which led to prohibition being repealed, which led to NFA, which should have resulted in violence, which led to GCA, which should have resulted in violence, which led to FOPA, which should have resulted in violence, which led to the Brady Bill and AWB, which should have resulted in violence...
Lets not forget the creeping prohibition on tobacco embraced by many today. And lets not forget the zeal of authority of groups like PETA, ELF ,ALF.
Prohibition led to widespread organized crime, which led to violence, which led to prohibition being repealed, which led to NFA

Good, but let's take a few steps back. Where did Prohibition come from? The Temperance Movement. What made the Temperance Movement possible? Womens' Sufferage.

I dare you to prove otherwise!

If I were married to a lady like Carrie Nation, I'd have drunk too, now that I've got that out of the way, I agree that her and Mrs. Brady are cut from the same cloth, and have both made the same mistake of blaming the inanimate object instead of the people using it/them.
According to one episode of Wild West Tech, Carrie Nation raided saloons as she did because she allegedly had two or three failed marriages she blamed on over-consumption of alcohol. So basically, she married the wrong guy three times in a row, then got mad at 'em for drinking. But, and not unlike another posters observation, maybe she drove 'em to drink. We probably won't ever know exactly what happened there.

But I agree about the mentality between Nation and Brady and the puritan fear of somebody somewhere having fun.
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