Scariest thing you've ever read?

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Sep 22, 2003
Directly below date registered
There are a lot of reasons why I can't wait to be able to carry a handgun concealed. One of the biggest is a book I read once.
It's called "The Turner Diaries" and it scared the living daylights out of me. For those blessed enough to have never experienced this warped bit of prose, let me provide a brief synopsis. A small band of whites take over the world and slaughter everyone who isn't white. It was the first time I'd ever heard the term "race traitor." Since I fit that description perfectly (I'm a white guy who's wife has brown skin) I found the term unsettling to say the least. For me, the worst thing that happened in the book was an event called IIRC "The Day of the Rope." This was where all the racially mixed people and "race traitors" were strung up from every available light pole, traffic light etc. It truly drove home the point that there are people out there who would really love to kill me and my family.

So I was wondering. Have ya'll ever read a book or saw a movie that made you want to be armed, or just made you glad that you are?
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