Scalia learns lesson?

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Baba Louie

Dec 26, 2002

JACKSON, Miss. — Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia (search), in a letter to an Associated Press reporter received Tuesday, said he learned his lesson over an incident in which a federal marshal erased recordings of a speech Scalia gave to high school students.

Scalia also vowed he would make it clear in the future that recording his remarks for the use of the print media would not be a problem.

"I have learned my lesson (at your expense), and shall certainly be more careful in the future," Scalia wrote in the letter dated Friday.

The AP reporter, Denise Grones (search), said Tuesday she was "happy Justice Scalia understands the value of a reporter doing his or her job. Print reporters usually depend heavily on their recorders to ensure accurate quotes, and that's what I was doing that day."


"As I understand it from press reports, a United States Marshal erased, or caused you to erase, the tape recorder that you were using for the purpose of assuring the accuracy of your press report," Scalia wrote in an apology to both reporters. "I imagine that is an upsetting and indeed enraging experience and I want you to know how it happened."

Scalia explained that in a speech earlier that day he had asked that his appearance not be recorded.

"That announcement was not repeated at the high school, but the marshals believed (with good reason) that the same policy was in effect," Scalia wrote.

"The marshals were doing what they believed to be their job, and the fault was mine for not assuring that the ground rules had been clarified."

end snip...

Just a simple misunderstanding folks. Ignore the man behind the curtain. He assumes fault. No apologies needed. Move on. Nothing to see here. Go back to work now.
I don't understand what the problem is with taping the man while he's speaking ina public place:confused:
Let me understand this....He's speaking at a public forum. He feeds from the public trough. But, his High Holiness Scalia still gets different rules.
I love it that he gets to select only the print media to be allowed to exercise the freedom of the press thing. What's next, he decides that only Baptists get to worship on Sunday?
That the Federal Marshals just assume that the First Amendment doesn't apply to newspaper reporters is, wait. I forgot. Marshals and the FBI get to decide what parts of the Consitution are still OK and which parts no longer apply.
I am absolutely OUTRAGED that this has not been shouted from the rooftops. :cuss: :cuss: :cuss: :cuss: :cuss:
As he is now making clear, he doesn't have a problem with the press using recording devices to make sure they quote him properly.

He's just not fond of some members of the press using sound bytes out of context to scew what he's trying to say.

We have a right to free speech in this country. However we also have a responsibility to represent the truth when we exercise that right.

Some members of the press are happy to exercise their right to free speech, but don't seem to care about accuracy or integrity.

Limiting the use of recordings to print media only reduces the number of spin masters using clips for effect.
If a government official isn't speaking in official capacity there's no reason why they should have to allow recording devices. That goes the same for anyone giving a speech.
Public official make public pronouncements in a public forum. . . . picking and choosing what kind of media gets to record his utterances.

If he doesn't like what is said about him he should either shut up and not make public utterances or just quit and get another job where public utterances are not an issue.

In any case, any public official conducting an interview without running his personal recorder is an idiot and richly deserves everything coming his way.

Dogs bark
Cats meow
Snakes wiggle
Reporters lie

What is so hard to understand.
Scalia is solidly pro-2nd, according to his friend, law school perfesser Lino Graglia. But I guess there are those who would rather keep their porn than their guns...
I think that Justice Scalia might have been trying to avoid the kind of backlash that happened recently to Justice O'Connor concerning a statement she made when giving a speech. She made a comment to the effect that the court would be in the future taking international law into account when rendering its decisions. A smart reporter got it on tape and printed the quote. Most people ascribe to the belief that the USSC is in place to interpret and decide cases based on US law and Constitutional provisions only, and O'Connor's comment raised the ire (rightfully) among many people. She's been backpeddling and weasel-wording every since.
Scalia is not duty bound to make a speech. He can agree under certain conditions. If Justices know that someone is just itchin' to burn them with a quote, politicizing their function, never allowing them an off the record comment, I could understand some restrictions on recording.
RealGun nailed it. He's under no obligation to give any specific speech, and he (or you, or I) is/are free to agree subject to any reasonable conditions we feel are important. Given the track record of most audio and video media today (i.e., using select sound bites to make their point, and not necessarily that of the speaker) I don't blame him for being wary of recording devices. I do think he took The High Road in apologizing to the reporter and explaining the situation. More than I would have expected from one of the High Holies. :scrutiny:

TFL Survivor
Public official make public pronouncements in a public forum. . . . picking and choosing what kind of media gets to record his utterances.

Being invited to speak at a high school doesn't mean you give up your rights.

He wasn't acting in his official capacity as a Supreme Court Justice.

Don't be so quick to try and take away the rights of others. You're just encouraging people to take away your own.
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